2 minute read
LUMBER CAREERS J. \(/. "Jack" tyilliams
John Worley Williams, secretary of the California Redwood Association. was born in Winchester, Franklin County, Tennessee. He was educated in Bolton College at Bolton, Tenn., and acquired a well rounded knowledge of the lumber business in the early l9O0's by working in the sawmill and sales ends of the industry with various Southern Pine operators. This experience was gained n'ith such r,vellknor,vn Texas con- cerns as Wm. Carneron & Co., Waco, Kirb_v Lumber Co., Houston, J. J. Carnpbell Co., Houston, and the Texas Export Co., Laredo.
It mal'come as a surprise to lnany to hear that in acldition to being a conrpetent lumberman Jack is also a quali- fied railroad man. He left the lumber business in 1905 and until 1918 was in the railroad service in Arizona and Mexico with the Randolph Lines, r,vhich were later merged r,vith the Southern Pacific Co. Starting as private secretary to the president, Epes Randolph, he worked up to the position of divisional superintendent.
\Ir. Williams came to the Redrvood industry in l919 as secretary-manager of the Redwood Export Company, remaining there until 1931 when he rvas appointed se,cretary of the California Redwood Association. He was particularly well equipped for this work rvith his background of sawmill and sales experience in the Southern pine industry, and his many years of service to the Redwood industry in the export field. He did some very effective promotional work in New Zealand and Australia in 1930 and 1931 rvhen he spent about six months traveling rouncl the two countries, meeting the timbermen of those markets and extolling the merits of Redrvood.
Redr,vood, by the way, has been the favorite softwoocl in Australia and New Zealand for many years. Through the efforts of the Redwood Export Cornpany it has become practically the only foreign softrvood used for weatherboarding, and to a large extent for joinery in Nerv Zealand, where the supply of suitable native softrvoocls is not sufficient to meet the demand.
Mr. Williams lives in Berkeley. His hobby is his beautiful rose garden, r,vhich contains some hundrecls of rose bushes and from 75 to 100 varieties.
Western Retailers Annual Eddie Hummel With !-lipolito Co.
The thirty-seconrl annual convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association rvill be held at the Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma, Wash., on February 21 ,22 and 23. Cecil Cavanaugh, Cavanaugh Lumber Co., Tacoma, is chairman of the general convention committee.
Eddie Humrnel has joined the sales force of the Hipolito Co. of Los Angeles. He was forrnerly rvith the Hammond Lurhber Co. of Los Angeles rvhere he was connected with their sasl-r, cloor ancl full mill bicl clepartment for a long lrcriod.
THE TIME.A,ND MONEY SAVING ADVANTAGE OF OUR "ONE STOP SERVICE' for Full Mill Bids, Detail and Made to Order Millwork, and Our Immediate Service on Rough Lumber, Shingles, Lath, IJppers, StocL Sash, Doors, Trim, !?allboard, ' Panels, Built-in-Fixtures and Casework.