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FIR JULY 16, 1925
Drv Desl Mos Scal Th Auarded Gold nial Exposition, Eoen a Better C ry Kilns, Dry Sorter and Planing Mill Entirely estroyed. All now Completely Rebuilt in the lost Modern Manner on a Greatly Enlarged :ale. e Latest Mechanical Equip.lnent- Installed . . : With No OId or-Rebuilt Machines vded Medal lor Fir Uopers at Leuis & CIarft CentenExposition, Portland, Oregon, 1905, and We Are Maftini,g t Quality lr,low. Modern Methods Haue Done It.
12 Fireproof Temperature Uniformitv ir
Fireproof Dry Kilns with Thermostatic Control of nperature and Humidity, Insuring Accuracy and iformity in Drying.
West Oregon
Sup,er Finish Can Again, Be Obtained
Stock officially ihspected at regular intervals Specialbargain priced stocksheets mailed lst and 15th of each rnonth on application.