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Sales Executives Visit California

Earl Strange, sales manager of the Canyon Lumber Co', and Ed. Stutchell, sales manager of the Eclipse Mill Co.' Everett, Wash., were Los Angeles and San Francisco visitors during the month of January where they spent several days on business.

Harbor Plywood Corp. ---,---------.. ,,------'---- -'-- 5 Hill & Morton, fnc..------------- --,------------------------21

Hogan Lumber Co. -------------- ------ ----16

Holmes Eureka Lumber Co..------,,-----------------21

Hoover, A. L..--------- ------- --21

Kingsley Company, The ------,---------

Koehl & Sons, fnc., Jno. W. ---.---- ----- ---- -'21

Laughlin, C. J. - -- - ------------21

Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. ,.-,-- -- '------------21

Loop Lumber Company--, ----- '--- -----21

Lumbermen's Credit Association.,----------- -'------25

McCormick Lumber Co., Chas. R. ------.---------21

MacDonald & Bergstrom, lnc..-----------------------2L

MacDonald & Flarrington, Ltd. -,-----------------21

Moore Mill & Lumber Co. ----------------------------16




NRA Assumes Responsibility of Administering a Lumber Code Division

- Washingtgn, D. C., Jan. 25.-Fu1l responsibility for enforcement of the wage, hour and other provisions of the Lumber Code in the Sontheastern hardrvood producing region was placed today in the hands of the National-Recovery Administration. This development results from a resolution passed by the directors of the Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute, administrative agency of the Lumber Code Authority in the industry's Southern Hardwood Subdivision.

The resolution, voted today at Tackson. Miss.. asserted that the position taken by ihe Southeasterrl Hardwood Manufacturers'Club, at Jacksonville, Fla., January 15, disclaiming any intention of complying with the -code, makes it impossible for the Institute to enforce the code in the Southeastern section and calls upon NRA to per- form that function.

Action similar to that taken by the Southeastern harclrvood manufacturers lvas embodied in a resolntion adoptecl !f the_small sawmill operators of eastern Georgia-and South Carolina, meeting in Augusta, Ga., January-21.

Today's action by the lrrstitrrte directors comei as an immediate_ response to cleclarations made January 23 by W. Averill Harriman, Administrative Offlier oi itre National Industrial Recovery Board, and Sol A. Rosenblatt, NRA Compliance and Enforcement Director, to the effect that the Board will take direct charge of sections of the Iumber_indurstry,whenever existing administrative agencies of the Lumber Code Authority prove unable or univilling to function, and that "nothing save adverse Supreme Cour-t decisions can stop the enforiement program."

These declarations were in clirect reply to the Southeastern Hardwood Manufacturers' withdrarval, after that body's resolution for abandonment of thb code had been considered in a conference between members of the National Industrial Recovery Board, headed by Chairman S. Clay Williams, and David T. Mason and other represen- tatives of the Lumber Code Authority. A reasseriion of NRA authority and purpose was madb last night directly to the Hardwood Institute directors by Mr.-Rosenblati in an address transmitted by telephone irom Washington to their m-eeting in Jackson. Upon reassembling this -ir.r- ing, the directors, while disavowing the action oJ the South€astern g'roup and indicating their intention to continue to do their job of code administration in all other areas. made it their first order of business to relinquish enforcement in the Southeast to NRA.

Outlining the numerous steps recently taken by NRA 'to strengthen enforcement, Mr. Rosenblatt significantly gave notice tl-rat the official collection of code fees is defi"i!91y inclndecl in the program.

"The en{orcement of Code assessments," Mr. Rosenblatt said, "has lteen transferred to the Division of Compliance and Enforcement and that problem in which the iumber codes, as rvell as other codi authorities, is interested, is being handled speedily. The procedure'for code authorities to follow in order.to levy issessments and secure pay- ments has been defined. The Compliance and Enforcement Division is acting right now to asslre the payment of these assessments.

. "f can report to yotl that the first action has already been brought in Neiv York State and we have won thl outstanding court opiniorr. This, we hope, establishes the precedent for and will lle followed bv the same result in the hundreds of other cases alreadv in hand. This but emphasizes rvhat I said a few- moments ago: that so long as any provision in any code. remains unimpaired_*Jges, honrs,. assessments, production control o, arry other-ihat provision rvill be enforced."

The direct NRA reply two clays ago to the abandonment of the Lumber Code by the SoufheaJtern Hardwood Manu_ facturers Clult rvas contained principally in a letter to the Lumber Code Authority from- Mr. -Hairiman. The letter said in oart :

"If this action means the Southeastern Hardwood Manu- facturers are withdrawing their support from the I-u-be, Code, and that the Hardriood Manl?acturers Institutb, ihe Administra.tive Agency for the Southern Hardwood Sub_ dlvrslon-, rvrll subsequently approve of the action taken and resrg'n from the administration of the Code in that Subdi_ vision, please advise that agency that the National Indus_ trial Recovery Board will immehiately take such action as 1s necessary to install Government authority to the extent found proper to administer the Code in that Subdivision, or in snch portion of it as would not otherwise be administered.

"The resignatiol of an Administrative Agency in no 'way affects the validity of the provisions of a "Code of Fair Competition proposed_-b_y. al,l oi the various groups of the Lumber Industry. and this Board will of necEssitv in such cases assume the responsibility of appointing the proper agency to arlminister the Code.',

The resolution passed today by the Hardwood Manufac- turers' Institute clirectors made ilear that, in turning over. to NRA enforcenrent in one section of the Southern-Hard_ rvood Sul;division, there is no intention that the Institute sfall in^a1y.way resign as the code administrative "g";"t of the Subdivision.

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