The California Lumber Merchant - February 1943

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LOS ANGELES vol-. 2r. No. l5 SAN FNANOISCO FEBRUARY I. 1943 SCHAT'ER BROS. LUMBER & SHINGLE CO. Home Offic+-Aberdeen, Wcrshington Mcrnufcrcturers of Douglcs Fir cnd Red Cedor Shingles
Lumber Co. Aberdeen Plywood Corp. Buying Office-Reedsport, Oregon CALIFORNIA SALES OFFICES LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO lll West 9th St.-TRinity 4271 I Drumm St.-Sutter 1771

Certigrades on the Home front

T|HERE has been a tremendous call r for Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles for war housing and other government requirements. Our friends in the lumber business, realizing this, have been patient. We have been grateful.

We could have produced a great many more squares of Certigrade Shingles had not other necessary factors in the war effort interrupted our sinews of production.

Our lumber friends can be sure-that as far as i3 possible during the present criti-

cal period-every effort will be made to meet their shingle requirements.

The populority of Certigrode Shingles for lhe more perncnenl wor housing ond olher governmenl requiremenls is indicqlive of lheir grecl merlf. Red Cedor Shlngler ore slrongly enlrenched in lhe building world. ond have the full confidence of lunber deolers, orchllecls, engineer: cnd conlrocforc.



Scclflc. U.3. A. Yoncouvcr, !. G.. Ccnodo

Z l = hJ

tr o I Z I K


after lJncle Sam

BUT the well known EWAUNA mark will always be-

FIRST for texfr,rre

FIRST for millwork

FIRST for kiln-drying

FIRST for unifor:n grades

FIRST for sen'ice


Mill, Facory, and Salcr Ofice KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON

Central Cdifornia Reprecentative Pryamid Lumber Sdes Co., Oakland


We hcve been engaged lor some time in the lcrbriccrtion oI mcrtericrls lor crrticles thct cre diredly connected with wcn needs. \llle cre, therelore not crble to lurmish any oI the items lor which we had developed c wide mcrket-Eubank Ironing Bocrds, Cebinets, or Mcrntels.

However, we cre crlso plcrnning for the luture, cnd when the time comes will cnnounce c new crnd more extensive line oI Eubcnk products.


*Advertircmea$ appeer in alternate icruec, American Hardwood Co..--------------------------

American Lumber and Treating Co.

Anglo California Lumber C,o.

Atcata Redwood Co..-----.

Atkinron-Stutz C-o.----------. --.

Fir Door fnstitute----------

Fordyce€rosrett Sales Co.--- -- - -

Gamerlton & Green Lumber Co.,-,, -.--,,19

Flall, James L.----------,--------Hammond Lumber Co.---.-------. -.

Hill Ec Morton, Inc..-------------------. -..

Flogan Lumber Co..-

I{oover, A- L..---------..

Johnron Lumber Corporation, C. D., ------..-

Koehl & Son, Inc., John W..-----------

Kuhl Lumber Co., CarI H.--------------

l,amon-Bonnington Company,----,, -- - -

Lawrence.Philipr Lumber Co.---

Lumbermen Credit Agociation l6

MacDonald & Hamington, Ltd.

* Pecific Lunbcr Co., Thc

Pecific Mutud Door Co..

Pecific Virc Productr Co.

Prcific ltrood Produco

[. H.
433 W. Redondo Blvd. Inglewood, Ccrlif. ORegon 8-1666
tuBAIlK & S0t, ItC.
Corp..----Ponderoca Pine Voodwork.-------------Pope & Talbot, fnc., Lumber Division---------Pordand Cement Asociation--,Ream Co., George 8..------------------Red Cedar Shingle Bureau.-------,----,--, ------.----- Z Red River Lumber Co.------------------ ----------,---------t-t San Pedro Lumber Company------- ------------------- 4 Santa Fe Lumber Co.------------------------------------OBC * Schafer Bror. Lumber & Shingle Co.----------OFC Shevlin Pine Salee Co.---------- --------------------,----,19 ,: Sudden 6,Chrbtenron,Inc..-----,-,-------,-----,, 27 * t ,21 ,.tt 25 Back Panel Coopiny------Baxter & Co., J. H.------- f5 Blue Diamond C,orporation Bradley Lumber Co., of Arkancac Brueh Indutrial Lunber Co.------------------------ -15 g*''g Lrr.ber C,o. -_______--- -- 29 Crlifornia Builderr Supply Co.,--------------. 22 California Door Co., The.--California Panel & Veneer Co. ----,---,-,---- - - 1l Carr & Co, L. J.----- --- -- - ------- -----.---.,-- ---.29 C,elotex Corporetion, The ---,--Cobb, C,o., T. M.-- Meple Flooring Manufacturerr Asrociation Michigan{elifornia Lumbcr Co..---,,--Moore Dry Kiln Co.-------Cooper, \f. 8..----- -Curtir Compenier Sewice Bureau Dent & Rurdl, fnc. Douglae Fir Plywood Arociation Eubrn& e, Son, L H. ---- -- ----- _ t Ervrune Bor Co. ---- --- --_..- -,_- ._ t I 26 2l * Pcnbcrthy Lunbct Co.


LUMBERMERCHANT JackDionne,publi:ltu

How lrumber Lrooks

Lumber shipments of 453 mills reporting to the National Lumber Trade Barometer exceeded production by 11'9 per cent for the rveek ended January 16, 1943. In the same week new orders of these mills were 15.8 per cent greater than production. Unfilled order files in the reporting mills amounted to 76 per cent of stocks. For reporting softwood mills, unfilled orders are equivalent to 38 days' production at the current rate, and gross stocks are equivalent to 46 days' production.

For the year to date, shipments of reporting identical mills exceeded production by 9.1 per cent; orders by 7.0 per cent.

Compared to the average corresponding week of 193539, production of reporting mills was 26.7 per cent greater; shipments were DA per cent greater, and orders were 12.2 per cent greater.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended January 9, 94 mills reporting, gave orders as

feet, shipments

Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled t42,924,W feet.

The California Redwood Association reported production of twelve operations for the month of December,1942, as 33,571,000 feet, shipments 38,830,000 feet, and orders received 38,864,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled 85,128,000 feet.

The West Coast Lumberman's Association for the week ended January 9 reported orders as 85,269,000 feet, shipments 87,335,000 feet, and production 91,273,N0 feet. For the week ended January 16 orders were reported as 1@,029,000 feet, shipments 103,664,000 feet, and production 100.985.000 feet.


feet, and production

feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled


The Southern Pine Association for the week ended January 16, 100 mills reporting, gave orders as

Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, recently made a new addition to their brick ofifice building at 2Ol4 East 15th Street, completing the second floor. They will also remodel the general office to provide several private offices.


feet, shipments

feet, and production 22,701,Offi feet.

C. G. Price, general manager, The California Door Co., Diamond Springs, Calif., rvas in Los Angeles recently on business.

Lumber is a Critical Ttlar Material

cmd Uncle Som comes first. It must continue to hqve the right-of-woy for wqr needs.

\Me cne supplying materiqls lor mcrny wcr projects but wont to serve the retoil trqde too. If moteriols crre avoiloble, we will get them.

For 60 yeqrs we hqve been serving the Southern Colilornio lumber trqde.


--- - -- -unrcre" "i.l.f;l$*T":,!r,*i**:y'^t..t**:,IJh;
l,lg43 *:i*ifjo}ff:
W. T. BLACK r. c. DioE., p,.,.I"";Tpro,'."j:3 i:f'"tlfT,;1f#ifft. lrcc,, s.€,.r(E!, lit. ADAMs Advertirilg McacAer Publirbcd tho lel cad l5ib ol cccb Dolth ct circulctioq Mcncacr 508-9-10 crarrct Buildrag, l(E wcrl si*|h str..t, Lor tage!!e, ccl., Tclcphoao vladilc 1565
Port 0160 ct Subscriplion Pri-c-e, $2.00 per Yecr r ..,S ANGELES, CAL, FEBRUARy
Sincrle Cooiea. 25 cents ecch Lv'
W. T. BLACT 815 St. Scl Frocirco PBorpoct 3810
LOS ANGELES l5l8 So. Central Ave.-Rlchmond ll4l
SAN PEDRO tB00-A Wilmington Rood-Scm Pedro 2200



Lumber, Shingles, Piling and Ties

461 Market Street, San Frqncisco DOuglcs 2561


714 W. Olympic Blvd.

PRospect 8231

PORTLAITD, ORE. McCormick Termincrl ATwcrter 916l

EUGEM, ONE. 202 Tiffany Btdg, EtJgene 2728


Possibly sooner than we dare will ftnd us teady to do our share the great pent-up demand for


exPect, you in supplying

"Everylhing in Hardwoods"

Our remanufacturing facilities have baen increased and improved, and our whole organization is now gearcd up to a high point ot elficlency.

f,wcnded by the Mqritinr Commirsion lor Meritorioue Wnr Production.
WESTERN 20t4 E lsrh sL HARDWOOD LUMBER co. PRospect 616l Ios Angeles

Here lies till Gabriel's trumpet blows, The bones of a Nazi flyer; High, high he flewIn the azure blueBut a Yank flew a damsite higher.


The heart of America has gone out to the mother of those five boys who died in a single sea battle in the Pacific. Numerous writers have endeavored to pay tribute to her Spartan courage, her uncomplaining acceptance of that immeasurable tragedy. But most vi'riters wisely resorted to quoting the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln, when he wrote a Civil War mother who had likewise lost five sons in battle; accepted as the most beautiful sentiments ever expressed on such a subject: ***

"I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine, which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the republic they died to save. I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom."


Truly it may be said in these sad war times, that the greatest heroes are not those who bravely meet the foe, but rather those dear ones who are left behind, like the Iowa mother of five lost sons. If it is true that it is "the noble brow that makes the wreath of glory green," then a wreath of eternal glory goes to this great woman who simply said "that is the way they would have wanted it." They sailed on the same ship, and died in the same battle.


This war is little more than a year old, yet no one can deny that innumerable deeds of glory, matching anything in our past glorious history, have already been written upon the records, challenging thc reverent admiration of all Americans; of all mankind. As was said long ago about another American soldier, let us say of these present-day hcroes who have written their rights to glory in thc skiee: 'Lot us crown their tombE with the oak, thc cmblem of

their strength; and with the laurel, the emblem of their glory."


The poet Macaulay wrote, and his words will live always: "Oh how can man die better, Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods?"


By the way, you haven't heard any sermons on the text, "Love thy enemy" lately, have you? It would certainly take a preacher quick on his feet to try and figure out a reason why we should love the gangsters who seek to wipe us from this earth. I'm inclined to agree wirh Ed Howe when he said we should quit worrying about loving our enemies, and start paying a little more attention to our friends.

rm afraid my theory J"": ,J,r", your enemy is something like that of the fierce old Spaniard who lay dying, and called in the Padre to give him the rites of the dying. The Padre said to him: "Before f can give you absolution, you must forgive your enemies." The old Spaniard said: "I haven't got an enemy in the world." The Padre, who knew the fierce character of the old brigand, was surprised. "What," he demanded, "you have no enemies?" t'Not a oner" said the old Spaniard. "I killed the last one yesterday." Something tells me that we'll start loving these enemies of God and man at about that same time, and in about that same fashion. I'd rather love my friends, because:

"A friend is like an old song, grown sweeter with the years,

A friend is one who shares our joys, and wipes away our tears;

A friend will look for goodngss in everything we do,

A friend is one who knows our faults yet finds our virtues, too;

A friend will share a crust of bread or help to lift a load,

Happy are we who find a few good friends along the.road." (Anon.)


One of the finest traits of man is to,show afrection for his friends. Life is so brief at best that we should ration our time and plan to increase the moments of happiness we spend with those whose company we love. And anotrher thing; don't wait until you need friends, to start cultivating them. That is one crop in which preparation is vital.


Speaking of war, and of fighting men: Robert Quillen writes a syndicated column that I enjoy very much. Sometimes he puts a great '!kick" into his stuff. In one of his editorials he described the Confederatc Army that marched with Lee into Pennsylvania during the Civil War. The description belongs in every war scrapbook. Quillen says: "He (Lee) was followed by at army of veterans that was undoubtedly the worst-looking military force in history. Few of them wore regular uniforms; many were hatless and barefoot; many, because of the July heat, marched in their long, dirty under-drawers; they were unshorn, and those who were old enough were bewhiskered; all were gaunt to the point of emaciation, and all were lousy; they seemed slouchy, dust-covered, ragged tramps. But, oh, their guns were clean. They had been whittled on a hard rock till they had a razor edge of fitness. What little tneat covered their bones, was rawhide. They could march all day and fight all night. They could live on parched corn. They could find cover like the wolves.

