1 minute read
U. S. Authority to Withdraw Railways Need 1
Blue Eagle to be Tested Cross Ties
San Francisco, Jan. 23.An order temporarily restraining NRA officials of this district from withdrarving the Blue Eagle from the Smith Lumber Company, San Francis,co, was issued yesterday by Federal Judge Frank H. Kerrigan. The matter rvill come to a hearing some time in February.
This action follorved filing of suit by the companlagainst Donald Rensharv, regional director of the \RA; William H. Griffin, Will J. French and Clay Miller, the NRA compliance council in this district.
To Spend Month In Portland
F. S. Buckley, Buckley Lumber Dealers' Supply Company, San Francisco, left February 1 for Portland to complete details of the organization of the company's plant there. Mr. Buckley expects to return to San Francisco in about 30 days.
Visits Northwesi
E. A. Wright, Los Angeles factory representative for California for Washington Veneer Co., Olympia, left January 17 for a trvo rveeks' visit to the company's plant at Olympia, Wash.
T. J. Butcher, ITome Lumber Company, Chula Vista, 'ivas a Seattle visitor during the month of Januarv.