1 minute read
Strable Hardwood Go.
results of harmonious co-operation within the organization and between the individuals thereof and those whom rhey come in contact with in a business way.
Those present were: G. H. Brown, B. E. Bryan, R. E. Bacon, C. E. Coates, C. N. Wood, T. F. Will, Frrank Harbst, Jr., H. R. Lind, Charles Butler, L. S. Miller, M. Underwood and M. Thomsen.
National Association Offers Prizes For Conservation In Lumbering
The National Lumber Manuf.acturers' Association has again ofiered a series of prizes which will be awarded to those who will contrive the best methocl, the newest machine or device, which, in practical application, will result in appreciable saving of labor, time, material or expense in the lumber rnanufaituring industry.
Heretofore a single prize of $1000 was offered ea'ch year to the successful contestant. At the present time the association is offering prizes aggregating $2000 which will be divided as follows:
First prize, $1000; second prize, $500; three prizes of $100 ea,ch, and four prizes of $50 each. /
The entire purpose of the contest is to create within and without the industrv inventive interest which will result in practical conservition of forest products and reduction in costs of manufacture.
Anyone personally interested should co'mmunicate with the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, fnternational building, Washington, D. C.
Dunning Visits Southern Office
\,V. D. Dunning, Sales Manager of the Little River Redwood Company, has returned to San Francisco after a ten days trip to the south where he was calling on his customers in Los Angeles and other Southern California points. He visited J. J. Rea of W. R. Chamberlin & Co. who represent the.m in the South.
Rose Opens Wholesale Office
Charles M. Rose, formerly of the Snead-Rose Lurnber Comp,any, has opened up offi'ces in the Flatiron Building, San Fran.cisco where he is carrying on a wholesale lumber business unde: the firm name of Charles ]I. Rose & Co.
You Nleven Can lle[[ Whene a Senmnon IIs Comning lFnomn
You never can tell where a sermon is coming from. Freder.ic O'Brien proves this fact in one of his stories of the South Seas.
He tells of goi,ng in'to a low, vicious grog shop in a South Sea Island, and seeing there a tatooed, hideous looking savage in conversation with some other savages.
The ex-cannibal dashed his war-club down on the table and declared in no uncertain terms and dared any one to.contradict him that Solomon's Songs have the Second Chapter of Corinthians skinned to death.