They marched light and fast with the tireless gait of wolves, and like welves they were impervious to heat, and cold, and rain, and mud. The world has never seen fighting men better qualified for the job. Those lean and hungry veterans, stripped of all fat and softness and every unessential, could teach us the things we nee{ to know."

rsn't that a tremendo:" :; picture of a bunch of fighting men? They had learned the art of war in the only school in which war is actually taught-battles and still more battles. I thought of that description the other day when I read an article by Ed Angly, famous war correspondent just back from Australia, in which he said in part: "ft's just as true of the German today as it was when Mirabeau said over a hundred years ago that the national industry of Prussia is war. You learn to make cheese by making cheese; you learn to be a reporter by learning nouns and verbs, and using them; so an army learns to fight, by fighting, and most of OUR people are greenhorns at this ghastly business."

I thought that was illuminating. At the start of this war, we urere green at the business of scientifically and remorselessly blasting the lives out of human beings, while

(Continued on Page 8)


(Continued from Page 7 ) our adversaries were veterans, old and schooled in the business of war, of destruction, of killing. Step by step our Americans in every branch of this "ghastly business" as Angly calls it, are becoming veterans, also, becoming the sort of soldiers that Quillen describes in his article I have just quoted; and from all we can learn from the fighting in the Pacific islands, they have had to become just as bearded, and agile, and tough as was Lee's army in Pennsylvania. There are no other fighting men in the world like Americans when they get well broken in and their dander up. And they are approaching that stage now in all departments. And God help the Nazi or Jap who has to contend with that sort of men on equal terms. Theyhaven'taprayer. * * !8

David Starr Jordan wrote: "Rome endured as long as there were Romans. America will endure as long as we remain Americans in spirit and in thought." ***

Somerset Maugham wrote: "If a nation values anything more than freedom, it wiU lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort and money that it values more, it wiil lose that, too. And when a nation has to fight for its freedom, it can only hope to win if it possesses certain qualifications: honesty, courage, vision, loyalty, and sacrifice."

Miss M. L. Haskins, British war nurse as well as poet and novelist, wrote a little prose poem called "God Knows," in which she says: "And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown!' And he replied: 'Go out into the darkness and put thine hand into the hand of God. That shall be to thee better than any light, and safer than a known way."'

There are various "rr*r"l tJo**-tri"t to view all matters, particularly food prices. A man says he read where fresh

berries were selling for 7 shillings (about $1.40) a pound in London, and was inclined to shudder at such a price, until someone reminded him that those same berries would bring at least twice that much in a New York night club. **!r

And then there was the Australian who tried to get in the army, and was turned down because they said he had bad feet. He was most despondent at the verdict, and begged for a reconsideration. "It's no use," the doctor told him. Those feet of yours would never stand the army routine. But why are you so anxious to get in?" "Because," said the rookie from the back lands, "I walked a hundred and ninety miles to get here, and I sure do hate to walk back."

And last, but not lea"t, th"*"tJry i" going flying around, about the colored brother making big wages in a war plant, who absolutely refused to buy a war bond, and when pressed for his reason said that he didn't consider it a good investment because anyone foolish enough to pay him sixty dollars a week, was bound to go broke.

Red River Has Large Output in 1942

The largest output by sawmill and dry kilns in its quarter century of production at Westwood, California is reported by The Red River Lumber Company for the year 1942.

Sawmill cut 212,414,759 feet. The kilns died 221,255,755 feet. The excess of kiln output over sawmill cut is due to the fact that Incense Cedar squares for Venetian blind slats are returned to the kilns for reconditioning. Some lumber from Red River's mill at Susanville. California was also kiln-dried at Westwood.

Shipments included 5,980 cars lumber; one car ties; 120 cars moulding and siding; 88 cars shook and cut-stock; 159 cars Venetian blind slats; 523 cars plywood; 46 cars veneer cores and wood; 3 cars flitches and one car logs for a total ol 6.92I carc.


A. L. (Gus) Hoover, Southern California representative, and Al Nolan, Western sales manager, of The Pacific Lumber Company, recently spent a few days at the company's mill at Scotia, Calif.

HARDWOODS FOR WAR I|EEDS! Slh od Brcrnaqn Str Scl Frcncirco SUtter 1385 Since 1872 51tr ttigb 3t Cl cLl ca d f,lfdovor lSdl

Effect oj 3% Freight Tax on Lumber Ceilings Ragulations on Buildingr for War

Henry H. Reuss, assistant general counsel, Office of Price Administration, has issued the following letter:

"This should be considered as a supplement to our previous letter explaining the effect of the 3 per cent tax on freight bills on the ceiling prices for lumber.

"The earlier letter was intended, among other things, to state generally the effect of the tax on the quotation of delivered prices and the proper manner of invoicing in those cases where the seller is allowed to pass along the tax to the purchaser. This letter expands on these matters.

"Where a seller who quotes a delivered price is permitted to pass along the increase in transportation charges (that is, the tax), the seller can legally do the following: He can charge the maximum price which would have applied if there were no freight tax and have the buyer pay and deduct (in remitting to the scller) the freight. This means that the buyer has to pay the tax when he pays freight to the carrier, but he does not deduct the tax in remitting to the seller.

"If this method of passing on the tax is used, the seller need not mention the tax on the invoice."


Don F. White of White Brothers, wholesale hardwood dealers, San Francisco, has been commissioned a Lieutenant, Junior Grade, in the U. S. Navy. He left San Francisco January 13 to report for duty.

Employees Relaxed

Relaxation of restrictions on design and use of materials in war-worker housing was announced on Janaary 23 in Washington by the War Production Board and the National Housing Agency.

The changes included:

An increase of 10 to 15 per cent in permitted floor area.

Removal of the ban on use of softwood lumber for finish and subflooring.

Expansion of areas in which wood frame construction may be used.


The Southern California Retail Lumber Association has opened offices in rooms 1018-19 Board of Trade Building, 111 West 7th Street, Los Angeles. The telephone number is TUcker 6108. Secretary-Manager Orrie W. Hamilton will spend a portion of his time during the latter part of each week at the Los Angeles ofifice.

The Association's workshop where its bulletins are produced will remain in San Diego at its present address.


Lou Adolphson, new manager of the Barr Lumber Company at Whittier, Calif., has transferred his membership from the Norwalk Kiwanis Club to the Whittier Kiwanis Club. He was rvelcomed into the Whittier Club last month.

As the war needs are met, we trust there will gradually be more lumber available for retail dealers. Our hope is that we may soon be able to meet many of your reguirements.
In the meantime we can all help the war effort by buying

Conservation Order M-208 Revised

Washington, January 13.-A revised and simplified order governing the marketing and distribution of softwood lumber was announced today by the Lumber and Lumber Products Division of the War Production Board. Extensive changes are made in the pattern of preference ratings for lumber to facilitate an orderly flow of materials through regular trade channels into the hands of consumers who require lumber for repair, maintenance and other necessary purposes.

Conservation Order M-208, as amended by the Director General for Operations, establishes four categories of uses of lumber based on the relative importance of these uses in the war program. The new simplified use classifications take the place of Class 1, 2, 3 and. 4 orders for lumber as established in the previous version of M-208.

Attached to the revised order are four lists carrying preference ratings for specified uses including the following:

List A, Preference Ratings AA-2X: Lumber used for maintenance or repair of Government buildings, structures and war projects; for repair and maintenance of railway rolling stock and industrial plants or other premises engaged in war production; for boxing, crating, packing or stou'ing, for shipping any material ordered for the account of the Got'ernment, or to be incorporated in materials ordered by the Government.

List B, Preference Rating AA-3: Lumber for construction of buildings and structures for industrial use; for maintenance and repair of industrial plants, machinery and equipment used in civilian establishments; for crating, boxing, packing and stowing many kinds of industrial goods, foodstuffs and other essential civilian supplies.

List C, Preference Rating AA-4: Lumber to be physical- ly incorporated into ecluipment such as vehicles, tanks and vats; for farm buildings and structures and for storage facilities for agricultural products.

List D, Preference Rating AA-5: Lumber for maintenance, repair, crating or packing of less essential structures and products; for physical incorporation in ladders, refrig- erators and mill rvork.

Special recognition is given to the urgent needs of farmers through assignment of high preference ratings for the use of lumber for repair and maintenance of farr4 build_ ings and other farm uses. Ability of farmers to increase' the yields of subsistence crops will depend in part on prop_ er maintenance of farm plants. and lumber is accordingiy "" important factor in the increasing of .foodstuffs.

It is also hoped that the revised order will provide for filling essential needs of other civilian and industrial consumers of lumber for repair and maintenance. Stocks in re_ tail lumber yards have been seriously depleted during the last year beiause Amendment No. 1 of the former irder prohibited replacement in inventory of soft wood lumber delivered in class 3 and class 4 orders. The revised M-zog

removes this restriction so that present levels of inventories may be maintained. It will permit replacement in inventory of all lumber delivered after January 12, regardless of the preference rating under which the lumber is sold. This change is expected to be particularly helpful in maintaining inventories of dealers furnishing lumber for the farm trade.

The order also previously contained an inventory limitation which permitted dealers to have only a 6Gday supply of lumber in stock, although it was recognized that lumber yards in rural communities could not function satisfactorily on that basis, since their turnover is very low. The restriction was adopted as a temporary expedient because of the urgent and critical need for lumber for war purposes. This 60-day limitation on inventories is now eliminated.

The amended M-208 will apply hereafter to that portion of the output of Douglas fir lumber which is not wanted by the central procuring agency for military use. Such lumber, when released by WPB on Form PD-423, will be distributed on preference ratings through regular trade channels. Limitation Order L=218 covering Douglas Fir is amended simultaneously to permit disposition of the nonmilitary Douglas Fir lumber.

While the revised M-208 does not in itself allow dealers generally to build up stocks, dealers whose inventories have been depleted may file an appeal on Form PD-IX, and an analysis of their sales during the preceding 90 days, as shown on PD-IX, will then be used as a basis of assignment of preference ratings for replenishment of inventories r,vhere necessary.

M-208, as amended, is effective immediately. However, deliveries rated before January 12 are subject to the terms of the order before the present amendment. Under this provision, ratings of AA-2X or higher applied under the previous version of the order may be extended, but the revised order provides that ratings of AA-3 or lower may not be extended for replacement in inventorv of softu,ood lumber shipped or delivered before January 12.


L. J. Carr, president and sales manager of L. J. Carr & Co., Sacramento, has been commissioned a Captain in the Army Transport Service and reported for duty at Fort Mason, San Francisco, on January 18.

W. D. (Bill) Dunning of Los Angeles, who represents the firm in Southern California, is now in Sacramento and will handle the sales during Mr. Carr's absence. Mr. Dunning will continue to keep his Los Angeles office open ancl plans to spend some time each month calling on his customers in the Southern California territory.


MGM Relecges Picture 'lVood Goes Tire In:pection Drte for Commercial to \(/ar"

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer will release between January lSth and February lst a new one-reel technicolor film, "W'ood Goes To \ff21"-3 nine-minute, 35 mm. short, produced by James A. Fitzpatrick, which highlights the service of the forests in supplying Uncle Sam with a multitude of essentials for the war effort.

This motion picture illustrates how the production soldiers of the woods and mills back up front line fighters by providing the materials necessary to shelter them during training in America and to garrison them on foreign soil.

It illustrates hou' the forests build most of the small patrol, auxiliary, and assault watercraft and how forest byproducts produce explosives. It shows how lumber is used for bridges, planes, battleship decking, truck bodies, hangars, and as crating material for food and fighting supplies being shipped to our own forces and our allies all over the world. This picture proves that wood is winning service stripes on the fighting front, as well as behind it.

All forest industry people will not only want to see the movie, "Wood Goes To War,,, but will want it exhibited in the theatres of their communities. This can be arranged by asking the manager of the local theatre to secure a booking through the agency which handles MGM produc_ tions.

MGM's release service covers practically the entire United States, and it is estimated thai an audience of about 15,000,000 people will have a chance to see this picture.

Vehicleg Postponed

San Francisco, Jan. l2-Operators of commercial motor vehicles in the West today were advised by the Office of Defense Transportation that the final date for the first tire inspections has been postponed from January 15 to February 28.

After the first inspection is made, the vehicle must then be presented for regular inspections every 60 days or every 5,000 miles, whichever occurs first. All inspections must be made by inspectors designated for this service by the Office of Price Administration.

If the tire inspector finds the vehicle's tires in good condition he endorses the certificate of war necessity. Certificates which do not have this valid endorsement cannot be used to obtain gasoline ration coupons from local War Price and Rationing Board.

No commercial motor vehicle may be operated following a tire inspection unless the inspector has certified that all reasonable and possible adjustments, repairs or replacements necessary to assure maximum conservation of the vehicle's tires have been made.

The ODT urged that commercial vehicle ,operators begin having tires inspected at once and not wait until the cleadline approaches.


A. M. Schwarz of the Schwarz Lumber Co., Miami, Ariz., has recently been on a visit to Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

PL,YWOOD FOR EVERY PURPOSE Hcndwoods ol Mcrny Vcrieties Cal-Boqrd Exterior Wcrterprool Douglcrs Fir Redwood Calilonricr White Pine Gum and Birch Douglas Fir NE:Vtr tOMONm DOORS GOLLOCORE) GOI.D BOIVD INST'LI,TION AIVD HANDBOANDS 955-967 sourg ALAMEDA sTRrEr Telaphow TRdrdry 0057 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2@6, Tnnurxar. Arurx T.OS ANGELES, CALIRONNIA lifornia neer6

BV lacJ, Saatn

Age not guaranteed---Some I havc told for 2O years---Some Less

Maybe He Could Tell bv Lookins

Lots of war stories going the rounds, many of them dealing with the subject of dumb rookies.

