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LUMBER t-bi,Tff:'"**3"k*'1H Bl;s..' .'. pRcpect 623r

Chambert'n & Co.' W. R.' -"'iii tiv;"t xi"it' st.. .'. .'.. .TUcker l'l3r onB'.t f1"si.l";:T:..i:::. ....VAndike E?eZ

Hammod Luber Co-' "*;i0 s- At;"da 5t- ........""PRGpect zul

Ho|raes Ereka Lumber Co' "--zi"izr7-ii'"rtilects Bldg.' '. ' " 'Mutuat glEl

Hover, A. L.. ----fi-'So. Il'Brea Ave. " "'YOrk 1l5E

Lawrene-PhiliPc Lumber Co 533 Petrcleu Securitie"Bldg"'PRcpect 0229 tsq-Bell Lumber Sales Cqporatim'

--729 P.tJ*; Securitiei Bldg...Prcpect E{6E t".r"o-ilj.,f,.3ff ""rtJffii.,lT'r""...pR6pecr?re4

MacDuuld & Hmington' Ltd.' -'eZg P.trcl"t- Seiuritie Bldg."PRepct 93f

MsCmick, Chas. R., Lumber Co.. ---iii-wZt-ci[ si' ' '......-....TRinitv 5241

Mulligu & Co., W. J.' ll-? west 'tL sr. ..'................VAndike 4166


Pacific Lumber Co, The 700 So. La Brea Ave. .'...........,..YOrk ll6E

Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., 52r E. sth St. ....................vAndike 2321

Red River Luber Cc, ?tlZ E. Slarmn .CEntury 29071

Santa Fe Luba Co.' 3ll Fimcial Cqter Bldg.... '..VAndike 4'l7l

Schaler Bre Lumber & Shingle Co.'

126 W. M. Gryland Bldg.........TRinitv 427r

Sudden & Chriateroo, 53ll B@rd of Trade Bldg. '.......TRinitv 6E44

Uni,on Lumber Co.-

923 W. M. Garlud Bldg...........TRinitv ZZt2

Wendling-Nathan Co,, ?{tr SL Ia Brea. Ave. .....,"......YOrk 1l6t

E. K. Wood Lumber Co., 4?01 Silta Fe Ave. ........,'..,'JEtrerson Slll

Weyerhaeus Satres Co, 149 Petroleum Seoritic Bldg...PRcpect 5560


Buter, J. H. & Cq, f)l W6t Fift! Stret..,.........Mlchigm 6i194

McComiclq Chas. R., Lunber Cou? Welt 9th St. ..................TRinitv 5241


Cmr. W. E., Lumber Co. zors n. rstft st. ..................PRGFct 5l3l

Hammd Lrmber Co., !)10 So Almeda St. '....... .PRcp€ct ?l7l

Lawhlin C. J&S Petrolerim Scurities Bldg...PRcp€ct 27lli

Stantq, E. J., & Sql Z)'0 Eut 3Eth Street.,. '........CEntury 29211


Haroqrd Lumber Co., 20fO Sq Alame& St. ........,...PRcFct 7l7I

Kabl, Jnc W'- & Sm, 652 Sc Myere St. .......,........ANge|wt191

Red River Luber Co., 7lE E. Slaum ..CEntury an}ll

Wheler-Osgod Sals Cqpqation, 2153 Smto St. ...............TUcker,106.[


Abqdeen Plywod Cmpann 2lll,l West Pi@ Stret.......... Fltzroy t52l

Califmia Prel & Verer Co.. 955 So. Alameda SL...... ......,TRinity 11057

Harbor Plywood Corpontim, f0, N. Ia Brea..,............ ......WHittEv 32f?

Pacific Mutual Dc Co., CApitol 7t0E llZO W*tminter Ave. (Alhubn)

Wheler-Osgood Sales Coporation, 215i3 Sacnmento St. ....,.,.. ..TUc&er {9dt

Blubber B.y Hydrated Lime \(/allboard Pioneering in

Manufactured in several forms to meet the general and special requirements of building, agricult,rr. ,.rd industry in California, Blubber Bay Lime, distributed by The Kings- ley Company, Pier 17, San Francisco, is a wood burned _product of exceptional purity.

One of these forms is their builders and chemical hydrated lime, which is a white hydrate of extreme purity and fineness. The total impurities including magnesium hydrate seldom exceed one-half of one per cent. The calcium hydrate content is almost constant at 98 per cent.

The fineness and purity of Blubber Bay hydrated lime makes it ideal for use rvith arsenate of lead and other chemicals as a spreader agent, in the manufacture of ammonia, water softening, bleaching compounds, and as a general purifying agent in heavy liquids.

