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"{nd,Tlttee Outof Four CouldbeSaled
Records ehow that careleesneEE ie directly or indirectly responsible fot 75/o of all our 6ree.That means that FIRE PREVENTIOI!-or in other words simply being careful about matches, emoking, electric wi;es, greasy rage and all the other common causee of fir+would eave three out of every four. Why not prevent thig enormour unnecesaary loso?
transfer of from San Arthur B. San Fran-
Mr. Gheen is no stranger to the l-os Angeles territorv as he-was in-charge of that office during the-years of. IgiS and.1926, and therefore-has a large acquiintanie among the lumbermen in the southern parfof thi state. _
Mr.- Griswold, who will now have charge of the San Ftancisco -office, is well acquainted in the B-ay and Valley districts, having formerly lpent two years ln the territory in the capacity of salesman.
Tat Nicholson Acquires New Foreign Auto
Tat Nicholson of the Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los Arngele.s, recently purchased one of the new popui", in"t es of fore.ign cars,-the Phorde, built in De Troyeti. Mr. Nich_ o-lson is quite fortunate in obtaining his niw phaeton as there has been an enormous demand for the car since its initial-appear_ance in this territory. The phorde is capable of making 65 miles an hour and is the .,last word,, ivhen it comes to.a getaway, especially when traffic is heavy and there is only..room for a half of car in the jam, you can depend..on "T?t'l,getting his motor in the rp..e. His slogan is "they shall not pass"; try it some tim6.
'We epecialize in the ,.*oo.l of fire causea and the prevention of fire loeEes for our policy-holders. If all fire prevention efforts fail, our reaources and iep- utation guarantee prompt pa;rment for lossee eufier- ed. We offer the higheet quality of protection a lumbermen can buy, with a dividend wlich actually representi a eaving of about 40/o ininnrrance cost.
If you are interested in the prevention of fire, in the best possible protection against loss, and i.n a substantial saving in insurance cost, zarite any of our companies for further information.
Northwestern Mutual Fire Assciation of Seattle, Wash,
Central Manufacturers Mutual fnsurance Co. of Van Wert, Ohio fndiana Lumbermens Mutual fnsurance Co,. of Indianapolis, Ind.
The Lumber Mutual Fire fnsurance Co.. of Boston. Mass.
Lumbermens Mutual fnsurance Co.. of Mansfield. Ohio
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mrtrtual Fire fnsurance Co.. of Philadelphia, Pa.