They say that Tillie the Toiler at Lockheed's says that there is only one thing worse than a dumb rookie, and that's a dumb rookie with bad breath.

Anyway, here is the story of a rookie who was raised within sight of the Atlantic Ocean. When he got in the army they sent him to California, and so one day he stood on a blufi and looked for the first time on the broad waters of the Pacific Ocean. One of his companions said to him:

"Do you know, the Pacific Ocean is three times as big as the Atlantic Ocean?"


Rod Hendrickson, former San Francisco lumberman, but now and for many years past a well known figure in the radio world is kept busy these days. He is on the air Monday through Friday on station KGO at 12:45 p-m' with a daily talk in which he dispenses homespun philosophy to an organ accomPaniment.

Rod is radio editor of the San Francisco Argonaut, and has a half-hour Argonaut program on KGO every Sunday at I :30 p.m. He is also in demand for acting roles in various screen dramas because of his ability as a chafacter actor.


E. G. (Dave) Davis, of the sales department, IJnion Lumber Co., has been transferred from the mill at Fort Rragg, Calif., to the San Francisco offrce.

This rookie stood on his tip-toes so he could get a good look out over the great western water, and said: "Sure is, ain't it?"


Reminds me of the story we used to tell during the first World War about the colored soldier from the interior of Alabama who had never seen any water wider than a creek until the army caught him and took him to the Eastern seaboard, and he found himself looking with wide eyes out over the Atlantic Ocean. He was heard to remark: "Dass de fustest thing I evah seed in my life dey wuz enuf of."


Charles R. McCormick, Jr., president of McCormick Piling & Lumber Co., Portland, reports that his company has moved one of its mills from Coburg, Ore., to Fox Valley, near Lyons, Ore., on the Southern Pacific. The mill started cutting Douglas Fir orders January 11. The cut will be about 50,000 feet per day, running two shifts. In the new location the company has acquired enough timber for several years' operation, and the mill has an excellent log pond holding a million feet.


Ed P. Schafer, sales manager, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., and V. A. Nyman, manager, Aberdeen Plywood Corporation, Aberdeen, Wash., recently spent about 10 days in San Francisco and Los Angeles on business.



Bcised PcmelBcised Mould Verticcl Grciu Fir Philippine Mchogcny

(Write us tor pictures ol these doors)

t2 THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT February 1, 1943 aa ilV 6]a4onik Stonq aa
DISTRIBUTORS iu Northem Cclilornic tor
Lbr. & llllg. Go. Tccomc, Wcrsh.
w Sth & Cypress Sts., Oahland-TEmplebar 84OO

Los Angeles Led Nation in Building For 1942

Given a mighty job of building dwellings, factories and other structures to aid the nation's war cause, Los Angeles led the American construction parade Lor 1942 with a building valuation of @,219,846. San Diego was fifteenth with $9,890,582, and San Francisco was in eighteenth place with a total of $9,744,56.

The nation's cities with the greatest permit-valuation totals for 1942, Iollow:


Frank B. James has received a promotion and is now a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Air Corps. He is stationed at Oakland, Calif. He is a graduate of the University oi California at Los Angeles, and the son of Roy E. James, wholesale lumberman with offices in Huntington Park.


C. H. White, vice-president and general manager, White Brothers, San Francisco, is back at his desk following an illness that kept him away about six weeks.



Manulcctuters Qucrlity Redwood Lumber (Bcud-Sarra)

Even-textured, ecrsy-working solt pine plyrrood. Hot-pressed or coldglued. Pcrints, enamels cnd lccquers cover economiccrlly for fine level-surIcrced finish.

"Pcrul Bunycur's"

Solt Ponderosa qnd Sugcr Pine II'IUBER MOI'IDING PLYWOOD Incense Cedcr \IENETIAN BIJND SLATS nEersrEnED

Los Angeles .... ......$60,219,846 Detroit .. 54,988,212 New York 48.462.520 Washington, D. C. SO,SSZ,SSO Chicago . 30,738,121 Cleveland . 24,471,ffi Philadelphia... .23,707,080 Baltimore 21.449,994 Seattle ... 19,M2,U0 Houston . 16.659.544 Portland,Ore.. .14,209,570 Akron ....13.1t4.571 Ft. Worth tt.Otg.Sq8 Milwaukee L0,455,ffi San Diego 9,890,582 Boston 9.841.894 Tacoma 9]57J84 San Francisco .. gJU,,SOA Indianapolis ... 9,230,339
Bunyan'st' California Pine PLYWOOD
'RADE Mril
"Big titil lanhr trom s li,ttle
gALEA OTTICE SO. CAIIFOBNIA BEPRESIENTATTVE Tilden Scler Bldg. I. I. Bec 420 Marlei SL Sil0 Wilghirc Btvd. Sclr Frcacisco Los Angelea YUtoa 2067 WEbrter 7828

Two Types of Western Lumber Affected Ponderosa Pine Woodwork Aimg at Post' bv OPA Ruling \(/ar Support of Lumber Dealer

San Francisco, Jan. l9.-Distribution yard sales of two types of western lumber, Sitka spruce and redwood, today were placed by the Office of Price Administration under the piovisions of the existing price regulations covering simiLr sales of Douglas fir, 'Western pine, Southern pine, and red cedar shingles.

Set out in amendment No. 3 to maximum price regulation No. 215 (distribution yard sales of softwood) the action will stabilize the retail prices for the lumber items at levels reflecting such increased replacement costs as have occurred since March,1942.

Mill ceiling prices were previously established in dollars and cents figures in separate regulations for the different species. The general pricing formula used in regulation No. 215 allows a l0 percent mark-up on f.o.b' mill ceiling prices plus transportation charges (from basing point to yard) plus $5.00 per thousand board feet handling charges.

Special provisions and rules governing sales by "OPA contract yards," which are yards operating under special arrangements with directions from agencies of the War Department, are also incorporated in today's action, effective January 25, 1943.

At the same time OPA announced that it is conducting a study of distribution yard sales and is planning a regulation which will establish ceiling prices for all lumber sold by distribution yards whether in large or small quantities. For the time being, all distribution yard sales of softwood not covered by regulation 215 remains under the control of the general maximum price regulation.

Today's action includes measures designed to bring itself to those yards making several types of sales which recently have been subjected to a squeeze because of higher leplacement costs and to yards tvhich purchase lumber from other distribution yards.

The amendment establishes the basing points as follows: Eureka, Calif., for redwood, and Portland, Ore., for Sitka spruce.

While there are many opportunities today to sell doors, windows, frames and other items of woodwork, a substantial part of the activities of Ponderosa Pine Woodwork are directed toward the post-war building market. In a talk before the annual meeting of the Southern Sash & Door Jobbers Association, in New Orleans, Robert Bodkin, general manager of Ponderosa Pind Woodwork, emphasizes the double-barrelled objectiv€ of his organization.

Many authorities anticipate a boom in building soon after the end of the war. They predict, almost unanimously, a great increase in the design and development of new materials. It is known that many manufacturers are today experimenting and perfecting competitive products which they plan to introduce promptly after V-Day.

Mr. Bodkin pointed out that often, in the past, these new materials did not favor the lumber dealer as the most efficient method of distribution. In fact, some products have circumvented the lumber dealer entirely.

Ponderosa Pine Woodwork is supporting the lumber dealer, in all its activities. Mr. Bodkin stated that public interest, resulting from advertising inquiries and other means of checking, has approximated the same volume as in 1941. He predicted that in the New Year Ponderosa Pine Woodwork will continue to cultivate ptrblic interest in the postwar market, and at the same time to stimulate the immediate sale of woodrvork items. The demand for storm sash and doors has not slackened and there are various othef repair and remodeling jobs which can be carried on, rvithin the limitations of the WPB Ruling. Every effort will be made to maintain the volume of business. But, at the same time. the activities of the association will include ample attention to the cultivating and protecting of the post-war market.


Allocation control of sale and delivery of new tires for industrial power trucks ordered by WPB. Rubber tires for industrial power trucks may be delivered for replacement purposes to fiIl purchase orders rated A-1-A or higher on PD-IA certificates only. War orders are exempted from the restrictions. No vehicle manufacturer may have an inventory in excess of his requirements for 30 days (Supplementary Order M-15-G), issued January 16.

L. v. Knox '"" Jlt):,l?ff?:- of the Barr Lumber Company to the Ana yard. the Whittier yard company's Santa
I'AI}TOI[. BOTTMIIGTOII GOMPAIIY \THOLESALE LUMBER l- DOUGLTS FlB - SUGAA -l dl AND PoIfDEROSA PII|E lb 0 REDwooD - sHrNcr.Es 0 fi *o - PLYwooD - srl.r ? ! sTocr - worllArfrD P t LnMBEB J AN D ITS PRODUCTS CA8 AI\TD CANGO SHIPMENTS 16 Cclilomicr StreeL Saa Frcrucisco Tclephone GArficld 6881 PONTL$TD OFFICE-PITTOCT BLOCT

Priorities Regulation No. 3 as Amended

Priorities Regulation No. 3 has been amended to provide for the placing of priority rated purchase orders by telegraph and by telephone. In extending a prioritl'rating by telegraph you should include in the telegram the certification "ratings indicated are certified pursuant to priorities Regulation No. 3, As Amended." A copy of the telegram signed by the authorized official of the Company extending the rating must be kept on file. Although it is not mandatory, we suggest that you follow the telegram up with a letter to the supplier using the following certification which is the same one that has been used in extending ratings according to Priorities Regulation No. 3 in the past:


The undersigned purchaser hereby represents to the seller and to the War Production Board that he is en_ titled to apply or extend the preference ratings indi_ cated opposite the items shown on this purchase order, and that such application or extension is in accord_ ance with Priorities Regulation No. 3 as Amended, rvith terms of which the undersigned is familiar.

(Name of purchaser and pRp Certificate No. if Purchaser is a PRP Unit)

Signature and f itle of Dulv

Authorized Officer



5901 South Centrcrl Ave., Ios Angeles

Phone CE 2-0188


Hardwoods and Softwoods


We hcrve o well rounded inventory of Foctory ond Better Grqdes of Ponderosq crrd Sugcr Pine cmd Spruce. In Hordwoods-No. I Common qnd Better Grqdes of Alder, Beech, Birch, Cedar, Gum, Tobcrsco Mahogcrny, Mcgnolio, Mople, Ock ond Wolnut.


In- case of emergencies where delivery of material is required within seven days, you may place your purchase order and priority rating by telephone by stating to tt e ygplie-r that "ratings indicated are certihed puriuant to Priorities Regulation No. 3, As Amended.,, Withir, ...r"r, days after placing such an order by telephone you must furnish the supplier with lvritten confirmation of the order bearing the certification quoted in the first paragraph above.

A supplier may not extend a rating received. by tele_ phone until he has received the confirming letter from the crrstomer placing the order. If the supplier does not re_ ceive this confirmation within .erren days, he is prohibite<l from accepting any other order from the customer until the written certification is received.


Howard Page, who for the past several years has .been manager of the Los Angeles office of the Coos Bay tu_b., Co., has been transferred to the company's mill at Marsh_ field, Ore.

wEsTERlt ttLL & ilout"Dnc CO

wHOI-Fqf,IE d nErAtr

Pondcrose rnd_ S.ugar pine Mouldingr Intcrioi Trim

.custom Milling cmd- sp_ecictty Detcits Mcrnulcctured with lcrtest type Electri" Vorrn.g,ritr,ii"fa."

59{l SO. WESTEnN ATwiooor" ,*o ro, eicnr.ns, cALrF.

Member National Hardwood Lumber Association BAXCO


Sell lumber thdt yields o protit drd ldsting Edtislaction. C2C, rne prolecl€cl lunber, ta clem, odorl€ss ond pointoble, It i! temite qnd decay resisl@t qtd tire retarding-. you cqa icll it lor _F.H.A., U_. S._ Govenaent, loa Aagiles titr' irra-F"riii; ond. U.niforn BuilCing Code joba. CZC trea6d iuuoer u stock€d Ior i+medtate slipEeFt in @EEercidl sizss at Long Beoch @d Alameda.. Ask cbout our crchoge gcrice oE nill ahipment plcn.

Gdlladr Srla Agrnls. WESI-GoAST W00D PRESEnytilG C0.. SrJ[r qg! W. Fittb St., Lo. Angolcr, Calit., Phoro lrllchlsa! B29l 333 Moatgone4, St., Sm Frcasbco; Ccl,, Phonr DOuilcr 3383


Harvey L. Miner Celebrates Seventieth Birthday

In 1893, when he has twenty years old, Reverend Murray came through Fowler and persuaded him to try the lumber buisiness. Robert McFadden gave him a job bucking lumber at twenty cents an hour for ten hours a day. In the fall he returned to Fowler, having decided there was not much of a future in the lumber business.

