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Hoo Hoo News
Hoo Hoo Bmblem Desi$ned January Meetin$ of Hoo Hoo In Sand-Etched Panel No. 9 J. H. McCallum DaY
With the thought of making available to members of the Concatenated Oider of Hoo -Hoo a distinctive plaque for use in dining rooms where members of the-organization meet, or for"their offices, the West Coast Lumbermen's Assoti,ation recently co-operated with H. R. Isherwood, secretary of the Hoo Hob order, St.Louis, Missouri, in having ihe insignia of the order reproduced on wood' Followin[ Mr. Ish-erwood's suggestions for a design, an AssociatTon subscriber worked- out panels in Western red cedar and Douglas fir. Both of thete woods are admirably suited for sand-etching.
T.he figure of the cat is black on a white background, Uoiaeiea]with gilt. The trees are shown in black' The *otd "Ho*e" "is gilded. The combination stands out
President Fred Roth announces that the board of directors of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club decided recently to hold luncheon meetings once a month in the future instead of every two weeks. Meetings will be on the last Thursday of the month.
The next meeting will be held on Jaquqy 24 -in the Blue Room of the Palaci Hotel. J. H. McCallum will be chairman of the day, and E. S. SLck, superintendent of the Industrial Depaitment at San Quentin, will give a talk on "A Prison Life-Laughter and Tears'"
Fred says that this'talk is very interesting, and that two good ballid singers will provide musical entertainment'
At the directors' meeting the following well known lumbermen were appointed chairrnen of the day for future meetings, and hive accepted: Felruaryj8, evening meeting, with sfiecial musioal pfograttt, Paul Foster, Foster Blos', Inc.; March 28, Frank d'Cottttor, Donovan Lumber Co'; ijtitZS, Ted Higgins, J'E.Higgins.Lu^mber Co.; Mly 39, W. n. Chamberli"n", W.-R. Chamberlin & Co.; June 27, A' J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co.
Every lumberman is welcome to attend these luncheons' It is not necess'ary to be a member of either the Hoo Hoo order or club.
Yuma Concat Janary 26
The Yuma District Hoo Hoo will stage a concat at Yuma, Arizona, on Saturday, January 26. L. H. DeMund, vicegerent snark of the -Yuma District, has signed up a. fine Ilass of kittens and a big attendance is expected to take in the meeting.
against the natural color of the wood to create a striking aid pleasing efiect. Hoo Hoo members who may want to place one- of the panels in their home or offi"9 may obtain them without the word "I{ome," or with their membership number substituted for this word.
Arringements may be made with Mr. Isherwood for obtaining ihese panels,-either in western red cedar or Douglas fir at a moderate cost.
Etched plaques of various kinds represent a developme-nt of the pto.".i of etching West Coast woods mechanically for use as interior finisd. Beautiful efiects, suggestive of costly hand-carving, are obtained by using.this.method of *orkittg rvood. Etched panels and -ceiling. beams. are steadilii gaining in favor aJ a means of providing distinctive interiors.
This process has been used with. particular success on Douelas fir. western red cedar and Sitka spruce. The beautiful"figuring of slash-grain Douglas fir and West Coast hemlocJ< is iccentuated by the mechanical-etching process and made to stand out in relief. Because of the marked difierence in hardness of summerwood and springwood of these two species, use of the etching process on verticalgrained maierial results in the softer portion being cu.t iway faster than the hard grain,- creating- matertal .rvtth fine-iined grooves. When a stencil-is placed over verticalorained D6uelas fir or'West Coast hemlock which is being Et"tt"a a desiln of smooth rvood is left. This 4esign, which -"y n. stainEd or painted any color, is set off by the lines of the etched wood.
"Hawk" Huey, Hoo Hoo state couhselor for Arizona, who was a tecettt visitor in Los Angeles stated that a large delegation from Phoenix would be present at the-meeting' He "extended an invitation to the members of California Hoo Hoo to attend, and announced that plans were un-der wav for deleeations to come from Los Angeles and San Diego. Mem"bers of the Los Angeles and S'an Diego- Hoo Hoo" will assist Snark DeMund in putting on the initiation work.
1928 An Active Year For Westwood Hoo Hoo Club
The Westwood Hoo Hoo Club had an active year durins 1928. The Club remodeled the Westwood Auditorium, ttrl Ctub's home, which was built by the Red River Lumber Co. and is the center of activities in the corirmunity' $1O,mO has been spent in remodeling and painting the buildirg.
buring the summer months, the Club had a baseball team wtfich played practically "-!! thg teams in the district' Durins the winier months, the Club has a basket ball team' The Westwood Club was awarded the first ptize, a loving cuo donated by Fred Roth of San Francisco and a member of ihe Supreme Nine during the past year, for the California Hoo'Hoo Club having the best attendance at their meetings during 1928.