1 minute read

When are stow Sales TURN0VER Counts Most

o Check up the various stocks you carry and ygtr will find materials that are hard to sell and otherc a:hat are easy to sell.

What is this dilference, Turnover?

o Turnooer-the big facor in successful selling and, in m(xlt cases, the difference between profit and loss-rests on these supports: o fst - Quality and Yaluc a Znd - Adt:ertising- Aggressive and consistent to develop an fnformed Public. a Srd - Public Demand.

-A reliable product made by a conscientious manufacturer, giving quality and full valuc to the ucer.

-Products people know, trust and ask for naturally move L"&s-1ffis is lcas sales resistance.

Celotex Insulating Cane Board fulfills all these requirements. Celotex-for sheathingfor plaster basFfor repairing and remodelingfor farm buildings-for vacation homes and wayside marketsall these uses and many otherc to help you makc money.

Celotex has the call. Celotex is easier to sell. When saleg are slow, turnover counb mqtt.

. The Celotex Company, 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Irnportent-One of th" "".[u"i"" sclling doontageE of Celotex is the lact tho;t it is tnanuJactured under the Feror Process (ptcnted) tohich ossures contplcte protection against Dry Rot antd Tertnitec.

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