4 minute read
That \7as the Troubfe
It was over in deep East Texas, and the typical country ,darkey was telling about all the trials and tribulations the colored race have been subject during the past several years of depression, and how very hard it has been for them to make a living.
"But," said the white man who had been listening to
1935 Convention Dates
Feb. 6-8-Michigan Retail Lunrber Dealers Association, Grancl Rapids.
Feb. 12-13-Mississippi Retail Lurnber Dealers Associa_ tion, Jackson.
Feb. l2-l4-Illinois Lumber & Nlaterial Dealers Asso_ ciati,on. Chicago.
Irel>. 13-14-North Dakota Retail I_umbermen,s Asso_ ciatiou, Fargo, N. D.
Feb. 13-1S-Nebraska l-umber Merchants Association. Onraha.
Fel;. 19-20-Iou'a Association of L,rrmber & Builcling Ma_ terial Dealers. l)es NIoines.
Feb. 19-21-Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, NIils'aukee.
Feb. 2l-23-Western Retail Lumberrnen,s Association, Tacoma.
Feb. 27-Ntar.1-Ohio Association of Reiail Lumber Dealers, Columbus.
Mar. 4-6-Kentucky Retail Lumlter Dealers Association. T.ouislille.
N{ar. 5-6-Southrvestern Io.w'a Retail Lumbermen's Association, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Nfar. B-Harclrvood N{anufacturers Institute, Memphis, Tenn.
Nfar. 13-14-South Dakota Retail Lumbermen's Association, Aberdeen. S. D.
M ar. 2l -22-southeastern -sociation, Ottumrva, Io.iva.
Apr. 9-l l-Lumbermen's
Apr. 1G-National Retail \\rashington. D. C.
Iot'a Retail Lumbermen's As-
Association of Texas, Houston. Lumber Dealers' Association.
H. S. Brix, president, Knappton Tor,vboat Co., portlancl ancl Astoria, subsidiary of Brix Logging Co., operators of the Knappton Mill, Knappton, Wash., lvas a recent San Francisco visitor.
this tale of woe, "there's one thing about .living in the piney woods during these kind of times-the necessities of life don't cost much over here."
Mountain States Retailers Hold Annual Convention
J.' C. Pritchard, Pritchard Lumber Co., Walsenburg, Colo., was elected president of the Mountain States Lum_ ber Dealers' Association at the annual convention held in the Bro.ivn Palace Hotel, Denver, on January lO, 11 and 12. The follorving were elected vice presidents: Colorado -W. C. Kurtz, Independent Lumber Co., Grand Junction; New Mexico-K. J. Baldridge, J. C. Baldridge Lumber Co., Albuquerque; Wyoming-Oscar Rohlff, Rohlff Lumber & Supply Co., Casper. R. S. Grier, Grier Lurnber Co., Chey.enne, Wyo., was elected director for the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, also code authority member for the district.
Directors elected were: District No. 1-M. D. Bradfield, I\{arvson-Bradfield Lumber Co., Boulder, Colo.; District No. 2-Glen C. Rowell, Warren Lumber Co., Fort Morgan, Colo.; District No. 3-F. C. Metz, East Denver Lumber Co., Denver, Colo.; District No. 4-Ralph peterson, Foster Lumlter Co., Limon, Colo.; District No. 5-R. H. Birkby, Birkby Lumber Co., Lamar, Colo.; District No. 6-Car1 Wangberg, Crissey-Fowler Lumber Co., Colorado Springs, Colo.; District No. 7-John R. Miller, Conejos County Lumber Co., La Jara, Colo.; District No. g-H. G. Gaines, Gaines Lumber Co., Dolores, Colo.; District No. 9l
-W. G. McDonald, United Lumber & Supply Co., Glen_ rvood Springs, Colo.; District No. lG-H. W. Leonard, Steamboat Lumber Co., Steamboat Springs, Colo.; District No. 11-A. O. Bloedorn, Torrington Lumber & Coal Co..
To'rrington, Wyo.; District No. 12-W. A. Spear, Spear Lumber Co., Douglas, Wyo.; Distri,ct No. 13-I-. D. Stith. Tucumcari Lumber Co., Tucumcari, N. M.; District No. 14
-F. A. Berry, Big Jo Lumber Co., Santa Fe. N. M.: Dis_ trict No. lS-James Lee, Big Jo Lumber Co., Roswell, N. I\{.; District No. 1G-8. M. Godden, Foxrvorth-Galbraith Lumber Co., Derning, N. M.
J. T. Chapin, Chapin Lumber Co., Aurora, Colo., was reelected treasurer, and Allan T. Flint, Denver, Colo., lvas re-elected secretary-manager, at the directors' rneeting on Sattrrday morning, Janaary 12.
East B.y Hoo-Hoo Club C. A. Webst et Elected President
An interesting talk on "New Construction under the llousing Act" by L. E. Graybill, assistant secretary, American Trust Company, was the feature of the regular dinner rneeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, held at Hotel Coit, Oakland, Monday evening, January 14.
A number of questions were answered by Mr. Graybill follorving his talk. Among the questioners were Henry Hink, Earle Johnson, B. J. Boorman, Clem Fraser ancl \Vaverlv Tilden.
Professor Emanuel Fritz, associate professor of forestry, Universitt' of California, gave the first of a series of talks on "Water in Wood", and as usual had the'close attention of his andience.
Miland Grant, chairman of the committee in charge of Christmas keg distribution, reported that 416 kegs were distributed to needy families. A vote of thanks was passed to the committee for their splendid work, and to the donors of the kegs.
Geo. trI. Cornwall. of the Timberman, spoke briefly on the subject of the Housing Act.
Presiclent G. F. 'Jerry" Bonnington presided. He made a plea for larger membership, pointing out that it is not 1lecessatr\' to be a member of the International Order o{ Hoo Hoo in orcler to qualify for membership in the cluh.
Northwest Trip
Paramino Lumber Co., San Francisco, a business trip to the Northrvest.
The first tri-annual meeting of the Pacific Division, National Wooden Box Association, was held at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco, on January 8 and 9. R"Presentatives of the industry from California, Oregon and Washington attended the meeting.
C. A. Webster, Stockton Box Co., Stockton, was elected president for the coming 1'ear. He succeeds W. G. Hyman, Pacific Box Corporation of San Francisco, the retiring president. The following were elected directors: Ward A. Du'ight, Robt. L. Ferral, Floyd Hart, O. C. Haslett, W. G. Hyman, I{erman Paine, A. W. Pinger, J. W. Rodgers, C. F. Setzer, C. D. Terwilliger and C. A. Webster. Alternate directors elected were: Frank N. Blagen, P. Z. Bsrke, CH. Daggett, H. B. I{erves. J. S. Kent, A. G' Krause, R. W. Maples, A. G. Marion, J. H' Merguire, H. Ros'e and I. M. White.
Davis _\(/hite
E. G. Davis of Los Angeles and Miss Dorothy White of San Francisco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. White of San Jose, were married at Yuma, Ariza., on December 31, 1934, They spent their honeymoon at Coronado. Mr. Davis was formerly counected rvith the Los Angeles sales department of the Chas. R. N'IcCormick Lumber Co.. He is norv with the Coos Bay Ltttnber Co. rvorking out of their Los Angeles office.
5-ply with core of stile and rail construction.
Doors can be cut down as much as 4" either in width or in height. Consult your jobber for complete information.