2 minute read
Kirc-hmann Hardwood
Co. Harbor For 1928 Buys San Francisco Yard
' of Cadwallader-Gibson
One of the largest 'and most important hardrvood deals in recent years was the purchase, just after the first of the year by the Kirchmann lfardwood Co. of the San Francisco plant of the Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., situated at 599 Brannon St.
According to Henry Kirchmann Jr., head of the Kirchmann Hardwood Co., the new owners will handle the Cadwallader-Gibson products, Bataan, Lamao and Bagac. in lumber, panels, table tops, etc., in the Northern California territory, and in addition rvill handle their present line of all domestic hardwoods.
The Kirchmann Hardwood Co. will continue to operate their own other yard at 25th and 3rd streets as a stock yard, but the executive office will be moved to 599 Brannan St.
Latest Airport Development in New Hanger Book West Coast Mill to
Owing to the widespread popularity of the first edition of "Airp-lane Hangar eonstrirction," published by the-National Lumber Manufacturers Association, engineers of the Association considered it advisable to prepare a more comprehensive bulletin of airport design and hangar construciion. "Airplane Hangar Construction" has therefore been revised and will soon be ready for distribution.
The new bulletin contains information to assist airport authorities. manufacturers, aviation companies. and others who may be interested in airport and hangar c-onstruction. in deteimining the best construction for their particular requiretnents.* The new regulations of the Department of Co-.rrerce for rating airpoits on "general equipment and facilities" are given. There is also a table of the latest olane sizes. an analysis of modern hangar reqttirements, and nerv plans of hangars of requisite size for class A, B and C airports with details of trusses and hardware.
The general discussion on aviation and airports is based on the "most recent developments and is presented in order to make this publication oi real value to airport authorities'
Walter Mcdonough Married
Mrs. Edna Daniels and Walter M. McDonough were married at San Bernardino' on Saturday,.Jantary 5'. Mt', McDonough is well known to the lumber fraterntty ot Southern talifornia and is connected with the wholesale hardwood department of the Hammond Lumber Compan-y' Mrs. Danieli formerly resided in- Colorado but for the past few years she hai been a resident of Los Angeles'
Test Scandinavian Saw
A saving of 15 to 25 per cent ir, the drain on America's timber resources will be made possible if the nerv type of Scandinavian gang sawing machinery, now being tested by the National Committee on Wood Utilization, proves successful, according to Axel H. Oxholm, director of the committee.
The committee has been investigating the Scandinavian gang sawing system for the last few Jr'ears, and some time ago a special sub-committee headed by A. Trieschmann was organi zed f.or the purpose of testing it .in the United States. Announcement is now made by the Committee that Anderson Brothers of Olympia, Wash., are making a, complete installation of Scandinavian gang sawing machin' ery, in co-operation with the National Committee on Wood Utilization, and will be in a position to make practical tests on the machinery in operation during the early part of next t929.
Rollins Brown A Seattle Visitor
Rollins A. Brown, Los Angeles, Southern California representative for the Perfection Oak Flooring Co. of Shreveport, Louisiana, is a Seattle visitor. Before coming to Los Angeles, he was connected with the lumber business in Seattle for many years, so in addition to looking after his business matters. he is calling on many of his lumbermen friends in the Puget Sound District.

REATER BUSINESS volume in 1929 means greater de mands on your trucks. The new 1929 Morelands are engineered to givethe lowest cost hauling in any specialized field. Eleven basic chassis range in capacities from oneton to 34rOOO pounds, each unit possessing every modern proved feature.
LOGGING in boggy roadless timberland is easy work for More-