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From the Files Ten of The Years Ago Today
California Lumber Merchanr, January 15, 1925
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Clrrb meeting on January 15 was held in the new six-story Torver Building in the Central Manufacturing District. G. R. (Jetr) Tully was chairman of the day.
B. W. Lakin, vice president and managing dire,ctor of Shevlin Ltd., of Fort Francis, Ontario, has been appointecl manager of the McCloud River Lumber Co. at McCloucl, Calif., and has already taken over his duties.
The San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club are now meeting every Thursday evening. Joe Restine is Snark of the San Diego district.
The Central CaliforniaL"lb]r-.n's Club met at Stockton on January 10. President W. H. Falconbury presideci. R. F. Wells, Bruce DuVall, George Weir and Chas G. Bird addressed the meeting.
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club met at the Travelers llotel, Sacramento, on January 17. The meeting lvas an open forum and many members took part in discussing problems before the lumbermen. A legislation committee including J. H. Shepard, I. E. Brink and E. T. Robie rvas appointed by President Chapman. +t<*
E. E. Philtips, forn.rerly manager of the T. A. Work's Lnmber Yard at Monterey, has purchased the Burlir.rgame Lumber Co. from the former*o1n.r,J. N. Mangan.
John F. Pritchard, secretary of the Hardrvood Manu-facturers Institute of Memphis, Tenn., is a California visitor. He is making a combined pleasure and business trip and calling on the California hardrvood dealers.
This issue carries a photograph of the sales executives and district sales managers of the Long-Bell Lumber Company who attended " r.T",*-"*.ting at Longvierv, Wash.
Captain Duncan Matheson of the San Francisco Police Department was the speaker at the lun,cheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco on January 19.
The Melrose Mill * ;;"J Co., Oakland, have made several improvements to their mill including a new warehouqe, extension to their mill and a new company garage. Their new attractive office, which is l,ocated at 46th Avenue and 10th Street, has been completed.
The Olson Lumber Company has bought the Upton Lumber Co. yard at Alhambra.
An article on the Sr.,i.,gi. Jo"|.".. recently held at Seattle shows clever cartoons of A. J. "Gus" Russell, "Bob" McNair and "Bob" Whiting.
A. L. "Gus" Hoover of Los Angeles, rvith Mrs. Hoover, and N{r. and Mrs. L. W. Cutler of San Francis,co, are planning a trip to New York via the Panama Canal. :8**
The Millu'ork Institute of California and the Western Planing Mill & Wood Working Association will holcl a joint meeting at Los Angeles on February 18, 19 and 20. t<:f*
H. I.-. Brey, pioneer lumberman, died at his home in Porterville on January 14. He rvas president of the Brey- Wright Lumber Company. For a number of years, Mr. Brey served as president and also as secretary of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club. A beautiful tribute from the pen of Adeline M. Co.nner on the passing of Mr. Brey appears in this tsJ..* t<*:8
B. J. Williams was the speaker at the luncheon meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on January 22. Mr. Williams talked on ,,Human Relations in Sales Work." Milton V. Johns of the Redwood Sales Company was ,chairman of the day.
Martin D. Johnson has been appointed vi,cegerent snark of San Joaquin Valley District. :t**
Peter B. Kyne, popular American author, has returned to New York after completing a trip around the World on the Dollar Steamship Line.
NRA Officers Ursed to Make Personal Contacts With Lumber Industry
Washington, D. C., Jan. 8,-In a letter addressecl to NRA Deputy Adrninistrator A. C. Dixon, Carl W. Bahr, secretary and treasurer of the lumber Code Authority; has urged that representatives of the various NRA divisions make field trips and visits to lumber operations for purposes of closer acquaintance with the lumber and timber products industries. The general invitation was extended in consequen'ce of mention by Dr. Constant Southworth, of the NRA Consumers' Advisory Board, ofr his desire to make a field trip of first-hand observations and contact with the administrative agencies of several of the industry's Divisions.
Mr. Bahr's letter to Mr. Dixon, advising that the Lumber Code Authority highly favors Dr. Southworth's proposal, said: "We are extremely anxious that persons in NRA engaged in rvork connected lvith our Code do field work of just that type" and, "we would be glad if other Divisions of NRA would undertake similiar trips."