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Random Editorial Ramblings
(Continued from Page 6.)
The production of wooden lath is shown by the late figures to be a waning industry. Every state that makes wooden lath shows production rapidly decreasing. We produced about 600,000,000 fewer wooden lath in 1927 than in 1926. These figures are not surprising. Wooden lath sales have always been entirely automatic. No one has ever done anything to create' promote, or sustain a market for wooden lath. The wooden lath market has always been like Topsy'it "just happened." The production of metal and other lath has increased steadily and hugely, and continues to do so, urged on by the force of intelligent merchandising and trade promotion.
The wood that got the best "breaks" during the past year was undoubtedly Spruce. Every now and then Providence seems to step in and give some guy a generous and unexpected lift, and such a dispensation has undoubtedly come to the Spruce manufacturer. More than a hundred factories are now manufacturing aeroplanes that didn't exist a year ago. There will be double that number in two more years, and several times the production of fiying ships. And the important wood in every place is Spruce. Most of ths Spruce big enough to produce plane material is in the Pacific Northwest. So we will have to hand Spruce the ticket for being the most Providentially favored wood in the past year-and probabty for several years to come.
Pacific-Atlantic Lumber Corp. Tacoma Lumbermen's Club Announce Appointments Elect Officers
The following appointments have been made recently by the newly formed Pacific-Atlantic Lumber Corporation:
J. N. Manning, who has been traffic_manager.for the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co. at Portland, is to be traffic manager of the new organization, and will assume his duties at Tacoma, January 7.
J. E. Madison, manager of the Portland office of Sudden & -Christenson will be local manager at Tacoma, and Byron Long who has been Mr. Madison's assistant at Portland will act in a similar capacity at Tacoma.
Fire which practically destroyed the plant of the McCleary Timber Co.. McCleary, Wash., December 31, resulted in the loss of the life of Bert Calloway, an employe, and property damage estimated to, exceed $1,000,000. - The factory which employed about 400 men, and had a large output of doors and sash and material for automobile bodies, will be rebulit at once.
Karl B. Kellogg, treasurer of the Ship Lumber Mill Co. and the East Side Mill Co. was recently elected president of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club for t9D. W. Yale Henry, president of the Henry Mill & Timber Co. was elected vice-president, and S. S. Waterman, assistant sales manager-of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., was elected secr€ta ry-tre as Ll re r.
Eastern Lumberman Visits Redwood Mill
M. V. Hamlin, vice-president of J. E. Harroun & Son, Inc., Watertown N. Y., representatives of The Pacific Lumber Co. for the northern part of Nerv York state, was a recent visitor to the Pacific Coast.
M,r. Hamlin visitecl the San Francisco office of the company, and spent a few days at the company's'operations at Scoiia. Heihen left for the Pacific Northwest to call on his mill connections there.