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MORE IMPORTANT-than your daily paper

are the TWICE-A'WEEK Supplemental Sheets of the Lumbermen's Credit Rating Service. The daily press brings you t'interestinStt n"*" of world events, but thcse timely Sheets bring information that is more than juet "interesting"-it is VITAL. Itg columns may not con' vey the lalest "Broadway chatter" but they .DO furnieh the l.t"st information concerning the credit status of your customers-and thatts vital ttnewE" because it strikes at the foundation of your business.

Of especial interest to your Sales Dep-arturent is the fact thai concernt just starting are immediately listed in these TWICE-A-VEEK Sheets, thus aiding you to con' tact them early for their initial stock order. A special signal marks th"t tt"t concerns Eo you can guickly ttspottt them.

The TVICE'A'WEEK Supplements are onlv ONE of the many exclusive features that male the Lumber' men's Credit Rating Service a profitable investmentmoderate in costr in keeping wiih the requirements of today's reduced budget.

Vrite our nearest ofice TODAY for descriptive pamphlet No. 6O and full particulars concerning our 3o-day APPROVAL Plan.

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