1 minute read
The Gerfinger Hydrautic Garier rs lfore EconorRical-
4. Fewer and Heaaier Pafis
"Sturdy" is an often-used term applied to the Gerlinger Hydraulic Carrier. Lower cost of maintenance is the result of this rigid construction. .For example:
SPRINGS: wHEF.r s: only heavy structural and cast gteel are used<ast eteel secured from a menufacturer whoee product tests 24 per cent better than atecl made by any other concern.
Forged chrome nickel steel guaranteed against breakage, accurately and perfectly machined.
Heavy tempcred steel helical coils, two apringa on each corner, asauring eaey riding and protecting carrier against road shocks.
Tough, heavy stecl construction on bloc on heavy-duty ball bcarings. A Gerlinger wheel has nevcr been broken_
Nor has flexibility been sacrificed with all this stuldin6ss-the Gerlinger Hydraulic Carrier will move more lumber in a given time than any other """ri"rl let us tell you why.
Da,rl.as l[acHrNE g LocouortyE worucs
Dellac, Oregon b gatern, Oregon
MATLLER-SEARLES, rNcoRpoRAr#"*" coart Dirtributors: r35 Freioit st.-- -------- "t*tt}""Xlr-lf"r""1lti "o' San Francirco, Calif. p"itf""t, Orcgon
Eastern Manufacturers and Distributorr : THE NEW YORK AIR BRAKE COMPANY
*z'"F'+::i: $:?:"
Plant: Watertown, N. Y.