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Max Cook Returns From Southwest
Max E. Cook, farmstead engineer in charge of the Agricultural Department of the California Redwood Assoctation returned Decemb er 23 from a two weelis' trip to the Southwest.
.This trip was undertaken mainlY tending a conference of the sales Great Southerh Lumber ComPanY D'Lo, Miss.
for the purpose of atreDresentatives of the at Bogalusa, La;, and
Mr. Cook addressed the entire sales force of this company on the subject of "Promotion of Redwood Sales" on December I7,'at D'Lo, where the Redwood operation of the Finkbine Lumber Co. is located. At this meeting confidence was expressed by the salesmeh that they will b-e able to handle the full production of the Southern Redwood Corporation when it starts manufacture at Bogalusa on January 4.
In addition to attehding this meeting Mr' Cook spent one day at Houston and one day at San- Antonio, in whrch rft"tii"tiod he did some valuible trade promolion -vvork for the Redwood industry. He returned to his San Francisco headquarters full o[ enthusiasm regarding the.possibilities for'selling Redwood in the South and Southwest'
Little River Redwood Co. Has Exhibit in Holland
Interesting pictureS of a cross section of an 8 foot Redwood log 1300-years old, appeared recently in the two most important newspapers of h'msterdam, H6lland, th.e "Hana.t'.Lt"a" and "teiegraf." Two of these cross sections and some 4o-inch Redwd-od boards were furnished by the Amsterdam office of The Little Redwood Company t9 fgrrn a Dermanent exhibit in the Botanical and Zoological Gar'dens in Amsterdam. The exhibit has attracted a great Jeal of attention, and will undoubtedly be of great value to the industry.
Haad OEcc Olt Metron Bld3. SAN 'FRANCIS@
2t2 Chenbcr of Conncrcc Bldg.
PORTLAND-Paci6c Bldr.
SEATTLE--{6|I Whitc Bldg.
The Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los {rgele-s, held- a Chrisimas party for all the o{fice-employees, Dec' 24, at the -o-p"ny'" miin office, 6500 ,Lexington' Names were d;il aid presents given to each.one at the partl'. Accordins to Tat Nicholson the party lncluded ev.erytnlng rrom Clitirt*". Cheer to Santa Claus and was indeed a.huge success. The Company hopes to extend. this party not only to -ii. entite personnei, but to friends in the building fraternity as well.
4-wheel steer-4-speeds Forward and Reoerse