1 minute read
SUGAR PINE logs are secured difierent manner than that of 50 years ago, but their QUALITY is UNCHANGED.
Forest experts tell us t.hat the virgin tim' ber in which we are logging is fully matured and just now ripe for cutting. The thinness of the sap ring in the log shown above indicates that the tree has virtually ceased to grow, and the preponderance of heartwood assures durability in the lumber.
Sof t-tertured, ll ell-manuf actured, Stroight-grained, Water-cured, Olil-grouth, Air-dried,
Second growth and virgin timber under perma-n-ent_industriil forestry manag'ement ... ' '.....8,550,00O acres.
Companies intensively studying adoption of industrial forestry '. -.46
Number acres covered by foregoing study - -.. .2,3@,238
Companies cutting conservatively and reserving trees beiow certain diameter ".......29
Additional companies leaving seed trees - '. '..L2
Companies practicing selective logging ...'... -..7
Companies using special care to protect nerv growth .6
Companies making forestry thinnings ' ..?5
Companies using foresters as foresters ' .39
Companies using consulting foresters .. ......'..13
Companies making silvicultural research .. .. .6
Companies planting commercially .41
Companies fighting insects and diseases ' . , .32
Companies adopting conservative turpentining .- - -A
Companies carefully classifying their lands. .....10
Wendell Brown Visits San Francisco Office
Wenaltt Brown, Los Angeles manager for the J. R. Hanify Co., spent Christmas and New Year's in San Francisco. - He m-ade his headquarters at the company's San Francisco office where he conferred with officials of the company. He returned to his desk shortly after the first of the year.
Hugh Alderman Goes To Los Angeles
Hush P. Alderman, who has represented The Pacific Lumblr Co. in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys for the last two years, has gone to Los Angeles where he will be associated with A. L' "Gus" Hoove'r.
.o. fo, the Home Owner fo, the Lumber Dealer
Redwood profits those who build, for its durability eliminates upkeep, its grain is even and free from blemishes, is adaptable to any finish and its eost conn. parable with ordinary softwoods.
Redwood profits the dealer for it is backed by consumer advertising which is broadcasting the Redwood message to thousands of prospects, creating a real demand for thissuperior wood. A redwood customer becomes a satisfied customer, and satisfied customerg build good will.
Redwood from Hammondos bears the stamp of quality for it is manufactured by Hammond mills under exacting supervision. Prompt delivery, for well assorted stocks are alwaYs on hand.