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2let and .A,lameda Str. - Lor Angeler, Calif.
Phone WErhnore 6131
Southern Californialumbermen To Play Golf
The Los Angeles l{oo Hoo Golf Committee has just announced interesting plans for a monster Golf Tournament and Stag Dinner Party, at the San Gabriel Country Club on the afternoon and evening of March fifth.
Frank Burnaby, head of the Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills, is the chairman of the committee this year and is introducing several new stunts that promise interesting entertainment for the boys.
These tournaments are oDen to a1l lumbermen. from all over the country, ancl are noi confine.l to Hoo Hoo members. In fact, the Southern California aggregation rvelcomes members of the fraternity from other sections of the state, a-nd the country.
Eighteen holes- of match play rvill constitute the tournament, arranged by a Handicap Committee. There rvill be eight prizes for the four flights, low gross and lorv net, and then some special silver trophies that are being donated by members of the committee, in addition to the plav-off for the silver'Jack Dionne Trophy,' won once by Frank Harris, at the last tournament.
In the evening they rvill hold a stag dinner and entertainment.
Chairman Frank states that full details rvill be issued in a ferv days and rvill be broadcast through the mails.
IJpon recommendation of President Elmer Crowley of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, the United States Shipping Board has sold to the Charles R. McCormick l.umber Company of San Francisco the six freighters now operated for the Government by Swayne & Hoyt in the Pacifii Coast to east coast of South America trade. Bids for the purchase of the fleet operating under the name of the Pacific-Argentine-Brazil Line, were opened in Washington on Jantary 7. Only trvo companies bid. Swayne & Hoyt,who now operate the fleet, offered approximately $46,000 a steamer, and the McCormick Company bid approximately $49,000 a ship. The McCormick Company, under the terms of the bid, promise to operate the vessels in the trade in which they are now engaged for a term of five years. The vessels involved in the sale are the West Camargo, West Cactus. West Notus, West Conob, West Gambo and the Hollywood. The. vessels are of'about 860O deadweight tons each.
The McCormick Company has arranged for a working agreement rvith the Munson Line in South America to handle the McCormick steamers on the Atlantic Coast and the McCormick Line will handle the Munson vessels on the Pacific Coast. The Munson Line has an old and well established organization throughout South America. Under the McCormick house flag the steamers will carry lumber ancl general cargo to South America.
San Francisco Lumber Shipments
Lumber shipments from Washington and Oregon into San Francisco harbor reached the highest mark on February 3 since July 9, 1923. The total amount of lumber coming into Sar.r Francisco harbor on that day was 8,342,000 feet and rvas handled in nine steamers. On July 9, 1923, a total of 9.976.000 feet arrived in San Francisco from Washington and Oregon.
During the month of January, a total of 67,656,000 feet arrived in San Francisco from all sources. This is a decided falling off r.vhen compared to December, 1925, the total shipments for that month amounting to 79,899,Ufi, a clifference of 12.243.O00 feet betrveen the trvo months. The January shipments were divided as follows; Washington and Oregon, 38,664,000 feet; from interior points, 15.000,000 feet; and from California ports, 13,992,000 feet.
Dealer after dealer has made Bettq
Constructian profitable Instead of permit ting thd owner to slight lumber qual, ity, he has sold the owner on three things: l-Good lumber costs slightty more than inferior lumber.
Z-Tlrat slight cost rneans less depreciation -better investment.
Retaillumber dealer visitors to Long-Bell manufacturing plants at Longview,'Wash., have been impressed
They have commented freely to us on the evident idependability of all madern equtp-
They have shown genuine interest in the efficient operation of the kilns
They have witnessed the skill and eficiency of Long-8e11 men
No wonder, theyoften say, that Long-8e11 ffade-marked Douglas Fir so regulnrlymeets a dealer's expectations . . . the combination of equipment, skill, expert supervision and high standards assures such results
'We seek the dealer's own opinion . . . you be the judge!
3-It reduces repair costs to a minimum.
Sell Better Constnrction!