On October 16, 1895, he married Miss Cora McCaw. The McFaddens employed him at their South Riverside yard which later became known as the Corona Lumber Co. This job paid him $50.00 per month. They moved by horse and wagon to Santa Ana in October, 1896, and Mr. Miner continued to work for the McFaddens. When the McFaddens sold out, he 'ivent with the Pendleton Lumber Co., at Santa Ana.

Taking his famill' to San Pedro in 1902, he worked for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. Then he went with the L. W. Blinn Lumber Co., later with the South lVestern Lumber Co., which afterwards became the Consolidatecl Lumber Co.

When Harvel' L. Miner, vice-president of the WhitingMead Co. at San Diego arrived at the office on the morning of January 26, he received greetings from the office and yard personnel, the occasion being his seventieth birthday. W. H. Mead of Los Angeles, president of the WhitingMead Co., presented Mr. Miner with a plaque which carried the names of the employees of the company's various yards. I{is many lumbermen and other friends extended their best wishes r.vith a birthday card showerhe received over 200 cards. This also is Mr. Miner's fiftieth year in the lumber business.

Mr. Miner lvas born on a farm at Murray, Nebraska, January 26, 1873. The family, including his parents and two younger brothers, came to California when he was seventeen years old. He first worked on a ranch near Santa Paula.

His parents located on some raw land at Fowler, Calif. He developed and improved the farm, between times working c"rn a threshing crew at different localities in the San Joaquin Valley. A peculiar coincidence is that W. H. Mead, with whom he later became associated in business, was working on a threshing crew at the same time although they didn't get acquainted until many years later.

He moved to Long Beach in 1905 ancl became associated rvith the Interstate Dock & Lumber Co., after which he rvent with the Blinn-Robinson Lumber Co. About 1910, he joined the Long Beach Improvement Co. 'ivhich rvas bought by the Hayward Lumber Co., anrl in tnrn by the Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.

In 1915, he vrent to rvork for the Whiting-Mead Co. at Los Angeles as a commission salesman. The following year they sent hirn to San Diego to liquidate the business they had there, which had been established four years before. After a year in San Diego, it looked as if there might be an opportunity for development in that area and this forecast proved correct. From one store, at that time located at First and G Streets, the company nolv has five stores in that section, in the follorving localities: San Diego, East San Diego, El Cajon, Oceanside and El Centro.

Mr. Miner is active in the business affairs of the Whiting-Mead Co. at San Diego. A fine businessman, he is one of the outstanding lumbermen in Southern California. With a kindly disposition and a keen understanding of men, his judgment is highly respected and he is held in very high esteem by the members of the lumber industry.

Mr. and Mrs. Miner have three children; Glen M. Miner, secretary and general manager of the Whiting-Mead Co. at San Diego; Everett Miner, and Mrs. Phil West.

l. 2. ,. roolt rtvttrtllt CNO88 qNCULATTON KTLNS
to 1O/o motc capecity duc to rolid edgc-to-cdgc rtacking. Bcttcr qudity drying oo lor tropcrurrcr rith r fgt rwctriblr circulation. Lowcr rtrcling coro-jurt rolid cd*c-to-cdgc rtrcking in thc riaplcrt forn.
Usc Moorckiln Paint Produa for wcathcrproofing your dry kiln and arill roofs. Kila Buildrn fot Morc Tb.r H.lf r Catury Nocd Potdrod, Orr. Jecboavga Flcid.

The Logt Landmark

The National Hotel of North San Juan, a picturesque lumber-built structure, erected in the early fifties was totally destroyed by fire, December 21, L942. Its passing is deeply regretted by all those who have enjoyed its gracious hospitality.

It was only an ancient landmark

To strangers who passed this way, But it held the golden romance Of another time and day; It linked the past with the present And seemed to be waiting there For the future we know is coming When life shall be peaceful and fair.

I wish that it could have spoken And the long, long story told Of its place in the vivid picture Of the stirring days of gold. It witnessed the rise to power Of the great hydraulic mines And the growth of little cities

In their setting of tree and vine.

It waited while man made canyons

Grew wide and deep and long

And the music's music mingled

With the monitor's roaring song.

It knew the time of trouble

When ditches were parched and dry

And ghost towns waited in silence

As the long, long years passed by.

It 'r.r,'as more than an ancient landmark

That hot flames swept away, For memories lingering about it

Shall live for many a day.

Picturesque, sturdy structure, We grieve as we say, "farewell," But the memories you held we cherish

And your fame our lips will tell.


A. A. (Al) Derry, Anglo California Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back from a trip to iVorthern California and Southern Oregon, where he called on the Pine mills.

Wegt Coast Annual Meeting

With war service of the West Coast lumber and logging industry as the theme, the stockholders of the West Coast Lumberman's Association held their 1943 annual meeting at Tacoma on Friday, January 29. Conf.orming to wartime restrictions, the meeting was confined to a forenoon business session, and an open conference with officials of national war agencies concerned with lumber supply, with adjournment after a luncheon session for stockholders, war subscribers and guests.

The essential purpose of the meeting was to transact necessary business and to clear up the outlook on West Coast lumber's part in the war effort during the months ahead. \ ICLA Trustee Judd Greenman presided over the war service session, and Vice-President C. H. Kreienbaum presented the luncheon speakers.

Orville Miller, WCLA President, addressed the luncheon session on "The Lumber Industry Takes its Part in the War," followed by a talk on "Air Porver for Victory,', by Geoffrey F. Morgan, Douglas Aircraft Company, and a motion picture presentation, "Wood Goes to 'War,,, by Roderic Olzendam.

"Harold E. Holman. Fred H. Brundage and George B. Carpenter appeared in the rnorning for the War production Board; Peter A. Stone and Louis Gervais for the Office of Price Administration; General H. G. Winsor, L. C. Stoll and A. F. Hardy for the War Manpower Commission; W. T. Deadrick, J. F. Mahoney, R. L. Hennessy and Earl Williamson for the Lumber Procurement Ofifice of the Corps of Engineers; and for the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Dr. Wilson Compton, secretary and manager.


Following a course at Officers Candidate School No. 1, Fargo, North Dakota, Ralph Lamon, son of Fred Lamon of Lamon-Bonnington Co., San Francisco, was graduated last month as a 2nd Lieutenant.

He was on a short leave visiting his parents in Berkeley, Calif., and reported for duty at Chicago, January 19.


Harold J. Ford, sales manager, Yosemite Sugar pine Lumber Co., made a business trip to Southern California last week.



A soldier of the Russians, Lay wounded at Tschrtwkjskivitch, There was lack of woman's nursing, And the other comforts which Might add to his last moments, And smooth the final way, But a comrade knelt beside him, To hear what he might say. The wounded Russian faltered, As he took his comrade's hand, And he said "I never more shall see My own, my native land; Take a message and a token To some distant friends of mine, For f was born at Smnlxerskggryzski, Fair Smnlxerskggryzski on the Irkztrvzkimonov.


Demonstrating that no matter how serious the war, the people of Britain help keep up morale by exercising their sense of humor, is the fact that many harmless controversies have been carried on over there during the last several years, that served to take their mindq off the war.

As an example, someone started a national discussion over the radio by seeking suggestions as to how a fy lights on a ceiling. Famous biologists and other scientific people helped the thing along by entering into the discussion and supplying their opinions on this matter. The fact that nobody offered any convincing testimony as to just how the fly accomplishes the thing, shows that the fellow that started it has a lot of sense. ff you, gentle reader, think it a childish object, just try and offer YOUR explanation, and see how you come out.

There is no argument about the method of approach. This seems to be hereditary and standardized. But the final maneuver which allows the fly to make a safe turn upside down, and then stick to the ceiling, has not been explained, although millions of British guessed at it. The only point on which all seem to agree is that it would be a very dangerous experiment for an airman to make, and none of them have yet tried to make a good three-point landing .upside down on the ceiling inside the airplane hangar.

private Jones ,".:"::Trt"""T,"st one week, when the sergeant said to him one day:

"Well, Jones, what do you think of the army as far as you've gone?"

And Jones said: "Oh, I may get to like it after a while, but as far as I've gone I'd say that there's entirely too much drilling and messing around between meals."


The glittering big limousine driven by a liveried chauffeur drove up to the gate of the army camp, and a haughty, grey-haired, heavily jeweled dowager accosted the keeper of the gate.

"Oh, young man," she said. "f'm looking for my son. His name is Reginald Vandergrift. Surely you can tell me where he is."

"Fraid not, lady," said the soldier.

"Oh, but you must," said she. "fle's so distinctive looking; tall, blonde, wears glasses, and has a very patrician air."

A light broke over the face of the soldier at the gate.

"Oh, sure," he said. "I know him." Then raising his voice and cupping his mouth in his hand he shouted toward the nearest tent:

"Ifey! Stinky! Ilere's your maw!"


John O'Reilly, of the New York Herald-Tribune, writing concerning the various viewpoints of different soldiers regarding the sights they see abroad, tells of the New york boy who had been in the contracting business back home. And when he got his first view of the Great pyramid, he just said:

"Boy! What a contract!"


A gang of soldiers were talking things over in Holtywood, and a boy from Harvard said:

"They certainly do have some pulchritudinous girls around the Hollywood canteen."

And Big Boy Bowen, from Amarillo, chimed in:

"Aw, what the hell's the difierence so long as they're good lookin'."


GrmERsToN & Gnrn LUmBER Co,

Wholesale and Jobbing Yards


FifRedwoodPondefosaSugar Pine


18fi) Army Sreet 2001 Livington Street

ATwater 1300 KEllog 4-16E4


J. C. Ferger, Fresno, rvas re-elected president of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club at the 26th annual meeting held at Fresno on January 20. The other officers reelected were: Elmore King, Bakersfield, vice-president; J. G. Martin, Fresno, treasurer, and Frank Minard, Fresno, secretary.

Fifteen kittens were catenation held in the rooms on January 27.

initiated into Hoo-Hoo at a conSan Francisco Commercial Club

James H. McElroy and Leo G. Cheim opened a retail lumber yard in San Jose, operating under the name of McElroy-Cheim Lumber Company.

Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber construction of a new warehouse and Brawlev vard.

Co. completed the storage shed at its

This issue carried an illustrated write-up of White Brothers, hardwood lumber distributors, San Francisco.

The Glendale News devoted a sues calling attention to the tenth column in one of its isanniversary of the Fox-

Woodsum Lumber Company of Glendale, description of its office and plant. with a full

The George M. Huff Lumber Company incorporated to engag'e in the retail lumber business in Los Angeles.

S. J. Maakstad of Sacramento was appointed manager of the Sunset Lumber Company's branch yard at Galt.

Barr Lumber Company ii-"r."r"d its yard facilities at the Whittier yard. A gravity carrier also was installed to speed-up unloading of cars.

Construction work started on the new office and sales room of the Peoples Lumber Company at Ventura.

Arrangements rvere completed by Friend & Terry Lumber Company of Sacramento, for the operation of the McSwain planing mill of that city. Nerv machinery was installed and other improvements were made to the mill.

An electric lighting system has been suspended over the entire yard of the Viney-Milliken Lumber Co. at Baldwin Park, making it as bright by night as by day. This serves not only as a good advertisement but reduces the operations of pilferers to a minimum.

Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany

DrstBtltttots oP



. tl. XcGlotrd llror Lulbcr Copcry XcClod. Cdfcdc

o tlr lbodb.Era Coopoy lld. grogo

lleb.r ol tbr Vcrlora Plar Arrodcrttoa, Portlqad, Orrgo!

Rcar. U. s. Pcr. O[. EECUflVE OFFICE

S Plrd.llctload Scc Llm lulldle MINNEAPOI.IS, MINNESOTf, DlEfrllcl tAtt3 OFFICEST NFW YORT clTCA@ 16(X Grqvbor Bldg. 1863 Lc6allo-Wck* Bl&. Mohcrl l-9117- Tctrphooo Ceatrd 9l8f STN FRANCISCO l&It llocdloct lldq. Efaool 70at

T.06 ANGEI.ES 8TIJ8 OFflCE !tr Petrolouo Bldg. Pnorprcl 615



From the February l, lO23 Issue

Announces New Products To Meet Wartime Construction

A group of new gypsum products developed to meet the immediate demands of wartime construction has just been put on the market by The Celotex Corporation, Chicago. The new products replace more critical materials, such as steel and lumber, in both temporary and permanent structures, according to Henry W. Collins, vice-president. WPB is advocating the use of such gypsum products in place of less available materials.

The products include a new gypsum exterior siding covered either r,r'ith smooth or mineral surfaced roofing; laminated gypsum wallboard panels suitable for demountable or permanent single wall interior partitions; laminated gypsum roof deck slabs; and poured gypsum roof decks for use with wood frame industrial construction.

Gypsum Exterior Siding

The nerv White Rock Gypsum exterior wallboards supply both structural and weather protection needs for many "Theatre of Operations" buildings such as barracks, \varehouses, recreation centers and repair shops. The products also are applicable to war workers' homes, dormitories and industrial buildings. They are available in fi-inch and l-inch thicknesses finished either with smooth or mineral surfaced roll roofing. The l-inch thickness is a two-ply, laminated product with shiplap joints along the long edges. The fu-inch thickness has square edges. Sizes are 2 f.eet by 8, 9, or 10 feet.

