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Monolith Companies" Hold Annual Banquet
Referring to the huge building projects planned in the Southwest for the corqing year, Coy Burnett pictured the construction outlook tor 7929 as unusually bright, at the annual banquet of the Monolith Portland Cement and Monolith Portland Midwest companies in the ball room of the Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles.
The banquet, followed by a dance, was attended by 200 of the general office personnel with their families, and representatives of the organization's branch offices in the West. Mr. Burnett is president of the Monolith portlantl Cement Company of California and the Monolith portland Midwest Company, which is about to open a large plant near Laramie, Wyo., to serve the mid-continent territory.
In view of the projects planned for the new year, IVfr. Burnett explained that the Monolith organization was planning its 1929 production on the same basis that it rvas planned for 1928. Both the California and the Midlvest concerns have the same officers.
Other speakers at the banquet, in addition to Mr. Burnett, were C. A. Low, vice president and general manager; H. C. Gardner, head of the securities department; F. R. Browrrell, sales executive; T. R. Larson. assistant to the president, and J. J. Calkins, secretary and treasurer.
Following the addresses, awards to members of the organization for exceptional work performed during the year were made, and presents were, distributed at tli'e u"riou. tables.