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"Color-Thatch" Is Now Going Good
The foregoing statement is the terse way in which J. S. \,Villiams, President of The Williams Stained Shingle Company of Van'couver, Washington, explains the almost instantaneous demand that has developed for "color-thatch" stained shingles.
"The modern builder is paying attention to the selection of materials going into the home. He is studying color design and color harmony. He is studying initial and upkeep costs. Durability, utility and beauty are also being considered," says Mr. Williams.
"COLOR-'IHAfl'CH stained shingles provide a wide variety of color effects, without the 'mess' and expense of brush staining or painting. The entire sh,i'ngle is stained, thus affording complete protection from decay, curling or warping of the shingle, seasoning checks and splits and the softening of the exposed surface. 'Color-Thatch' is truly the life-time building material.
"However, it is cololthat has the principal appeal to the home owner. The all shingled home, with its bright,c,olored roof and soft tinted sidewalls, is well establ,ished in th,e hearts of the American people.
"When costs are taken into consideration, 'Color-Thatch' with its entire surface deeply impregnated with stain of lasting color and preservation, can be applied for the same cost as staining with brush after applying. And as a ,much better job is 'attained, and a messy job avoided, it is ,little wonder'Color-Tahtch' finds such an instantaneous demand.
"The hig,hest quality of stain possible to produce is used, in stainin,g oColor-Thatch.' Cabot's Cres'ote Stains of Boston were. selected a{ter an extensive and careful investiga- tion in order to insure longest life and fastness of the color shades.
"The plant of The Williams Stained Shingle Company, at Van,couver, Washington, is situated at the convergence of five railroads-The Southern Pacific, the Northern Pacific, the Union Pacific, the Great Northern and the Spokane. Portland and Seattle.
"This makes possible the assembling of mixed cars to suit the needs of the dealer. A specialty is being made of mixed cars, the 'Color-Thatch' being mixed with either ,or both unstained shingles and lumber.
"Californi'ans are taking to 'Color-Thatch.' It bids fair to become an integral part in increasing California's fam,e as the land of charming homes, and beautiful landscapes.
"A cornprehensive sales servi,ce that is adjusted to suit the needs of the individual dealer, has been arranged for all 'C'olot-Thatch' customers."
Experienced Yard Manager Seeks Place
Retail lumber merchant, thirteen years experience .as rnanag-er, desires to make a change, having good reasons therefor.
Can handle any kind of competitive point.
Want a good 'town where rea'l work and faithful effort will warrant a good salary. Strong on collections. Mar- ried. Can furnish best references. Address, Mgr. The California Lumber Merchant.
One experienced box salesman and one experienced lumber salesman. Give full particulars regarding yourself, previous experience and salrary expected. -Millei Box Mfg. C,o., 2AL- N. Ave- 18, Los Aingeles, Calif..' .