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L. A. Salesmen Eager to Form PermanentClub
Further steps toward permanent organization of the lumber salesmen of Los Angeles and vicinity into a business club were 'taken at an informal dinner meeting at the Elite restaurant on Friday even'ing, January 19.
The meeting was under,auspices of the Los Angeles District Lumbermen's club, with E. D. Tennant, secretarymanager of that body, as t.oastrnaster. Arrangements we.re in,charge o'f a committee consisting of J. M. Elliot,t, OwensPark Lumber Company; A. L. llarrison, Miller Box Company; R. H. Brcwn, Hayrvard Lumber & Investment Company; H. E. Albro, Coast Lumber Company; C. A. Cheatham, Woods-Beekman Lumber Company. and Phil Hart. Woodhead Lumber Company.
About sixty salesmen were present and all endorsed, with enthusiasm, the proposal to form a permanent club. Each man declared his will'ingness to become a member and to secure at least one additional member.
The principal entertainment feature was provided by M. W. Devereaux and Master Gates on the oiano and violin respectively. Young Gates' playing p.oned a distinct sensation. He gave evidence of developing into a mus.ical star.
Th,e keynote speech of the evening was by John W. Hamilton of the Hamilton Associa'tion. He gave,a splendid exposition ,of the laws governing scientific salesmanship, coupled with a practical demonstration of successful methods,of mak,ing sales. The boys enjoyed his talk immensely.
Another meeting of the club will be held within the next two or three weeks.
A happy party of Hoo-Hoo brethren, accompanied by their fair women, gathered at the Vista del Arroyo hotel last Saturday evening for the first social function that the Los Angeles district club has pulled in several months. The company assembled in time for ,dinner, wrhich had deserving attention in the early hours of the evening. A splendid orchestra blazed away until midnight xnd 'provided the dancers with a most enjoyable evening. The whole affair was in charge of the entertainment committee, headed by Berne Barker. In addition to the eating and dancing a number of excellent specialties aided in making the delights of the occasion'complete.
Coast District Soon To Be Formed
C. D. LeMaster, senior Hoo-Hoo of the order, is laying plans for the early formation of a separate distri,ct in the tier of connties along the coast with headquarters at Paso Robles or San Luis Obispo. As soon as a vice-gerent is selected the district will be officially carved out.
Roy Hills Recovering From Recent Illness
R. E. Hills. of the Wendling-Nathan Company, who has been away from his offi,ce on account. of illness for the past two weeks, is expected back at his desk early this month.
Redwood Orders Are Reavy
Reports from thirteen mills to the California Redwood Association give figures forthe week ended January fl as follows: New business 12,256,m feet-coming in heavy from all sections of fhe country. Production a-little ligtit at 5,891,000 feet. Shipments totaled 7,879,W feet.