Gypsum Interior Partitions

White Rock Extra Thick Gypsum wallboard panels are made in 1-inch, lrl-inch and 2-inch thicknesses by laminating trvo, three or four layers of gypsum wallboard. This provides a core of fireproof gypsum that will not warp, twist, expand or contract. Each exposed surface is covered with tough, cream-colored Manila paper that has high light-reflection value. It may be left in its natural state or painted.

Three types of demountable partitions employing these laminated gypsum panels have been worked out bv Celotex. Two are studless, non-load-bearing partitions, one of which eliminates battens at the joints. The third is a load-bearing partition, which may also be used for low partitions in high-ceiling rooms.

Because of their large size-4 feet rvide by 6 to 12 f.eet long-the panels can be erected easily and rapidly. When used for repartitioning old buildings, the work can be done without interfering with office or factory operations. The l-inch thick panels have square edges, and the lrlinch are available either with square edges or T & G joints along the long edges.

Gypsum Roof Slabs

The Celotex gypsum roof slab is an improved rigid type of roo{ deck plank. It may be used to replace wood plank or other types of unit roof deck construction.

The slabs are made by laminating together two, three or four thicknesses of White Rock wallboard to form an integral unit. Thicknesses are 1, ll and 2 inches. The units are 2 feet wide by 8, 9 and 10 feet long. All thicknesses are available with square edges. The lfu-inch thickness is also available with T & G joints on the long edges, and the 1- and 2-inch thicknesses with shiplap joints on the long edges.

Tl-re slabs are light in weight. The lfu-inch thickness weighs 6'1 lbs. per sq. ft., and the 2-inch slab weighs 8/z lbs. per sq. ft. Tests by an independent, nationally-recognized laboratory indicate an ample factor for safety for usual roof loads, according to Celotex. The slabs also are fireproof, rotproof and will not twist or warp. Expansion and contraction is practically nil.

Poured Gypsum Roof Deck

Celotex poured gypsum roof deck is designed for use on any type of industrial building, warehouse, garage or hangar. It can be used on a flat roof, on a steep roof up to 45 degrees pitch and for sawtooth and monitor construction. It provides a strong', light-weight, non-combustible deck at minimum cost. It is capable of carrying a live load of 35 lbs. per sq. ft.

In building the roof deck, White Rock gypsum wallboard is nailed over joists, rafters or purlins. On this form is laid wire reinforcing fabric over which is poured a mixture of Celotex gypsum stucco and water. The stucco consists of 871 per cent of calcined gypsum andl2l per cent of wood filtre or shavings. The weight of the factory mix is 55 lbs. per cubic foot.

Your E, tOS ANGEI.ES 4710 So. Alorredc St. IElEergon 3lll "qao&a 4 il4. Aaoda" -/\ (w> "r\ 1Z'.:' Guarantee for Quality and K. WOOD IUMBER Service GO. OAKI.$ID Frederick d Eing Ste. f,E,llosg 2-42T1

FHA Repo*s Big Demand for Refinanclng of Loans in Southern California

That the real estate broker is finding many existing homes which are adaptable to and due for change in ownership is disclosed by the fact that nearly 4,000 applications for FHA mortgage insurance to refinance existing home loans or loans involving sales on existing properties, were submitted to the Federal Housing Administration, Southern California District offices during t942, according to the annual report of Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California District Director.

"This healthy activity can be charged, in a large part, to the generous and practical loan procedures offered through the FHA system of insured loans," Mr. Bingham said. "Because of modern, scientific, and tested appraisal methods and proper estimate of the borrower's financial ability, liberal, practical loans of long periods and at low interest rates are being made.

"Striking facts, regarding this type activity, are disclosed by review of the most recent FHA, Southern California District records, rvhich show, irrespective of a usually slow December month, that in December, 1942, there were over 200 applications, representing refinancing loans or loans involving sales of existing residential properties, submitted for indurance to the local FHA offices in an amount of approximately ll million dollars.

"For the year, 1942, FHA's District offices received 3963 applications for refunding or refinancing loans, totaling in excess of l8l million dollars in mortgage amount. The eight-year cumulative volume, through December, 1942, for this district in this item of refinancing and sales loans on existing homes, has reached the imposing total of close to 2O0 million dollars in amount involving over 45,000 individual properties.

"Refinancing activities of this magnitude can be expected to arouse interest among realty brokers as well as lending institutions, as to the 'why' and the 'how' of this volume. One basic reason is obvious-the lowest general home financing costs in history now prevail; and sebondly, according. to some brokers, a mortgage and refinancing pattern as developed by FHA, has resulted in a broad confidence among home buyers and lending institutions which is a basic factor where volume is concerned.

"FHA-insured loans, involving property sales, are available up to X)/o in some cases, and in others up to 80/o of the FHA-appraised value. The purpose of such loans are many; among them : the revamping of out-moded, shortterm, high-interest loans; or in the remodeling of the improvements may be appropriate, in which case a new loan may include an amount for essential repairs as well as an amount sufficient to refund the existing loan. Again, the sale of the home may be the motive for refinancing. Title transfer to a new owner usually requires an entirely new loan set-up as to amount, term of payment, and interest rate.

"Generally speaking the broker or borrower can get a refinanced, FHA-insured loan on home properties throughout Southern California for the purpose of bringing a loan up to date and in step with the present day situation,', Mr. Bingham concluded.


BnoNzr R,DDueTs gg ANGLO CALIFORNIA LUMBER CO, Tfe invite lumbcr dealen to trlce rdvantage o[ our well assorted stocks of P(|ilIIER(ISA PIilE-SUGAR PilE-NEDUOOD iIOUTDITGS-UATLB(IAND$-PAil EtS Car and Cargo Shipments ol FrR DtitEilsloil & TlilBEns I Modem facilitier for quick I I shipmenb rt our rtorage-yad I TUO YIRIIS SERUilE TilE TRADE Los Angeles San Bemardino 655 Eart Florcnce Ave. 944 South E. Sect Phonc THornwall 3144 Pfionc 343-33 Telephone Collcct let rs luote tlu il tcu] letuircnents
Etectro Galvanizcd "DURO"

Limitation Order L-218 Amended

Part 3116-Douglas Fir Lumber

[Limitation Order I,-218, as amended Jan. 12, 1943]

Section 3116.1 Limitation Order L-218 is hereby amended to read as follows:

The fulfillment of requirements for the defense of the United States has created a shortage in the supply of Douglas Fir lumber for defense, for private account and for export; and the following order is deemed necessary and appropriate in the public interest and to promote the national defense:

$ 3116.1 Limitation Order L-21E-(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this order:

(1) "Restricted Douglas fir lumber" means any sawed lumber (except shingles or lath) of any size or grade, u'hether rough, dressed on one or more sides or edges, dressed and matched, shiplapped, worked to pattern, or grooved for splines, of the species of Pseudotsuga taxifolia, produced in those parts of Oregon and Washington lying west of the crest of the Cascade Mountain Range, but not including No. 3 boards, No. 3 dimension or No. 3 timbers, or any grade of factory or shop lumber, and not including plywood, veneer or used lumber.

(2) "Producer" means any plant u'hich processes, by sarving, edging, planing or other comparable metl'tod 25/o or more of the total volume of logs and lumber purchased or received by it, and which sells as lumber the product of such processing. "Volume" means board foot volume processsed or sold within the last six calendar months immediately prior to the transaction affected by this orcler.

(3) "Procuring Agency" means the Central Procuring Agency of the Construction Division of the Corps of Engineers of the United States,Army.

(b) General limitations: No producer shall sell, ship, or deliver (including delivery by a producer to any distribution yard of such producer) any restricted Douglas fir lumber except that:

(1) Any producer may sell, ship or deliver (either directly or through one or more intervening persons) anv testricted Douglas fir lumber to or for the accourit of the Procuring Agency or to or for the account of any con-

tractor or other person designated by such agency; but only if there is endorsed on the purchase order or contract for such lumber a statement in substantially the following form, signed by the purchaser or by a responsible official duly designated by such purpose by the purchaser: All restricted Douglas fir lumber covered by this purchase order (or contract) is to be sold, shipped or delivered to, or received by the Procuring Agency of a contractor or other person designated by such Agency, as required by Limitation Order L-218. with the terms of which I am iamiliar.



Provided, however, That when a producer has received written directions from the Procuring Agency to sell, ship or deliver restricted Douglas fir lumber to any contractor or other person designated by such Procuring Agency, such producer may comply with such directions and no such endorsed purchase order or contiact shall be required from such contractor or other person. Each endorsement made under the provisions of this order shall constitute a representation to the producer and to the War Production Board that the restricted Douglas fir lumber referred to therein will be sold, shipped, delivered, or received in accordance with such endorsement.

(2) Any restricted Douglas fir lumber which was actually in transit on October D, 1942, may be delivered to its ultimate destination.

(3) Any producer may sell, ship or deliver any restricted Douglas fir lumber to any other producer.

(4) Any producer may sell, ship or deliver any restricted Qouglas fir lumber upon the specific authorization of the Director General for Operations on Form PD-423, or upon the direction of the Director General for Operations pursuant to paragraph (c) of this order. Restricted Douglas fir lumber authorized to be sold, shipped or delivered on Form PD-423 may be authorized to

Sash Doors Millwork Panels \(/all Board CALIFORNIA 700 6t[ Avaruc, Orkland "':::"': .'Hlgihi.6016' BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. 19dr & S Str Secramento t-0788

be sold, shipped or delivered to specified persons or useS' or it may be authorized to be sold, shipped or delivered subject to the restrictions of Conservation Order M-208, as amended January 12, 1943, without particularizing persons or uses.

(c) Allocations. The Director General for Operations may, from time to time, allocate specific quantities of restricted Douglas firm lumber to specific persons. He may also direct the specific manner and quantities in which delivery shall be made to particular persons, and direct or prohibit particular uses of restricted Douglds fir lumber or the production by any person of particular items of restricted Douglas fir lumber. Such allocations and directions will be made to insure the satisfaction of war requirements of the United States, both direct and indirect, and they may be made, in the discretion of the Director General for Operations, without regard to any preference ratings assigned to particular purchase orders or contracts. The Director General for Operations may also take into consideration the possible dislocation of labor and the necessity of keeping a plant in operation so that it may be able to fulfill war and essential civilian requirements.

(d) Effect of preference ratings. No preference rating shall have any force or effect with respect to deliveries of Douglas fir logs, or deliveries by producers of restricted Douglas fir lumber except restricted Douglas fir lumber. authorized to be sold, shipped or delivered on Form PD423 without particularizing persons or uses and specifically made subject to the restrictions of Conservation Order M-208 as amended January 12, 1943.

(e) Appeals. Any appeal from the provisions of this order should be made by filing a letter in triplicate referring to the particutar provision appealed from and stating fully the grounds of the appeal.

(f) Violations. Anv person who rvilfully violates any provision of this order or who, in connection with this order, wilfully conceals a material fact or furnishes false information to any department or agency of the United States, is guilty of a crime, and upon conviction may be punished by fine or imprisonment. In addition, any such person may be prohibited from making or obtaining further deliveries of, or from processing or using, material under priority control and may be deprived of priorities assistance.

(g) Communications. All communications concerning this order shall be addressed as follows: Lumber and

Lumber Products Division, War Production Board, Washington, D. C., Ref.: L-218.

(h) Application of Order M-208. After January 12,1943, the provisions of Conservation Order M-208 shall not apply to restricled Douglas fir lumber sold, shipped or delivered by producers in accordance with the provisions of this order except restricted Douglas fir lumber authorized to be sold, shipped or delivered on Form PD-423 without particularizing persons or uses and specifically made subject to the restrictions of Conservation Order M-208 as Amended January 12, 1943.

(P.D. Reg. 1, as amended,6 F.R.6580; W.P.B. Reg. 1, 7 F.R. 561; E.O. W24,7 F.R. 329; E.O. 901o.,7 F.R. 527; E. O. 9125,7 F.R. 2719; sec. 2 (a), Pub. Law 67I,76th Cong., as amended by Pub. Laws 89 and fi7, 77th Cong.)

Issued this 12th day of January, 1943.


East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club

The excellent program arranged by Earl Chalfan, program chairman, for the regular dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, No. 39, January 25, was thoroughly enjoyed by an attendance of 65 members and guests. The meeting was held at the Hotel Leamington, Oakland.

George Clayberg presided. He thanked Reginald Smith, chairman of the Good Fellowship Christmas Fund Committee, who did a grand job of raising the money for this year's benevolent activities.

Sgt. Walter "The Great" Mails of the United States Marines gave a short talk on the subject of "The U. S. Marines Today."

Sgt. Mails also showed authentic motion pictures of battles in the Pacific.

Clarence Willard, "The Man Who Grows," entertained with his own specialty, and presented some good card tricks and magic.


Chas. T. Gartin has been transferred from the San Francisco office of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., to the Reedsport, Ore., office, where he will replace Ray Schaecher as manager.

