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Twohy Lumber Co.
22 | Kerckhofi BIdg. Los Angeles, BDwy. 0843
CARGO--Fir, Rcdwood, Sugar Pinc-RAIL
We can always supply Fir Columns and Drain Boarda from stock
Exclusive Southern California Agents E.
11 Kittens Initiated At Spokane
A. Grantham, vicegerent snark, presided at the Hoo l{oo llanquet and concatenation held at Spokane on February 4, the second day of the Western Pine convention. About 100 old cats attended and 11 kittens rvere initiated.
J. P. McGoodrick led the community singing at the banquet, and the evening was voted a rousing success.
Guy Toombes, assistant manager ofthe Davenport Hotel rvas made an honorary member.
Louisiana Firm Buys Washington Timber
,Golde'ndale. Wash., Feb. 5.-It is announced here that the Vernon-Parish Lumber Co., Inc., of Louisiana, has just completed purchase of 15,000 acres, containing about 200,000,000 feet of fine quality yellorv pine timber in Klickitat and Yakima counties.
Western Pine Manufacturers Elect Officers For 1926
The following officers rvere elected by the Western Pine l4anufacturers Association at their annual meeting held at Spokane, February 3 and 4: President, C. A. I3arton, Boise-Payette Lumber Co., Boise, Idaho; vice president, X{. Leuthold, Deer Park Lumber Co., Deer Park, Wash.; treasurer, H. K. Brooks, Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.. Bend, Oregon; secretary-manager, A. 'W. Cooper, Portland, Oregon.
Thomas Cotter A San Francisco Visitor
Thomas Cotter, well knorvn Pacific Coast lumbermar-r and formerly manager of the California & Oregon I-umber Co. at B,rookings, Oregon, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent several days calling on his many lumberman friends.He expects to leave shortly for the east where he will spend about a rnonth on business and on his return to California will locate at Eureka.
Harry E,. Morgan, general manager of the Whitney Co. of Garibaldi, C)regon, has returned north after spending fifteen days in California calling on the lumber trade and making a lumber survey of conditions throughout the state. He reDorts that he is much enthused with the conditions here Jnd that the prospects for a good year in California are excellent. He visited the San Francisco Bay, Los Angeles, Southern California, and Sacramento Valley Districts, and was accomltanied by B. W. Shipley, manager of the San Francisco office while in Northern California, and A. O. Nelson their:Los Angeles representative s,hile calling on the Southern California dealers.
That the building operations and industrial expansion of the San Francisco metropolitan area is on the increase. is shorvn by the follon.ing iomllarative statement of l>uildirrg permits.
The Diamond Match Company has purchased the yards of the Shasta Lumber Co. in Sutter and Yuba Counties located at Marysville, Wheatland, Sutter City, and,Honcut. E. E. Bryan and H. G. Cave will retire from the company u'hile all the other employees will be retained by the new management. With the completion of this transaction, the Diamond Match Co. are operating forty yards in California.