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Lumber Distribution Wastes to be Reduced
National Committee on Wood Utilization publishes Practical Handbook on Lumber Piling and Storing
The publication of a practical handbook covering.the handling, seasoning and clre of lumber in lumber distributing yards has jusibeen released by the National Committei 6n Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce, being the second of a series of four bulletins on this general subject.
The riport has been prepared by some of the country's leading lumber distributbrs-, composing a subcommittee of which-Mr. M. E. Meacham, President of the Goodfellow Lumber Company of St" Louis, Missouri, is the chairman. This booklet biv;s practical recommendations in-regard to the proper storing bf lumber with particular reference to y"rd lay-out, shets, piling methods and handling equipment. The bulletin is based on a mass of material coverine the best practices both at home and abroad and is writien from the distributors' point of view and in practical lumber language.
Special attention has been given to the questio-n of dry lumber and its proper use, particularly. in building a-n-d construction. A iomprehensive bibliography has. been added for the reference ol those who desire to investigate more fully certain features brought out in the book.
The booklet may be obtained from the Government Printing Office or from any of the district offices of the P9p3tt: mEnt of Commerce in the principal cities in the United States. It sells f.or 2Oc a single copy and in large lots special prices may be obtained on application.
The Distributors' Subcommittee that sponsors this bulletin is composed of the following members:
M. E. Meicham, Chairman, President Goodfellow Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Thornton Estes, President, Este-s Lumber Co., Birmingham, Ala.; Dwight Hinckley, E{"-.i- dent, Dwight Hinckley Lumber C.o., Cincinnati, Olio; tr'red. L. L6wrie, F. L.-Lowrie Lumber & Finish Co., Detroit, Mich.; F. E. Underhill, Wister, Underhill & Nixon, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hammond Ships Redwood Ties To Guatemala
The Hammond Lumber Company recently -shipped 3'500,000 feet of redwood ties aboard the carrier Missoula to Gu,atemala for the completion of a railroad there. This same vessel last month lstablished a record for dischargine 4,250,000 feet of lumber in 48 hours. The Hammond Company has also chartered the Hart-Wood steamer, Point Loma, for one triP to Panama.