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INCREASE YOUR SATES with These Two Outstanding . . . ROOFING VATUES

The THIKBLTT STRIP SHINGLE is a premium shingle at a competitive price.

(l) It has double layers oI aaphalt and mineral surfacing on the butts where wear ie grreatest.

(2) It has added beauty from newer, richer colorg and deeper shadow lines.

(3) Its attractive package not only protects the shingle but gives added distinction to the product at your place of business and on the job.

The Thikbut is the greatest advance in shingle making in years.

NEW METHOD ROLL ROOFING is the finest roll roofins moneycan buy. It is super-saturated for longer life; it is of builtup construction giving extra thickness and durability. It has stabilized coating for greater weather resistance. Comes in rolls of 116 sguare feef allowing Ainch lap joints (double the ordi nary) double cemented double nailed, assuring 1002o greater protection than ordinary roofings. Recommend it for use on warehouses, mills, lumber sheds and all types of flat or steep roofs. Feafure these two exceptional products. They are natural sellers that will increase your sales and profits.

Attends Mountain States Annual

Fred Johnsen, West Coast Screen Company, Los Angeles, manufacturers of the well known Hollywood combination screen and metal sash door, left January 11 to attend the annual convention of the Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association at Colorado Springs, Colo., January 14 to 16. The company had a display of its products at the convention.

Mr. Johnsen will call on the trade in Texas and Arizona on his way back. He expects to be in Los Angeles about February 1. *Advertisements


HlcH GRADE HARDW(X)DS-Dmsrdc reodr: Arh' Bech, Blrc\ Gu' Hickory, Mgnolia, Maplc, Oee, Poplu, Walut' (h& !!d MrDl. Flo.rbt. FOREiGN WOODS: Apit6a, Balra, Snntrh Ccd.r, Ebdt' $pottcd Gu, tr-ubarlc, Jcnircrq Liguu Vltrc, Maboguy, Priuwn' Rcvoo4 SbE ToI& ALo DOUGLAII FrR PLYW(X)D AIID WAIJBOARL

Lumber Firm Plan Ready For Court

Sonora, Jan. lO.-Representatives of bondholders of the Pickering Lumber Company will appear in court tomorrow in Kansas City, Mo., on behalf of their plan for the company's reorganization. The company has been inactive several years, and if the plan goes through it is expected the company's plant at Standard City, near here, will be reopened this spring.

The plan involves a loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which would take a lien on the company's properties.

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