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'W,,%*ys explain 'No. l Common"'
Srncll "l\@. r (ommon California Tflhite and soy6y| Sugar Pine is thehighest common grade 6a;6 and is one ofthe nicestgrades ofluhber k its *ldg. It containsknots,.but they are.rel- --- ativelysmallinproponiontothewidth of thdboard. The m'aximum size permitted varies with the width, and i3 specifed as: 'not to exceed 172 inches ih diameter in board widths of 4 and 6 inch: 2 inches in diamerer in board widths oi 8 and 10 inch;2h inches in diameter in 1.2 inch boards; and not over 3 inches in diameter in boards wider than 12 inches. The average diameters of knots is much lower.'
"Knots must be sound, tight, and are usually round or oval in shape. Boards must dress smoothly even around the knots,and, generally speaking, few knots extend to the edge of the piece. An occasional dark or Iiscolored knot mav be permitted, but it must be firmly fixei in -position and must not e*ceed haff the slight " Other defects permitted inthis grade ilefec* when not in serious combination are
Ocfta1 size of the red knots admined.
Thiclcness Widtlw anil latgths
surface ded<s, slight crook, slight cup, small pitch pockets, light pitch, pin worm holes well scacered, light sain, medium torn grain, and slight skip.
"No. 1 Common is available in one inch, inch-and-a-quarter, inch-and-ahalf and two-inch- thickness. Dressed sizes are standard and extra standard, thus givingthe purchaser a fuller measure ot valuer.
"I7idths may be specified or random. Lengths are from fo to 16 feet,with large percentages of 16-foot. Five per ceit o? g and 5 foot lengths may be'included in a shipmenr-.
"No. 1 Common can be used for some purposes as a finishing lumber for interior and o<terior trim. It 6nds especial application in windowand door frames ahl outside cornices. This grade is also excellent for shelves and is especially anractivi for ciry yards catering'to a di:paftmentstoreand office building trade. It is also sold to pattern makers."
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