1 minute read
Where Quality Sfarfs
From extensive virgin forests in the region noted for growth of soft, even textured plne, comes the "Pcul Bunycrr" product. Soft Ponderosq crnd Sugcr Pine cut by selective logging. Milled, kilnseqsoned ond remcsrufqctured. under yeqr round production.
Red River ships complete cssortments of industricl crrd building items. Stroight ccrs or mixed cars.
Givesmore YEARAGE" Sells more FOOTAGE
Redwood siding and outside trim make ideal "raiment" for the modern home. Always in style-takes and holds paint longer-keeps its' "schoolgirl complexion." Stands the gaff of sun, rain and time. Palco Redwood Siding, like all Palco Redwood Products, is Redwood at its best. Sell the extra "yearage" of Redwood-replenish your stocks with Palco Redwood.