1 minute read
a Good lumbe
"I resolve that in | 929 nothing but good lumber will bc carried in stock b_y me. I am through with facing my customers' complaints and the adjustments that are required frth ten cent store stock.
"From this day on, it is GOOD LUMBER for me. You'Il see my name included in the list of dealers who have overcome price competition with good lumber. I'll have the satiefaction of knowing- that I have the good will of all my customers and also_ a profrt.I am starting this day to malie | 929 a gooil lumber year."
C. C. & C, C. trade-urarLed Liln-dried lurnber ir rold at a profit by dealerr evcrSrwhere. It will plcarc your cu3toner. and it will rhow you a profit for lg2g. Let us quote on your rcquiremeatr.
Central Coal and Coke Conpany
Keith & Perry Bldg
Citn Mo. Manulacturers anil shippers of c. c. & c. C. tTiln-ilrieil olit Growth yellow Fir and Southern YeIIonr P&ne. "lt's Worth the Difrerence."