1 minute read
Planning for bigger business
tVfE ARE glad to announce a program of improvements and better. \ru !r9frt., in-v_olving_ an expenditure of some $300,000.00, which we " believe will result in an increase in production and shioments that-will prove more nearly equal to the steadily growing demind for our Kecwooo Droducts.
We have prr"h...d two new electrically operated logging engines which will increase our production and, assure a greater supply of Redwood togs ror ootn our saw mrlls,
Our storage capacity and handling facilities are being expanded by the erection of an additional broken unit shed in connection with our Mill B. This will provide sufficiently increased storage for dry lumber to permit full operation during the Winter, and will enable us to carry a larger reserve of worked stock, to apply against the usual heavy Spring demand.
We are putting in an additional loading track at the back of the planing mill and factory to facilitatei shipping of straight carload lots of items which move in quantities, and we are building twenty-five new cottages and adding seventy.five rooms to the hotel at Scotia for the more comfortable housing of our workgrs.
Tht Lotgett Motufactttcrt awl pisttibttotc ol Cd$ottb Raltood
Main Officc
3ll California Strcct San Francirco
Lor Angclcr Officc Central Building
6th & Meir Strcctr
Millr and Factoricr rt Scoda, Hmboldt Couty. Mernbct Califotnic Rcdoood Aetociation