Mr. Schaecher was recently accepted as Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy.

WEST OREGOTI IUMBER GO. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers of Old Growth Douglas Fir Rail and Caqgo Shippers Los Angeles Scrles Oltice 427-128 Pekoleum Securities Bldg. Telephone Blchmond 0281 Scn Frcrncisco Scles Otfice Evcns Ave. ct Tolcrnd St. Telephone ATwcrter 5628

To Explore \(/ood's New Horizons

\0eyerhaeuser Timber Company Completes a New Loborotory at Longview

Down in one corner of the far-reaching yard which houses the lumber and pulp opetations of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company at Longview, Washington, a new building has just been completed at a cost of more than $100,000. More than just a building, this new two-story structure of modern style industrial architecture is a testimonial of confidence in the future of the forest industries. Ir-r it men 'rvith analytical mincls are now beginning a methoclical ex-

rnent, equipment and facilities cluickly took definite architectural form. Today the idea of probing the future of rvood has become a fact at l,ongview as the technicians take up their posts in the new building of the Development Department.

The fundamental objectives tou'ard lvhich work in the f)evelopment Department u'ill be are three ir.r numl>er.

Exterior oI new lcboratory ol Development Depcrtment, ploration of that great, natural, renelvable resource of the West-wood. Ultimately the staff is expected to number about 30 persons, many of whom will have extensive professional training.

That there are new values and more widespread uses to be developed from our forests is common knowledge, now that the curtain has been drawn away from the horizon to some extent by the power of expanding knowledge in the field of science. Exactly what those values and uses are is not knciwn. What the men of Weyerhaeuser propose to do is to explore the commercial possibilities of wood from the standpoint of the chemist, the physicist, and the engineer.

This is not a venture in laboratory research. It is a process of development of things and methods on a practical plane kept firmly anchored to a commercial world.

The urge to establish a Development Department has been gaining stature in Weyerhaeuser circles for a long time. It acquired tangible form in late 1941 when executive decision was made to go ahead and the location was fixed at Longview. The requirements for space, room arrange-

First, protection of the present business, as dependent upon quality, margin and production of present types of products. Included in this objective is the stabilization of employment.

Second, expansion of the present business rvith respect to certain types of present products. This objective looks also toward increased employment.

Third, the development of new business. 'fhis objective looks toward the investment of new capital and the creation of additional employment; it looks, toward nerv products to complement or diversify present products, new production methods and machines to integrate with existing ones, new raw materials to integrate with existing ones, and more complete or efficient utilization of old raw materials.

fn more compressed language this simply means that the development program will be concerned with all technical fields dealing with the utilization of the standing forest, whether as structural products, fibre and fibrous products, chemicals (and products therefrom) or plastic materials.

Weyerhceuser Timber Compcny, Longview, Wcshingion.

The architecture of a building for development work is a realm unto itself. The nature of the operations carried on and the atmosphere in which these operations are conducted differ considerably from conditions desirable for routine manufacturing. Consequently certain desirable features have evolved from practical experience. Cognizance of these features definitely influenced the design of the Weyerhaeuser Development Building. The overall result is one well suited to its purpose, yet possibly strange in its overall characteristics of room arrairgement and equipment to those not versed in the development field.

Of wood construction, the Weyerhaeuser Development Building is a two-story "T" shaped structure built largely of Weyerhaeuser forest products. Laminated wooden girders, built up of f-inch stock by Rilco Laminated Products, Inc., to a maximum size of 9" x23'x37-6", rest on timber columns to make up the skeleton of the building. Flooring, finish, trim, paneling, plywood, doors and sash are manufactured from West Coast woods.

The Wood Conversion Company, an affiliated Weyerhaeuser organization which has for some time operated a development department of its own, supplied its wood fiber products for the Longview building in the form of NuWood board, plank and tile for interior finish, board for partitions and roof insulation, and Balsam Wool blanket for insulation of temperature and humidity controlled rooms.

There are three types of enclosures or rooms: (1) a series of six laboratories on the second floor with north exposure, each approximately 16, x 32, with 15, ceiling; (2) a work area on the ground floor for housing noisy or dirty operations, heavy equipment and semi-comrnercial workwith a T ceiling, and (3) the service rooms-including administrative offices, library, storerooms and utility rooms.

The six laboratories proper are equipped with the usual work tables ranging the full length of the wall on one side, back of which are utility services; gas, air, vacuum, hot water, cold water, industrial water, steam and electricity.

The work area is essentially a large open room with minimum obstruction, equipped with all utilities and having access to the outside through an extra large garage-type door. In it, test equipment and processes can be set up as needed. It will have as one of its principal functions the housing of semi-commercial manufacturing studies which are an intermediate step between the laboratory bench and the actual factorv.

The special service rooms on the ground floor include; a receiving room, a storage room, a workshop and a utilities control room.

The workshop is equipped with both wood and metal working machinery and is designed to meet the continuous need for the home manufacture of gadgets, special parts and equipment needed for experimentation.

All utilities are brought first to the utilities control room before being run to service points in the building. This feature provides one-point control for everything which, combined with the ground floor location immediately adjacent to the main entrance, provides additional safety factors in the event of emergency.

The special service rooms on the second floor-located there for convenient access from the main laboratories, include : A balance room for fine weighing; a dark room ; an oven room, specially constructed and equipped with a variety of ovens; and two heavily insulated and water vapor proofed rooms provided with exact control of temperature and humidity, over a suitable range for experimental work.

In general, the building is divided into two distinct areas. These may be designated, roughly, as experimentation and administration. The rooms thus far described comprise the experimental side.

The visitor has access to the building through the main entrance only. This route leads immediately up a broad stairway opening upon a general office. A chief clerk is in charge of the general office and acts as receptionist. He has charge of all administrative matters. Three rooms lead off the general office and provide special services; they are: files, supplies and laboratory samples.

Also opening off the general .office is a private office, a medium sized consultation room and a large library, equipped with a wide variety of technical books and magazines.

C. C. Heritage, who is in charge of the development activities of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company and The Wood Conversion Company, has had many years of industrial experience including research, development, engineering, production and management.

Fred Lang handled the architecture; R. D. Pauley supervised construction as resident engineer i C. L. McPhail procured all materials. These are all Weyerhaeuser staff executives. V. P. Quoidbach was the contractor. Ground was broken on June 6, 1942, and the first laboratories were occupied in November, 1942.

SAN FRANCISCO ll7 Molrtgonery St DOuglas 3388 HAMMOND LUMBER
MAI{rUTACTURERTI OF DIAMOND.H BRAND REDWOOD CALIFORNIA REDWOOD Mitls qt Smoc cnd Eurekcr, Ccrlilornicr GITITORNIA REDWOOD DISTRIBUTORS tTD. Pure Oll Building CHICTGJO, IIIJNOXS MenDcn-Calitonric Bedsood Arociqtion-Bedwood Erport Coapcay tOS ANGELES 2010 So. Aloedcr St PBoslpcct 1003

Obituarics Edward L. Green

Edward L. Green, vice-president, general manager, and a director of the Union Lumber Company, Passed away in San Francisco on JanaatY 19 after an illness of several months.

Mr. Green was born in Aberdeen, Washington, 42 yearc ago. He had been with the Union Lumber Company since I92O. He was in turn assistant manager of the company's Mendocino operations, superintendent of the Fort Bragg plant, vicepresident in charge of sales, at the head office in San Francisco, and for the last several years general manager with headquarters at Fort Bragg.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eleanor Broemmel Green; a daughter, Patricia; his mother, Mrs. Clara Wood Green; two sisters, Mrs. Heine Schmidt of Palo Alto, and Mrs. William Monroe of Victoria, B. C., and two brothers, Newby Green of San Marino, Calif., and Alanson Green of San Francisco.

Private funeral services were held in San Francisco on Wednesday, January 2O.

S. E. Tinsley

Funeral services for Samuel Earl Tingley, of Tustin, Calif., who passed away at the St. Joseph's Hospital in Orange, were held at the H. R. Brown Mortuary in Santa Ana. He was 66 years of age. Rev. Calvin Duncan of the Tustin Presbyterian Church officiated.

A native of Mercer County, Mo., Mr. Tingley had lived in California for fifty-five years, forty of these in Tustin where he operated a retail lumber yard for many years. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Byrd of Tustin; a brother, Dr. Charles A. Tingley of Santa Ana, and a sister, Mrs. W. A. Jones of Orange. He was a member of Tustin Knights of Pythias, and Santa Ana Lodge 24, F. and A. M.

Five Navy Fliers Missing

Three naval reserve flying officers and two petty officers have been missing from a routine navigational flight since Saturday, January 16, 1943, officials of the Jacksonville Naval Air Station have announced.

They are: Ensign Leonard C. Urquhart, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ensign John J. Sullivan, Elmhurst, N.Y.; Ensign Philip S. Walsh, Watkins Glen, N.Y.; John Stanley Hawkins, aviation machinist's mate, third class, Los Angeles, Calif.; and Cecil H. Boland, aviation radio man, third class, Pontotoc, Miss.

Continuous bulletins up to Januaty 26 reported that no trace had been found of the missing men but surveillance is being maintained. Memorial services were held at the Jacksonville Naval Air Station on January 27.

Stanley Hawkins was born in Los Angeles and is a sor-r of Avon L. Hawkins, with the E. K' Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles. Stanley joined the Navy on his seventeenth birthday, and had been assigned to flight duty at the air station in Jacksonville for many months, after receiving training at San Diego, Great Lakes and Dearborn' He was home on leave at Thanksgiving.

Mr. Hawkins has another son, Edrt'a.rd, who is also in the Navy, an aviation radioman, second class'


A typical example of wood's many effective, but less conspicuous services to the war effort was the recent purchase by the Quartermaster Corps of 76O,000 pairs of wood-cored rubber heels.

The wood part of these heels consists of a piece of Ushaped hardwood plywood, about 2 x 2 x /g". Small holes in the wood permit the molten rubber to flow through, resulting in a secure bond, and eliminate the steel washers found in solid rubber heels, and this construction saves I1/4 oances of rubber per pair.

This order from the QMC will require over 50,000 square feet of plywood, or enough to line about 5 box cars.


OPA places distribution yard sales of Sitka spruce, redwood, northeastern and northern softwood, lumber under provisions of existing price regulation covering similar sdles of Dougls fir, western pine, southern pine lumber and red cedar shingles. Effective lanuary 25.


Mcrnulcctured by ASSOCIATED PTYWOOD MtIffi

Distributed Exclusivcly Sincc l92l by

lU E Wcrllqiloa Elv{ LOs tl|cifrts wnottsrll oltlY Southcra Cclilorala Satcr O6cc: ELEN D. IESSONETTE Phoc PRorp.ct 9123 t l|ttlotftL oBGANUtllOX NFWIII ltlnuoBE ncouf, cHlcf,Go rrxsAs cnt 3r. Prltl

* of Lumbermen In Armed Forces

Donald Huls, T. M. Cobb Co., Los Angeles. .Army Don F. White, White Brothers, San Francisco .Navv

L. J. Carr, L. J. Carr & Co., Sacramento Army Herbert J. Petersen, United States Plywood Corp., Los Angeles ....


News came from Portland recently of the arrival of a baby daughter in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilson. They already had a boy and a girl.

Charlie has many friends in California, having been formerly associated with American Lumber & Treating Co., Pope & Talbot, and Chas. R. McCdrmick Lumber Co. He has been promoted to the position of Western sales manager of Timber Structures, fnc., of Portland, Ore., and has just returned from a flying trip throughout the United States.


Lieut. John S. (Jack) Butler, U. S. Navy, formerly a salesman for his father, Seth L. Butler, Northern California representative for Dant & Russell, Inc., recently paid a visit to his parents in San Francisco.


A talk entitled "Ten Years' Experience in Europe" by Miss Stella Baird was the principal feature of the program at the regular dinner meeting of Sacramento Hoo-Hoo CIub No. 109, held January fr. President LeRoy Miller presided, and there was a good attendance.


Frank J. Connolly, vice-president and general Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, uary 30 on a trvo weeks' business trip to New Washington, D.C.


Named President of International Rotary

Charles L. Wheeler, vice-president of the McCormick Steamship Company and the Lumber Division of Pope and Talbot in San Francisco, was nominated January 2O, in Chicago, by the Rotary International nominating committee for president of that organization for 1943-44.

He will automatically become president on July 1 if no other nomination is received from a member club before April. Mr. Wheeler is a former president of the San Francisco Rotary Club, and a former vice-president of Rotary International.


Jerome L. Salomon graduated from the Midshipmen's School at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind., on January 28 and received a commission as Ensign in the U. S. Naval Reserve.

Ensign Salomon is a graduate of the University of California and was a junior civil engineer with the War Department at Sacramento before enlisting in the Naval Reserves V-7 Class. He is the eldest son of Melville N. Salomon, Smith Lumber Company, San Francisco.


A. D. McKinnon, who operates the Yard at Hollister, is convalescing at Hospital, San Francisco, for the winter

McKinnon Lumber the Stanford Lane months.


