1 minute read
Creo-Dipts .t
nOw staxne4 under pressure by patented process
A S every dealer knows, stained .f\ shingl.s have always been dipped in 1[6 s1ain-a primitive, clumsy method at best.
Now Creo-Dipt has perfected a startling improvement. Creo-Dipts are staitrcil under pressuresubmerged in heated, agitated stain, while compressed air forces preserving oils and colors into the shingles.
A tremendous advance! Improvements that took Creo-Dipt engineers frve years to perfect-that add many thousands of dollars each year in manufacturing expense. And y* Creo-Dipts-pressureslainsd-6ep e to you at exactly the same price as before.
We should like to mail you /rce, our regular 25c portfolio of photographs of Creo-Dipt homes, together with some interesting examples of new roof treatments and old homes rebeautified with CreoDipts laid right over the old siding. Also we want to be sure that you have an upto-date color booklet showing the wide range of Creo-Dipt colors. Won't you write us today for anything you need)
Creo-Dipt Company, Ine., Oliver St., No. Tonawanda, N. Y. Northern California Sales Representative: The Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco. Southern Cali,fornia Sales Representative: The Hipolito Company, 2021 Silr.. Alameda St., Los Angeles. Look for Creo-Dipt in your phone book.