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They're Doing lt in a Bis \7av!

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Washington, D. C., Jan. 24.-Los Angeles has been as_ sociated in the past l:ith.m?ny ,,Biggeit and Best" pr-o_ grams and products, but it is to be doubted if even ihat enterprising comnrunity has ever attempted so far_reaching and. sizable a campaign as the ,,Los Angeles plan", of iti projected "Better Housing Nlonth." Februar.y.

The plan calls for imme-diate initiation of a construction plgqr-1m in the Los Angeles trIetropolitan Area of g100,_ 000,000. But the Californians har.e not stoppecl .rvith an announcement of their goal.

A representative group of business men from all lines of endeavor have l>een banded together and named the ,.Com_ rnittee of One Hundred." These men are the signatories of the Plan a.d the porver plant of the machine Ihat *,ill generate the vast construction t,ork. Starting rvith pledges made by themselr.es to take the leacl in the-movenient"bv repairing and_ modernizing their orvn buildings and plar-rti, this body u,-ill start out on Feltruary 1 r,vith ihe deteiminai tion of enlisting the active aid and cooperation of everv business man, manufacturer and every rancher in the conimunity in.rvorking for the success of -the campaign.

They will. urge immediate .acceptance by every- pr,operty owner l,vho has need for repair and modernjzation, ind ."ho car.qualify,.of -t_he aid.offered l;y the Fecleral Housing Aclmirristration's Nlodernization Cr:edit plan.

Administr.ator James A. Mofiett is making a special trip from Washingtol !9 .r9pre9erlt the Federaf Housing Ad'ministration at the "kick-off" luncheqn n.reeting to be helct at the Biltm,ore Hotel, Thursdal, noon, Janua"ry 31. The session will be attended by the co'r'rittee of one Hu'clreci and groups representing interested industries and profes_ sions. .The opening gun of the advertising carnpaign I.ill be fired in all of the papers at this time, rihen j t.rtt pog" "Manifesto" rvil1 appear.

The Californians have announcecl that not only r,vill thev attenrpt to make rnodernization popular but they hope tcr make it fashionable as u'e11. And they l-rave timed the drir-e to coincide rvith several con'entions of i'dustrialists rvhose products go directly into homes.

The Western Furniture Exchange rvill convene on February 4, at .r'r'hich time 1,500 furniture dealers frorn all points west of Denver, Colorado, u'ill be in attendance.

The Pacific Coast Steel men rvill come together at Del N{onte on the 11th. Both of the meetinss .ivi[ be addressed meetings .ivilf addressecl by repfesentatir.es from the Los Anoeies Plan comnriffpe by Angeles plan committee and by Federal Housing Admir-ristration rvorkers.

The "Manifesto" of the Better l{omes Nlonth is as follows :

"We Proposebackers

"Prompted by a sincere and sober sense of our indiviclual responsibility as cltizens of this commonwealth, rve propose that the Federal Housing activities be backed up by the solid and decisive cooperation oJ business, indusiry,'agri- ctlture an_d finance, and rvith this end in vierv .,r" prop"o." the immediate initiation_ 9f a $100,000,000 constructi,on program in Los Angeles l\fetropolitan Area.

"We.urge every householder, every merchant, rancher, professional man, business man and inanufacturer rvho is able, to associate himself u'ith us in this enterprise. \\re call upon all Chambers of Commerce, civic grotips, service clubs, and business organizations, to enter rvhole'-heartedly into expanding this plan of pledging those who are financially able to do needed moderni zition or new consrruc_ tion work now.

"As an assurance of cooperation, and as an incentive to others, the members of this Committee of One Hundred have agreed among themselves forthrvith to undertake cer- tain improvements to_ their_ properties, ancl to urge their friends, associates and employees to do likewise;-and to avail themselves of the loan privileges of the i\ational Housing Act.

"This agreement has been enterecl into by us, not merely f9 insq.r.e reemployment and the resurgence 'of business that \\'tll corne from the modernization and new construc_ tion projects to which we are individualiy pledged, but also in the hope that the community as a whole ivili rise !o.,th9 challenge rvhich is offered arid that a campaign of Lrberty Loan proportions will be instituted to niake the -hederal Housing Adininistration's Loan plan popular, not onll' rvith those who need it in order to repair-the ravages of deterioration and obsolescence, but by ihose fina".iaiiu able to do needed nerv and remodeling ivork without ii. '

-"We-pro_pose the Los Angeles plan for the rehabilitation 9f th9 Nation, believing_tl-rai the launching of this mor," i,., Souther' California rvill, if successful, rnian the re_intro_ duction of prosperity on a national scale. l_et Cai;ior"ia take the lead I"