Russ M. Castell, formerly a salesman for The Califomia Door Co., Los Angeles, is an instructor in the Navy Seabees at Camp Allen, Norfolk, Va. He has the rank of Chief Boatswain's Mate.


manager, left JanYork and

Federal construction totaling $1,196 million has been stopped since last October because the projects were not essential to the rvar effort, WPB officials disclosed. They said further extensive curtailment would be orderecl.

Ed Fountain, Los Angeles wholesaler, returned January 25 from a 10-day trip to Portland and other Northeast points.


William G. (Bill), Wright of the Wright Lumber Co., Stockton, recently joined the Navy Seabees and left for the Naval training station at Norfolk, Va., January 15. He has the rank of chief carpenter's mate (chief petty officer). During his absence the yard will be managed by his foreman, S. C. "Pete" Witmer.

Febpary l, l9tl THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT 27 I * * .H0il||a
* * I
SUDDDTI & CHRISTETISOil, II|C. Lurnber and Shipping 7th Floor, Alaskcr Cornmercicl Bldg., 310 Sansome Sheet, Scrn Frcrncisco tOS ANGEI.ES 630 Bocrrd oil Trcdc Bldg. BNANCII OFTICEI SEf,TN.E 617 Arctic BldE PONTI.AND 20ll Hcnrt Bldg.

Calilornia Building Permits lor 1942

THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT February I, 1943 28 Los Angeles ......$1,278,736 $5,322,348 $60,219'846 $87'238'818 Los Angeles County-;i;;;;p;;a1ed . 1,184,s40 3,s10,826 24,e76,808 48,s38'6ee San Diego Co., "tinl".-o-tpoi"l"a 1,052,514 318,877 4,748,358 3,462'430 San Leandro ...... 619,650 108,500 3'368'495 San Diego 587,745 1,212,238 9,890'582 51'070'588 Richmond 585,709 445,649 7,942,739 8,68,274 Berkeley 144,988 131,136 786,495 1,551'199 Long Beacb ...... 414,535 541,730 8,667,930 32,712,680
Deccmber December r9+2 1941 5,725 2,425 s,o72 16,990 5,012 62,325 4,618 11,591 4,330 116,412 3,750 8,300 3,462 n,133 3,390 4?,600 3,325 65,000 2,935 10,005 2,883 21,909 2,825 48,525 2,772 18,250 2,639 14,000 2,578 2,570 2,544 11,184 2,225 r,200 2,2A6 42,840 2,187 47,178 2,165 46,036 1,983 72,760 1,886 107,242 1,885 4z,ll2 1,700 24,5@ 1,505 17!,570 1,485 46,194 r,47A 3,537 r,443 6,135 1,388 10,600 r,352 2,995 r,246 5,254 1,110 6,275 City San Rafael 336,686 Torrance 326,365 December December 1942 1941 City Eureka Huntington Beach. Woodland Anaheim Montebello Emeryville Laguna Beach Santa Cruz Burlingame El Centro Monrovia Palo Alto Visalia Porterville Corona Colton Watsonville Ontario Santa Maria Bakersfield San Gabriel San Marino South Pasadena Monterey Arcadia Manhattan Beach Tulare Roseville lVlartinez Brawley Orange Oroville Bell Santa Rosa Los Gatos 12 Mos. t942 12 Mos. l94l 12 Mos. t942 136,5r6 50,804 31,227 152,458 590,496 487,765 1@,542 8r,736 421,850 r92,988 2t1,522 341,576 tw,200 55,228 137,566 104,315 58,945 t29,905 145,775 29r,716 364,748 56,7e0 125,265 n4,690 1,079,260 124,262 69,394 82,577 12 Mos. r941 865,591 153,586 332,197 1,665,363 452,672 564,1r0 778,806 t,43r,770 266,626 618,578 1,355,850 730,877 27r,926 m,544 291,588 279,9m 697,938 761,898 1,8r2,281 2,39s,942 2,343,298 629,257 503,208 3973p20 857,270 470,984 6,025 496,934 629,635 6r,757 7,607,764 804,397 Sacramento D2,455 388,883 2,815,485 9,856'538 Burbank 238,595 514,315 5,745,202 13,342,231 Compton 211,005 311,200 2,863,245 2'075,467 Inglewood Oakland El Segundo Coronado Oceanside Ilpyward San Francisco Pittsburg Antioch Vernon Napa Riverside Stockton Beverly Hills Culver City Albany Alhambra South Gate Redondo Beach ... Fullerton Chula Vista San Bruno Pasadena Hawthorne Santa Ana Vallejo Huntington Park ,. Newport Beach Santa Monica Pomona Glendale Fresno San Bernardino ... Lynwood San Mateo Orange County, IJnincorporated .. Alameda Whittier LaMesa Redwood City .... Santa Barbara .... Redlands Salinas La Verne Chico San Jose Modesto 863,592 9,744,566 15,100 362,195 3,845 I,r99,034 207,579 2,677,044 195,87s 181,990 130,074 124,547 123,223 I 14,350 I11,036 102,750 94,199 93,950 89,860 72,990 62,789 59,005 52,401 50,730 50,170 48,985 48,883 45,4r5 38,865 31,000 30,734 30,270 29,780 28,399 26,640 26,336 25,r54 23,858 23,4ffi 22,156 20,296 18,890 18,555 15,350 t4,542 li,28l 10,590 8,900 8,316 7,8r7 7,56s 7,r50 7,030 6,940 6.740 49,W\ 5,500 5,700 77,825 58,949 99,047 203,449 94,808 8,47r 145,331 7,250 I 1,603 89,185 42,885 328,699 239,413 518,840 362,195 s39,020 986,558 386,540 673,083 29t,457 657,300 316,205 153,029 700,194 sas,2n I,109 1,,070 970 969 965 900 851 830 790 764 760 708 570 475 60,499 25,783 4,300 22,042 80,175 8,465 44,610 680 t) "<< 61,230 39,920 t,725 45,677 1,785 27,600 4,125 5,340 2,800 l r,565 5,125 2,3t0 25,500 420,758 2,5r9,r84 123,698 r,865,628 833,544 6,178,509 107,803 1,105,359 3,498,0s6 15,816,181 s29,066 447,551 307,851 399,768 37,256,22.9. 2,686,488 \$7,;ss 2,731,296 2,993,794 1,531,473 483,264 2,295,063 5,833,951 456,490 647,193 1,060,087 4,283,r70 830,942 1,480,268 l,131, l 13 1,226,544 1,229,484 4,791,376 919,035 5,009,0s4 3,770,r38 2,319,289 1,638,630 3,76A,940 1,381,022 r,572,200 1,619,891 719,481 1,220,3r3 2,103,649 436,934 899,708 65,448 3,713,925 849,52r Covina 95,362 34,599 382,215 82,246 164,689 48,543 60,9s9 313,277 6r2,s54 160,668 437"631 15,510 95,313 88,543 546,523 756,290 730,703 153,10598,110 569,426 44,757 20,812 146,936 592,06s 255,220 571,073 46,171 556,478 48,973 162,s52 2r8,r84 762,394 16,308 56,528 131,979 476,844 58,454 132,622 74,648 146,186 16,846 32,078 rr0,l22 334,435 89,645 427,990 15,795 307,080 105,440 132,732 rl,263 73,240 '30,974 39,702 273,615 251,84i 28,325 461,490 66,535 510,774 194,027 762,817 t,250 63,899 79,645 723,240 t3,200 45,808 28,600 r,735,06r 31,500 2lo,75o 209,280 1,385,354 32,630 456,107 129,033 1,227,016 36,010 3,021,674 Ventura Gardena gxnla Qlara Oxnard Banning El Monte Maywood Piedmont Upland Monterey Park ... Exeter Hermosa Beach ... Escondido Taft Calexico Sierra Madre Lodi West Hemet Lindsay 177 8,450 Azusa 90 3,245 Seal Beach 60 7,000 Pacific Grove . 30 26,570 Palm Springs . 65,625 National City . 78853 San Clemente ..... 7,950 Palos Verdes E,states 5,2W Covina 169,983 r,428,598 4A,n4 319,264 227,265 1,655,002 664,969 654,622 108,381 1,461,015 249,955 900,215 200,300 1,56t,627 77,214 828,617 99,968 2,439,945 87,681 637,630 56,050 804,785 45,875 1,038,210 20,203 173,974 4r,347 317,214 46,726 260,925 8,054 21,975 ll,4g5 137,705 458,585 898,515 26,2M s36,759 400 350 305 295 250 250 2m 190

Industry Hails New Chief Forester lmproved Prefabrication Methods Make

"The forest industries, through American Forest Products Industries, Inc., and the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, take satisfaction in felicitating Lyle F. Watts on his appointment to the office of Chief Forester of the United States," says Dr. Wilson Compton, executive officer of those associations, "and have extended to him assurances of co-operation in mutual efforts towards the advancement and betterment of our forest land management, both public and private.

"In the appointment of Mr. \Aratts the country is fortunate in having at the head of the Forest Service a career forester of broad experience. His 30 years tenure with the Service has been characterized by administrative ability of a high order and by earnest devotion to the public interest and to the best traditions of the forestry profession of which he is a distinguished member."

In behalf of the forest industries, Dr. Compton has written the new Chief Forester as follows:

"As Chlef of the United States Forest Service, you have a great opportunity in a great job in a great field. In behalf of the lumber and timber products industries, I congratulate you.

"We, no doubt, will have disagreement with the Forest Service as well as agreement. I hope that we may be as frank in the one as in the other. If we are, the area of disagreement will greatly diminish. Fundamentally, the interests of forest owners and the public interests are common.

"There should be more of forestry in the woods; and less of it in reports and resolutions. Forestry should be a business, not an issue; a promise, not a threat. You can help to make it that. So can we."


E. S. Brush of Loop Lumber Company, San Francisco, recently made a business trip to Portland.

N. B. Bowden, Pacific Manufacturing Co., Santa Clara, recently spent a few days in Portland on business. He made the trip both ways by plane.

G. R. Tully of Hallinan Mackin Co., San Francisco, returned a few diys ago from a business trip to the Northwest.

Huge \food Structures Possible

Ward Mayer, head of Timber Structures, Inc., of Portland, Ore., has announced that his firm shipped over 8O,000,000 feet of prefabricated timber in 1942. This went mainly in construction of roof trusses for hangars, cantonments, and other large structures, but a great variety of items was included. Of special interest are the gluedlaminated members made at the Portland plant. These have been employed as heavy beams and arches, and this unit can produce lengths up to 120 feet in almost any size.

The outstanding feature of these structures is that this new use of wood has released a large volume of steel for use in the armaments program. Mr. Mayer has been referred to in the Northwest as the "Kaiser" of the lumber industry. I{e seems to have overcome practically every <;bstacle by the use of intelligent design and practical resourcefulness.

At present this firm is prefabricating members for structures that will be the largest ever built of wood. Their exact nature is a military secret, but when the story can be told wood r,r'ill gain valuable publicity for its employment in this manner. A total of more than 50,000,000 feet of lumber will be used in these structures. They are being pressure-impregnated with fire-retardant salts. This is another step in the development of timber structures.


The following lumbermen, with their former business affiliations, are now associated with the lumber department of the McNeil Construction Co., at Pleasanton, Calif., where this firm is building a Recuperation Unit for the Navy: B. R. Julien, E.K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles; G. W. Treadgold, Benson Lumber Co., San Diego; H.T. McGrath, Owens-Parks Lumber Co., Los Angeles; I. O. Brown, Hudson-Bonney Lumber Co., Glendale; Cyril L. Otto, Canyon Lumber Co., Laguna Beach, and H. M. Munger, San Francisco.


H. S. Corbett, who formerly operated the Lafayette Lumber Company at LaLayette, Calif., is now living in Tiller, Oregon. Mr. Corbett closed up his yard a few months ago for the duration.

L, t. GARR & CO. C,alifiornio Sugor ond Ponderos Pine Scles Agents For SACRAMENTO BOX & LUMBER CO. MOUNT HOUGH LUMBER CO. Sf,CNAMENTO LOS ANGEI.ES P. O. Box 1282 W. D. Dunaing Teletype Sc.l3 438 Chqraber ol Cornrn-rce Bldg.



Office and counter man, also a good yard clerk. Reliable men have unlimited opportunity. Address Southern Lumber Company, 1402 South 1st Street, San Jose, Calif.


Do you want to liquidate for the duration? See us. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers,801 Petrolcum Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Comments on Acting Chief Forester's Report

The National Lumber Manufacturers Association has sent out a release with an analysis and comments by Secretary-Manager Wilson Compton on the recently issued 1942 report, which is preceded by a letter of transmittal, by the Acting Chief, U. S. Forest Service, to the Secretary of Agriculture, which is this year, naturally, devoted to the use of our forest resources in the war.

In his comments, Mr. Compton covers several statements made in the report and letter of transmittal.

The letter of transmittal of the report concludes with the follorving statement:

"Developments in less than 1 year of war bring sharply into focus the inadequacy of the Nation's present forestry effort and the threat to the security of rural people throughout our forest regions which is inherent in the current situation. Comprehensive action along the lines repeatedly recommended in annual reports of recent years, with Nation-wide regulations of cutting practices on private forest lands as a salient feature, should no longer be postponed."

