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H. W. Hanna of San Francisco has joined the sales force of Charles R. McCormick & Co., and will have charge o{ their rail business with h.eadquarters in their San Francisco office.
Mr. Hanna has been connected with the lumbe: industry for many years and had his fiist experience and training in the lumber business with the California Door Co. For many y,ears he represented the California Door Co. on the swing around the "Big Circle" which included the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and California.
Later he started in the commission business for himself in Denver, and for 25 years worked the Colorado territory In l92O he sold out his business in Denver andl came to the Pacific Coast, ,making his headquarters in Po,rtland, where he spent three years buying for several large Colorado accounts.
\{r. Hanna has had a wide and varied experience in the lumbe: business and is one of the best known lumbermen in the West.
Good Market For Split Redwood
W. P. Mclntyre, a redwood split timber operator of Fortuna, was a recent visitor to San Francisco'on business. Mr. Mclntyre states that the redwood split ti'mber market has been r''e:'y active and tha't the present supply among the operators in Hu,mboldt County is away below normal for this time of the year. He says that the labor situation is acute and that the operators are having a hard rtime to get men, for the woods. Mr. Mclntyre plans on starting his mill in the early spring and will manufacture redwood shingles. boxes, and car strips.
W. J. Riley, of Fortuna was a recent visitor to San Fbancisco, on business. Mr. Riley was looking over some machinery as he intends to start operating a plant at Fortuna in the immediate future for the manufa'cturing of redwood novelties.
Mattis To Attend Conventions
Frank \{attis, manager of the Sou'thern Pacific creosoting plants, has gone to St. Louis, where he will attend the annual meetings of the American Woods Preserving Congress.
The California Fish and Game Commission are going to propose to the State Legislature that the opening of the deer season be postponed for two weeks later in the mountainous counties owing to the fire hazard. This would make the opening of the season in the mountainous districts September 15, instead of September 1. They are also asking that the limit catch be reduced lrom 2 to 1 deer. At the present ti'me the State is divided into four districts and the Commission is asking that this be reduced to two districts: District 1 to include all the Sierra's and the Siskyou's down to Mendocino; District 2 to in'clude all the rest of the state.
Thomas Taverner, for the last few years accountant in the offices of the National Builders Bureau at Spokane, is accused of. embezzlernent from the accounts of that organization and a reward of $250 is offered for his ,apprehension. Inasmuch as he is reputed 'to har;e expert knowledge of lumber accounting it is believed that he will seek a job in a lumber offite, so California is urged to be on the lookout for him.
Taverner is described by police ciiculars as 27 years ol age, height about 5 f.eet 6t/2 inches, dark brown hair, blue eyes, weight 140 pounds; a college man and a'good dresser. He is said to be a heavy drinker, which, of course, w'ould bar him from obtaining employm,ent quite aS much as the charge o{ embezzlement.
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