^ Initial appointments announced for membership on the Lornmittee of One Hundred have been made from the ranks of "dyecl-in-the-r,vool" conservatives and include the follou,ing:

._George I. Cochran, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. (.President);. Harrx. Chandler,.Los Angeles Timei ip"U_ li:her) ; .\ndrerv Chaffey, California Bank (president) : Wm. C.. McDuflie, Richheld Oil Co. (Receiver); lo..it S_cott,.At_torne).; Harry Bauer, Edison' Co. (Chairri"" if Il_oard) ;. Nels Gross, District Bond Co. lHeia) ; Fred H. Knickerbocker, Union Pacific (Nfanager); p. G. Wi;";4, Bullock's (He-ad) ; Morgan _Adams, Moitg"g" Guarantee ( Presir-lent) : Harnilton H. Cotton (Financlei) ; L. T. St. Clair, Union Oil Co. (Head) ; John Treanoi,' Riverside_ Portland Cement Co. (p_resideni; ; Malcolm i{cNaghte", Broadn.ay^ Dept. Store (Head) ; Ben l\{eyer, Union"Bank & Trust Co. (Head) ; H. D. Ivey, Citizens National Trust &-Satings Bank (President).

Not onlv is it anticipated that the successful terrnination of strch a campaign will make greater Los Angeles a bet_ ter _place to live in for those already residing t-here, but it is thought that such a modernization drive ivill inevitably attract man)- new residents rvho desire to live in a commu_ nity that is as progressive as Los Angeles.

Gets High Appointment

William Denman of San Francisco, large stockholder in and attorney for Coos Bay Lumber Co., and former chair_ man of the United States Shipping B,oard, was re,cently appointed Judge of the Ninth Circuit District of the United States.

Shingle Oper"tors Meet

George Bergstrom of Everett, Wash., president, and C. J. NfcGrath of Seattle, secretary-manager, of the Washing_ ton and Oregon Shingle Association, met with the shingle mill manufacturers of the Grays Harbor district and sur_ rounding territorv at a meeting held at the Emerson Hotel. Hoquiam, Wash., Tuesday evening, January g.

Ruling on NRA Promised bv Ncw ltem in Laminex Products Supreme Court

Washington, D. C., January 21.-A direct rtlling orl the constitutionality of the National Industrial Recover-v Act rvas promised by the Supreme Court today.

It agreecl to revierv the decision by Fecleral Judge W' I' Grubb, in the Unitecl States District Court at Birmingham, Alabama. Judge Grubb dismissed an indictment'against William E. Belcher, Alallama sawrnill operator, for violations of wage and hours provisions of the Lumber Code, stating the Recovery Act exceeds the constitutional powers of Congress and contains an unlawful delegation of legislative powers to the President. The Grubb decision also sustained a contenticin that the Lumber Code is an unlawful encroachment on state rights, and constitutes taking property without due process of larv. Arr appeal r'as takeu by the Department of Justice from the decision of Judge Grubb.

.This case 'ivas selected by the Goverument to test its authority over labor's hours and wages througl-r the cocle structure. Belcher was indicted for violating the Lumber Code. The Government contended he had permitted eurployes to rvork more hours per rveek or at less than thc minimum hourly rvage provided in the Code.

Edric Brown In East

Eclric E. Brorvn, manager by-proclucts division, The Pacific Lumber Co., left San Francisco shortly after the first of the year on a business trip to the Eastern Sates'

A new item in their line of manttfactured products is an= nonncecl by The Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation, the Laminex flush cupboar<i door.

The core o{ this flush door is made of stile and rail construction, to r,vhich is applied /3-in. crossbanding and tf-in' face veneers, making a l3/76-in. 5-ply door that will stay straight.

The stiles ancl top ancl bottom rail of the core are made 4 in. rvide, rvhich rvill permit cutting these doors down as much as 4 in. in rviclth or 4 in. in length by trimming both sicles equally. Because of this particular feature the dealer is enabled to supply just about any size of cupboard door required, and at the same time keep in stock only a minimum of sizes, thus necessitating qnly a nominal investment.

These flush cupboarcl doors have made a decided hit throughottt the country and are being stocked in jobbers' u,arehouses, from lvhich immediate shipments can be had'

Receives Many Congratulations

"Tat" Nicholson has been the recipient of many congratulations from his friencls, the occasion being the arrival Ji u fin. baby girl. He is now the proud father of two chilclren, a son and a daughter. "Tat" is associated rvith Frank M. Flynn & Co., insurance brokers rvith offices in Hoiiywood.

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