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How Lumber Looks
New business at the lumber mills of the country during the week ended J"r.u"ry 14 increased 24 per cent over the previous week (containing the New Year holiday) and production increased 22 per cent, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the opemtions of.767 leading hardwood and softwood mills. The previoul week's Seport rras from 787 mills. For the week ended J.tto"ty 14, production toteled 89r647r0fi) feet' which was lE per cent ofl capacity. New business amounted to l0Er4E3rq)0 feet or T2 pet cent of capacity, compared with 17 per cent the week before.
All associatione teported new business in excess of productiont the aggregate for softwoods bei'g 20 per cent above output and for hardwoods 35 pet cent above.
Stocks at the mills on January !4, were the equivalent of 99 dayst average production of the reporting mills, compared to l3l days'average production on January 16 1912.
**.4r** fnventories, as reported by l3O mills, are 19.1 per cent less than at this time last year. ***rf{.
A total oL 252 mills reporting to the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association for t{re week ended January 14 opetated at 2O.7 pet cent of capacity, as compared to 1.7.8 pet cent of capacity for t{re previous week. Dudng the week 170 of thcse plants were reported as down and 82 as operating.
17E mills reporting to the Association for the same week pro. duced. 47,4E6r359 f.eet or 21.6 per cent of their weekly capacity. Current new business of these mills was 5lrl54r48i5 f.eet ot 7.7 Per cent over production. New export business received during the week was 5r331r(X)0 feet more, new domestic cargo otders were 1r0:10r0(X) feet under, and new rail business increased 3r863rq)0 feet as compared with the previous weekts business.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended January t4 reported new business for 107 mills as 24r5E0r00O feet, ship-
Building contracts totaling $1,687,840 were awarded in San Francisco during the week ended January 15. These included the Veterans' Hospital at Fort Miley, $898,810; the addition to the San Francisco post office, $625,530, and a $115,000 extension to Pier 35.
ments 1816521000 feet, and production 21r395pfi) feet. Orders were 15 per cent above production and 32 pet cent above shipments. Shipments were 13 per cent belon' production.
The Vestern Pine Association for tfie week reported new business for 1O4 mills as l9r778,NO feet, shipments 16667r(n0 feet, and production l2r2OOrOOO Leet. Order vcr:e 612 prct cent above production and 19 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 37 pet cent above production.
371 hardwoqd mills repoted for the same week new busi. ness aE llrl2TrffiO feet, or 35 per cent above ptoductionn and shipments as l3r452r0o0 feet, or 63 per cent above production. Production was E,262,OOO feet.
Thc California Redwood Association for the month of December, 1932, tepofied orders received from 11 mills as 11r. 858'OOO feet, ordets on hand 2lJ;$OrWO feet, shipments 9r. 56,0r(X)O feet, and production 10r965rfi)0 feet.
Details of orders and shipments for the month were as fol. lows: Orders Received-Northern California 7rl94r0/N feti Southern California trr24,OOO feet; Vestern 4Er(XX) fea; Eastern 2r5E0,(X)0 feet; Foreign 7L2,OOO f.eet. Shipments-Northern California 4r588,0fi) feet; Southern California 1,341,(XX) feet; Vestern 891000 feet; Eastern 217541010/0 feet; Foreign 1r., l8Erfl[ feet.
Unsold stocks on the public docts at San Pedro totaled 5r. 67lrGo feet on January 25 as compared to 5r979rWO feet t{re previous tterlk. 44 lumber vessels in the California service were operating on January 2l;63 vessels were laid up. Cargo arrivals at San Pedrc for the week ended January 21 totded 4r730r0{li0 feet which included 6 cargoes of Douglas Fig carrying ,19301000 feeti and 2 cargoa of Redwood with 8(X),(XX) feet. The California volume was low during the paet fifteen days due to some extent to the heavy rains. Mill prices are firm.
Used Machinery For Sale
Attention is directed to an advertisement on another page of this issue by Pope & Talbot of San Francisco, offering planers and matchers, a 250 h.p. Corliss engind, two boilers and other planing mill machinery for sale at their mill, Third and King Streets, San Francisco.