Commenting on the above statement, Mr. Compton states :

"The position of the industry on this issue is wellknown; namely, that it opposes centralized federal control of local forestry practices and, in anv event, that this issu,: should be determined by full and free public consideration on its merits, and that this cannot be had and should not be sought until the end of the war."


WPB assigns blanket preference rating of AA-3 to deliveries of materials for use in construction of most war housing projects program by NHA; this affects war housing for which preference rating order P-55 has been issued to builder, or P-19-D and P-19-H have been issued to FPHA; uprating is automatic for builder but he is responsible for extending neril rating to his suppliers in accordance with priorities regulation 12. At the same time WPB raises to AA-3 all AA-4 ratings assigned by preference orders of the P-19 series, covering essential construction projects.


That book you've enioyed-pcrss it clong to c man in unifomr. Leave it at the necreEt collection center or public library lor the 1943 VIG TONY BOOT CAMPAIGN.

Timber Design Course Complcted

Wartime use of wood to fill many new construction demands has resulted in focusing national attention on the wood industries field. "Elements of Timber Design," a course just completed by Stanford lJniversity's engineering department, is one of the most comprehensive efforts to approach the fast-growing subject of timber design. The twelve-rveek course, in charge of J. Bertrand Wells, professor of Civil Engineering at Stanford, was held in San Francisco.

In line with growing trends in the wood construction field, preservative treatment of wood and flameproofing of construction lumber were among subjects presented to the 75 enrollees in the course, many of them U. S. Engineer Corps men on the West Coast.

Conventional types of timber design, timber connector joints and designs, grades of lumber, plywood, glued arches and beams were discussed. Wood industries representatives assisted Professor Wells by lecturing on special topics during the course. A. C. Horner, Timber Engineering Company of California; J. E. Mackie, National Lumber Manufacturers Association; B. F. Wade, engineer for California Redwood Association; L. 4. Andrews, American Lumber and Treating Company; and John J. Gould, consulting engineer in San Francisco, were speakers at the special sessions.


Frank J. Imbus, Imbus Lumber Corporation, Cincinnati, O., left San Francisco for home, January 16, after calling on Pine Mills in California and Southern Oregon.


A meeting attended by retail lumbermen of the East Bay district was held at the office of Wood Products Co., Oakland service organization, on Monday, January 25, for the purpose of hearing a discussion on Amendment 3 to Maximum Price Regulation No. 215. D. N. Edwards presided.

tll tou GIN *Arr



Arcatr Redwood 6. {20 Markct Str..t............ ........YUko 206l

Atlcinm-Stutz Conpany, UZ Mrrkrt Strct fS!!t

Dut & Ruercll, Inc., 2U Fmt Sbcct .,...........,.,..GArficld aZgZ

Dolbccr & Cmon llnbcr Co., Ult Mcchut Erchmgo Bldg...,.SUtrq Z{56

Gmcrtm & Grol Lumbcr Co.

1800 Amy Strut .,.,.,............ATwatGr t30l

Hall, Juce L., 1032 Millr Bldg. ...................SUtrcr 7520

Homond Lumba Comouv. ll? MontgoEery Strirt- :.....,,..Dougtu 33SS

Holm* Ewc&a Lunbcr Co* lleS Finucial Cot.r Btdg......,GArfiltd fg2f

C. D. Johnrn lanba Corporation, 260 Califomia Srret ....,,,...1.GArfield SzSr

Carl H. Kubl Lmbcr Co..

O. L Ruasum, lf2 Maiket Stret...yUkon 146l

Luon-Bomington Cmpuy, tG Caliiomia Stret ..,...........,GArficld 5t6l



MacDonald & Hmi4ton, Ltd., la C.llloml,r St. ,.. ., .GArficld t393

Paclfic Imbcr Co, Thc leO Burh Strut ,. .GArfisld lrSt

Pope & Ta&ot, Inc., Lumbcr Dlvbion, 16l MarL.t Stret ......... ........DOuglu 2561

Red Rivcr Lumbcr Co., 3r5 Monadnock Bldg. ....,.........GArn ld 00Zz

Suta Fc Lumbcr Co., 16 Califomta Strct E:Xbroo& 2O?1

Schafer Broc Lmber & Shinglc Co., I Dm Strc.t ......,..............Sutts U1l

Shevlin Pine Sal* Co., lGl0 Monadaock Bldg. ,...........Exbrco& ?04r

Sudden & Chricten$n- Inc.. 310 Susre Strei ...............GArficld 2E{6

Wcndllng-Nathu Co., ll0 Markct Stret ..................Sutbr 5363

Wcot Orcgon Luber Co., 1995 Evur Avc. ......ATwatcr 56?t

E. K. Wood Lumbcr Ca., I Dm Stret ..................Exbr6k 3?r0

Ewluna- BoI- -Co. (Pyruid Lubcr Saler Co.) Paclfic Bldg. ..Glcncourt t-293

Grlg-r+gq & Grm lanbcr Co, 20Ol Llvirgrbn St ................K81og {-r$i

Hlll & Mono, bc.

Dcmircn Stret Wharf..........ANdovcr lfifl

Ho3u Imbcr Conpany. zDd ud Alle S|retr:..,........Gla6urt 6t6l

E. K. Wood lubq Co-

FrtdGricl rld KlDg SdrEtr........KElbS Z4Zn

Whdodc lanbor Dlatrlbutoe, Inc., Ith Avonua Ptc...........,....TlVinoakc 25t5



Weyahuurr SaL. Co, l,l9 Califonia Strut .......,.....GArfiold t97l


WhltG BrcttGrn Fifth .rd Bruu Strctr..,.....,Sutt r l3f5


Ancricu lJnbd & Treating Co., UO Nw Montgomery Street,.,r.....3Utt6 lZZs

Buter, J. H. & Co., !Il3 Montgonlry Strct DOuglar 3tGt

Hall, Jmcr L., 1082 MilL Bldg .....................sutrc ?520

Popc & Talbot, Inc., Lmbcr Divlaion, 461 Markct Str.rt..................Doug|s Z56f

Vandcr Laan Pilin3 & Lubcr Co. 216 Pilc Stre.t...., ...,...........ExbrooL {9a5

Wcndling-Natben Coo U0 Mfkct Strut,...,............,..SUrtc $tct


Califomi!. Builderr Supply Co., 700 6th Avcnuc.............. :.......Htgatc Oll

llogen llnbc Conpuy, 2nd ud AlicG Stret!............Gl.acourt Ct|f

Wcrtcm Dor ll Sarh Co.. 5th & Cyprcu Streir......TEmplcbar EtCl


Strubl. llrrdwod Conmv- Flnt ud Clay Srrcctj.'........TEmplebar 55El

Whlt Broth6.. 5O Hlgh Strut....................ANdovc t6!0


Arqta Rcdwod 6. (J. J. Rca) 5ar| Wilthtrc Blvd...........,....WEbrtcr ?E2!

Angb qalilomir Lunbcr Co, 655 Eut Flo|uo lll{

Atkbron-Stutz Conp.ny, 62t Pctrclm BldI...............PRorp.ct t3{l

Brurb Inrlurtrial Imbcr Costar S. Carral Avs CEntury Z-ltlt

Bunr Lmba Compuy, 955 Cbslcvlllc Blvd.. (Bwcrly Hllh).,.............. BRadrhaw 2-3!t

Cm & Qo. !- J. (W. D. Dumlas), a3t Ct--rs of Cmmccc Bldg-." PRorpct Sf|3

C.:oopor, W. E, al6-a$ Richficld B|dg...............l|Utud zrtr

Dut & Rumll, Inc., tfZ E. 59tb StnGt,...................ADur tlal

Dolbc &_Crnn Lubcr Co., lcr Fldcllty 81ds......... j... ....VAndtlro r7e8

Ed. Fountrln lrnb.r Ca.. CZt Potrclcun Bld3......,........PRorDGct $tf

Hennond Lumbor Compeny, 2010 So. Aluodr St.......,......PRo|DGd l3!'

Holnor Eudra lrnbr C-- ?n-?tz ArchltBtr Bldg............Murual trsr

Hovc, A L, 525 Wllrhln B|vd.,..................YOrL rraS

C. D. Jobuo I4!&a Corpmrtm, _ ia-,P9golqq D|dr....,..... .....PRdD.ct rrcs

Cul H. Kuhl habc 6- ,al S. SDrlns 9L...................VADdtt !A!

hvmePhllipe f.unbr Go-

_ 3E P_.tryfaq- BUs...............PRorpct SUI

L W. lfrc.Dorld nl ril. Otyuplc Blv.L........,. ..PnorD.ct ?lrl

ftrcl)crld & Herrlafuo, Lrd.


Penbcrthy Lmbs Co-

2e55 Eut Slrt St.....................Klubrtt SfU


Andcu Herdwod Co.. _ f9O E. fsth Strct.........,..,....PRorp6t aZfS


Popc,&I_alb_o-t, Inc, I !6}.q. Divirio, _ -7r_r W. -Olylqpic Blvd.............PRorpcct rar

Rcd Rlvcr lrmbs Co-

?12 E. Slauron ..CEntury 29flll

_fBf_ S. lrcadway...... .pRorpclt |3lt

Rcltz Cc, E. L_ ry ?.trc_hon Btdt................PRo4ccr Zt6!

Su Prdro Lunbcr Co. fSU S. CoErl Avc. ............Rlchmond lltl

!S-A WllD|lrtil Rod Pdrc),........................Sm(Su Pcdrc 22C0

Sutr F. Iubc Co-

Stutoa, E. J. & Son, -_a0t0 Errt 3tth StGt............CEnturt zialf Wcrtm _Hardwood lubc Co., 2ll4 Ert lsth Str6t.,.....,,.....PRo*cct ffif


Bacl Prnl Conpany, 3la-3r4 Er|t !2nd Stnet...;.......4Du t22S

-3ff Fhrnclel Cotcr Bldg..... ...,VAndlLc {{?t

Schafc Bne. r rhlGr & Shta3lc Co.,

_- r!7 W. ttb Strc.t..................,TR|ntry tAt

Shcvlln Pb. Sdc Ca..

_- 3O Pctrclcun Btdt........ ..,PRorFct tals

Slnpro Indutrlc+ Inc.,

-l_ala F. luhingto Blvd,........PRorpct fll3 lhtddo & Chrlrtcom. Inc..

_ all Egrrd- of Jredl Bldt..........TRInlry tt||

Temt lanbc Srlal a{- Pc!_rclnrn B!dr....... ll|!

Wcndllng-Nethu 6..

52zS llflhhlrc B|vd...,.... .......YOrL rfr!

Wcrt Oru3on Lunbcr C;o., l? Pctrolou Bldc...............Rtchnod lAf

W. TY. Wlllrlnn, _ 3rt--llf. -',th Strct...,........ ......TRtr|rr {arr

E. K. $tood llnbcr Co-

l7l! So. Alemodt Sl Wcycrhurr Srto. Co

t2C Il/. M. Clrlud CREOSOTED


Ancrlc.l Lrnb6 I lro*lnf Co,

Stll a35r

Paclfc Wod Prcductr Corporation

3aO Tytun StrEt........,.......Al.beny ltOf

Paclfic Mutual Dm co., f6O E. Wuhlqto Blvd..,......pRopct ts:Zt Rau Cmprny, e'o. E_ _45 S. _Alusda Strcr ........Mtdrtju 16l Rrd Rivc Imtrc Co_ tlz S. _Sbuu.................,...CEntury 2tOZt Supro Co. (Peldm).

715 So. Rrynond Aio......,.......RYu t-|||!t SIEF@ Indurtrlor. Inc.. rlll_ E W_rAlryln Blvd.........PRorpoa

_ f-rtg|.na BEt..=....,..........PRopcr 3p?

P*l6c Lrmbcr Co- Tha

5225 lWltAin 81vd..,................,.YOrt rr$

_ f|Lilf !. lmdwry.............,...PRorD.ct at|t

B!rt.r, J. H. & Co-

_ ..r lv!{ sth StrGGt...............Mlchlrra a2tl

Poor I Tdbot, lrcr Lnnbcr Dlvlrlo,

7ll W. Olynplc Blv& PRst ct rZtf

ttrs Wst Cut 9crrrn 6.. lras E$t alrd Str4r..............^D.n| tUI TVcdca,illU I llcrldb3 Co., 5gf So. Wctrm Air..........TWlntr fa||
WE ARE DEPENDABTE }YHOLESATE SPECIALISTS FIR PINE RED CEDAR PILING RAIL OR CARGO SANTA fE LUIIIBER GO. General Othco iL I. 'GI'S" RUSSELI SAN TBANCISCO St ClaL Bldg., 16 Calilomicr St. EXbrook 2$74 lncorporcled Feb. 14, 1908 PINE DPARTMHVT Caiilornicr Pouderosq PiDe Ccrlilorni<r Sugar Pi:re LOS ANGEI.ES BOBT, FORGIE 3tl Fincmcicl Center Bldg. 704 So. Sptins SL - vAndyke 4471

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