3 minute read
Bv Jock Dionne
Ag" not guarant€sd---Some I have told jor 20 years---Some less
Whv Have Them?
Two colored brothers met on the street the other day. "Whut make you walk lame-like, Alonzo?" asked one. "You mus' be gittin' old."
"No Ah ain't," said the other. "H'its cawns."
"Lawd save us ! You mean you makin' a fuss lak dat 'bout jus' a li'l cawn on you feets?"
Buys Yard At Bakersfield
Mears Lumber Company,.Bakersfield, was recently sold to the Egland Lumber Company. The new owners are O. B. Egland, O. B. Egland, Jr., and R. Leer, who conducted a retail lumber and building material business in eastern Montana and Saskatchewan for the past twenty-five years.
M. G. Mears, who formerly operated the yard, plans to retire from active business.
F. N. Yochem of San Antonio, Texas representative for the Union Lumber Company, visited the company's San Francisco and Los Angeles offices and mill operations at Fort Bragg the early part of January.
John L. Long, president of Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Wash., was a visitor at the offices of Maris Plywood Corporation, San Francisco, on his way home from an Eastern business trip.
"IIow come, man? Ah gots cawns on mah toes, too, but dey don't hu't me."
"You mean you' cawns don't hu't when h'its gwine to rain?"
"Boy," said the other in deep disgust. "You might jus' as well have plain feet."
A. J. Hetherington has joined the Los Angeles sales stafi of the West Oregon Lumber Co. He has been associated with the lumber business as a salesman in Southern California for a good many years and is well known with the retail lumber trade.
Oregon Dealer Visits Palm Springs
C. J. Clause, operator of the Lake View Building Material Co. at Lakeview, Ore., v,.as a recent visitor in Palm Springs. He was just completing a trip around the country which included a visit to Chicago, New York, New Orleans, then west to California. His family was with him on the trip.
Appointed Yard Manager
H. A. Todd has been appointed manager of the Glendale Lumber Co. at Glendale. He succeeds Owen S. Dalton who has gone in business for himself and is now operating the Dalton Lumber Co. in Los Angeles. Mr. Todd was formerly with the Mullin Lumber Co. at North Hollywood.
Roy Barto Says Business Flourishes in The Philippine lslands
Roy Barto, president of the Cadwallader-Gibson Company, has just returned from a four months' trip to the Philippine Islands, where he went to arrange for a greater supply of Philippine Mahogany for their American business. He came back in fine shape, and reports a most interesting and enjoyable business trip, on which he was accompanied by Mrs. Barto. They lived for many years in the Islands, so the trip was really a return to their old home.
Mr. Barto says that business is splendid in the Philippines, and that the conditions he found here on his return were quite surprising by contrast. Trade with Japan is off, and has done the Philippine trade some harm, but otherwise the Islands are enjoying a flourishing business throughout the world, and a high tide of prosperity prevails.
Bob Osgood, sales manager for Cadwallader-Gibson Company, will leave about the middle of February for an extended trip around the hardwood buying markets of the country. He reports that there is a tremendous increase in activity in the market for Philippine Mahogany since the first of January, inquiries being numerous and sales rapidly developing.
\food Conversion Holds Sales Meetings
The Wood Conversion Company has just completed district sales meetings in St. Paul, Chicago, New York and Dallas. Paul A. Ward, general sales manager, in discussing the performance of men in various territories during the year, announces new records made in the sales of BalsamWool and Nu-Wood.
Salesmen were given a complete outline of advertising and promotional work for the coming year, together with a discussion of new developments which would be announced. National advertising will be included in "Better Homds and Gardens," "House Beautiful," "Home and Garden," and "American llome." In these publications, both Balsam-Wool and Nu-Wood will be featured in a sustained program.
Other advertising on Nu-Wood will be directed at specific markets through school, church, theatre and other publications. A program of full page ads will run regularly in architectural publications. Other ads will appear in lumber dealer, refrigeration and technical publications. Salesmen were informed that a sustained prog'ram on direct mail advertising will continue throughout the year.
Earle Mills Named Director Of Exhibits
Earle Mills, Humboldt county agricultural commissioner who has won coastwide laurels for his use of the native Redwood for exhibit purposes, has been named Director of Exhibits of the Redwood Empire Exposition Commission, which will form one of the integral units of the $5,000,000 state participation in the Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939.