1 minute read
Calaveras \07hite portland cement is supplied fresh from our Pacific Coast plant to our dealers. The price is low because shipping, handling, and warehousing charges are at a minimum. 'S(/e are the only'$Testern manufacturers of white portland cement.
Calaveras White is excellent for use in stucco, tettazzo and cast stone where clear white or varied colors are desired.
Other C alaaeras C ements are:
Calaveras Plastic Eady Hardening cement-excellent fot waterproof exterior plaster and arly strength concrete.
Cdaveras Regular Cemmt-widely used in California and Nevada. Recog' nition of its quality is indicated by its use in such projects as The San Francisco-Oaldand Bay Bridge and The American Canyon Highway Cut-Off.
Calaveras Pumicite Cement----a new pordand-puzznlan ceflent designed espe' cially for canal linings.