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Pine Sales Gompany
James Cuzner, Pioneer l-umberman, Passes Redwood Shingle Manufiacturer
James Cuzner, president of Kerckhofr-Ctzner Mill & Lumber Co., died at the home of his son, Guy L. Cuzner, in Los Angeles on January 12. He was born in Ottawa, Canada, and was 88 years of age.
Mr. Cuzner was associated with the lumber business in California since 1869 when he went to work for the Caspar Lumber Co. in Caspar, Mendocino county, after making the trip to the Pacific Coast around Cape lIorn. lfe was with the Caspar Lumber Co. for over four years where he was employed in various capacities; in the woods, mill, store, shipping department, and finally superintendent.
The Caspar Lumber Co., owned by J. G. Jackson, also operated the Jackson Lumber Co. yard in Los Angeles, and in 1874 Mr. Cuzner was sent to Los Angeles to manage it. At that time the yard was at First and Alameda Streets. Later the firm name was changed to Jackson, Kerckhoff& Cuzner, and afterwards Mr. Cuzner and Mr. Kerckhoff purchased Mr. Jackson's interests and the name was changed to Kerckhoft-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co. His only son, Guy L. Cuzner, is general manag'er of the company.
Mr. Cuzner is survived, in addition to his son, Guy L., by two grandchildren, James A. and G. Edward Cuzner; two great-grandchildren, Irene H. and James A. Cuzner, Jr.; a brother, Robert L. Cuzner, all of Los Angeles; and three sisters in Canada, Mrs. Emma Robertson, Mrs. R. Doner, and Carrie Cuzner.
Funeral services were conducted from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Thursday afternoon, January 14.
Ships Only Dry Shinsles
"We have adopted the policy of shipping only kiln dried shingles, or shingles air dried under cover, to the trade," said Parker Mclntyre of W. P. Mclntyre & Son, Fortuna, Calif., manufacturers of Redwood shingles, shakes and split products, recently.
"Our experience has proved that wet shingles will not give the same satisfaction when shipped into territory where low humidity prevails as either kiln dried or air dried shingles. Our dry kiln capacity is 1,40O squares per loading, and this with our facilities for air dryrng under cover gives us ample drying capacity to take care of our output."
Mr. Mclntyre is the son of the late W. P. Mclntyre, founder of the business, which was established back in 1898. The plant has been completely modernized, and is now one of the most up-to-date in the country.
H. W. Aldrich and H. B. Cooper of Aldrich-Cooper Lumber Company, Portland, Northwest office of WendlingNathan Company, San Francisco, recently spent a few days in San Francisco on business
Bert Johnson Sees Big Game
A. B. "Bert" Johnson, Jt., A. B. Johnson Lumber Company, San Francisco, took in the annual Rose Bowl football game at Pasadena on New Year's Day.