It meets A.S.T.M. and Federal specifications. When used in Portland cement mortars it improves both plas- ticity and adhesion. The density of all cement mortars and concrete is improved by the addition of 1O to 2O per cent of Blubber Bay hydrate to the weight of cement used.

It is highly recommended for making whitewash.

Blubber Bay chemical hydrated lime is a new product, designed especially for those chemical uses wherein extreme fineness is necessary, ancl for the preparation of casein and other plywood glues, nicotine, lead arsena.te, copper sulphate and many otl-rer fruit and vegetable sprays requiring a spreader agent.

The total absence of grit makes chemical hydrate ideal for the treatment of mineral oils and lubricating greases.

The Kingsley Cgmpany has rvarehouses at 9ffi Seventh Street, San Francisco; Grove Street Dock, Oakland, and Paramount Seed Company, Lincoln and Sonora Streets, Stockton.

H. L. I{unter is manager of the company, and R. M. James calls on the trade throughout Northern California.

Clean Up and Paint Up Displays

Washington, Jan. 23.-The nerv and colorful window displays embodying emphatic recognition of the opportun- ity for profit under the National Housing Act, whi,ch are being made available by the National Clean Up and paint Up Campaign Bureau, will be ready for shipment, February l.

Window display No. 36 carries colorful suggestions of interior painting, against a silhouette of the dome of the nation's Capitol, with the wording:

"Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up in the Better Housing Program-Give your Property A New Deal-Repair-Re_ model-Redecorate."

The other new window display is No. 32, especially clesigned to emphasize outside work under the National Hous_ ing Act in Clean-Llp-Paint Up-Fix Up Campaigns.

Both of these displays are ,,tailored to fit,' the advantages of the National Housing A,ct, and to stimulate business in Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Campaigns.

A new folder, illustrated in colors, showing these nerv clisplays, and other new display material for 1935, will be

Los Angeles

W. F. Montgomery, pioneer Southern California lumberman, writes in giving some interesting information on the introduction of wallboard in the Los Angeles market. He states that he believes the Montgomery & Mullin Lumber Company, of which he and the late John F. Mullin rvere the owners, can rightly claim to have been the pioneers in the wallboard industry in Los Angeles.

.- Along abgut 1902, Mr. Montgomery says a young E,ng- lishman called at their office, then at Seventh ind Cnocker streets, Los Angeles, and asked them to take the agency for Beaver board in Southern California and ArizonJ. When they demurred he said he rvould demonstrate the demand for-the board by going down to San Diego and selling a carload there. The young Englishman returned in triuriph with an order. We had no excuse for further refusal and for several years enjoyed the exclusive sale of Beaver board with a commission on all sales they made in outside sections.--Finally the Beaver board people changed their pol- icy selling to anyone who would brder a carl,oad and their agreement was ended.

At the same_time, Mr. Montgomery says, they were selling a plaster board called "Bistrvali," made iir Alameda. and which factory he visited.

Mr. Montgomery cites interesting facts on the early beginnings _ of th_e_ wallboard operations founded by john Schumacher. He states that Mr. Schumacher hid been a visitor to their office trying to interest them in a wallboard for use in bath rooms. Mr. Schumacher, he says, started to make the wallboard on his own in a small building near Slauson Avenue which became the nucleus of the large organization he .built up and which the Schumacher interests sold several years ago. When he first started the Montgoqe_{y & Mullin Lumber Co. agreed to supply him with building materials, and in return take their-oav in the new product. For a short time they acted u. aij- tributors for the new l.vallboard. Not long after he got his factory going, Mr. Schumacher came to them rvith- a written proposition to sell a half interest in the business for'$5,000, which document Mr. Montgomery says he still has in his possession, but for several reasoni thev did not "ffi|.t3:i;f5l'n". *", a remarkable man, Mr. Montgonrery declares, being at the same time an inventor, fina-ncier and executive. Investing and perfecting a process, and starting and building up an induitry wittr-tittti or no capi- tal sho-ws that he possessed ability of high order, and we were glad to see the success made-by Mr.-Schumacher and his sons in building up an industry in which we had a small share in launching.

. Th" $9ntgo-ety & Mullin Lumber Co, were pioneers in introducing plaster board to the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. l\{orrtgomery selling two carloads at different times, one of Schumacher wall board and the other made by Orville Routt's lock lath plant in which X{r. Montgomeiy had a small interest.

Mr. Montgomery said he would like to advise anv in- quiring friends that although past the scriptural age of retirement he is still going strong, living at Laguna Eeach in the summer and spending hil rvintels in Eonolulu to which delightful_spot he_ recintly sailed to spend his sixteenth season. He says that he is still functionins as preside_1! o! the Hollywood Lumber Company, whith ii not selling lumber-but _collecting rentals froh buildings it owns and leases on its old vard site.

sent to anyone, upon receipt of request, Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau, Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C.

by the National 2201 New York

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