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Strable Hardwood Staff Discusses Plans
The Strable Hardwood Company of Oakland, has established a custom of having.a dinner early each year where the employees, officers and owners of the ,company meet on an equal footing to discuss any and all subjects pertaining to the welfare of the business.
The fourth annual dinner of this character was held at the Hotel Oakland. Friday evening, January 5. After the usual splendid repast consis,ting of blue points, turkey and all the "in-betweens," .President G. H. Brown opened the meeting with a short history ,of the business since its inception fifteen years ago, telling of its early struggles and pointing out that such success as has been enjoyed was
Enclosed fincl check. Send me the paper. I have been reading the Gulf Coast Lumberman for six years and want to see if the little brother is half as good; if it is, it is some boy.-P. H. Coy, Lindsay, Okla.
the direct result of square dealing or in other words, the application of "The Golden Rule."
Each member of the organization was then called upon for suggestions for the betterment of the business in general and of the service rendered in particular. All responded freely and m.any new ideas were brought out which will be put into effect during the year.
Every member of the organization left the banquet table with a determination to give better servi'ce in 1923 'than ever before and undoubtedly, those having business with the company during the year will notice the effect and