2 minute read
The Real Boss is The Customer
(This little editorial was recently distributed by Thc Lumber Dealers Association of rl.os Angeles.)
Without customers you wouldn't have a job here-in fact we would have no lumber Yard.
Therefore the most important thing-first, last, and all the time-Is THE CUSTOMER.
Business is sensitive. It goes where it is welcome, but walks out where it is ill treated.
The customer may be crank5l, eccentric, peculiar, and hard to get along with-but rernember we are not here to change the customer's disposition,-1e find fault with it -or to be offended at the customer's lack of common dccency.
We wish to serve him and fill his wants-that is what we are here for.
The true test-the one that shows you have tact as well as talent-is to be able to take this cranky. ill-natured' unreasonable person and smile at him while you please him'
Every person who buys goods from us, whether he is a foreigner or an American, whether'he has on greasy overalls or the finest broadcloth, really represents "bread and butter" to everyone connected with this business.
This letter is just to give you the thought that COURTESY MUST PREVAIL.
Nothing Costs So Little As Courtesy And Nothing Returns Such Big Dividends
Let's make our business famous for its unfailing courtesy.
New Member In Overend Family
P. E. Overend, field man for the California Retail Lumbermen's Assoqiation, San Francisco, announces the arrival of . tt.* *"ttibet in the family, Donald Paul' weighing 7l pounds (stripped), January- 4,-1929. Donald has alr6"ar, *l.ed 'his -fiiends- and felatives of his arrival and states that he and his mother are both doing fine'
GOOPER LUITIBER was a 10-day Pinc
Remember how the old boys used to sit around the stove in the country grocery store, whittle on a piece of board and eat crackers out of the barrel.
Then some wise gazabo got the idea of packing crackers in pasteboard boxes and the boys were out of luck when they reached for the cracker barreland the store cat had to hunt another place to sleep.
Now we've gone a step farther and ship our board in wood- clean and bright" comments the carpenter who takes pride in his work.
"Don't have to spend a lot of time planing or sanding Pa-Co Fir Plywood to get off stains, scratches or dirt. The wood fiber cartons it's packed in bring it through without a blemish.
"lt's_ all ready for stain, paint or enamela nice smooth surface. Beautiful grain if one wants to preserve it. And it's so work that it isa pleasure it. " fiber cartons so the whittlers wouldn't have a chance to grab ofi a sliver.
We used to ship these fine, wide Pa-Co panels in bundles, but it was a good deal like shipping crackers in the barrels. We couldn't bear to think of their satin-smooth surfaces getting marred or dirty before they reached the customers or to risk having the corners battered.
So now you get them just as perfect as when they leave the factories.
I!'r real lumber, with all the qualities and advantages of real lumber plus some very distinetive qualities of its "tn"r] It" -"i' us-es enable one piece not only to sell another but also t,i"lp sell other lumber.
Co...,......Portland, Ore, Walton Veneer Co.. .. ,. Everetd, Wn. Washington Veneer Co.......Olympia, Wn,