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Year's Building Permits
Los Angeles county during 1925 expended in building $2O7,311,638; a sum which exceeds by nearly $3,000,000 the combined totals of all other leading Pacific Coast cities, namely, San Francisco with $50,392,793; Oakland, $39,176,- 313; Portland, $38,476,335; Seattle, $30,626,995 ; Sacramento, $1 1,344,077 ; Berkeley, 910,058,729 ; T acoma, 99,633,7 46, and Spokane with $4,366,856, a total for these eight cities ol $204,368,232. The total building permit issue in Los Angeles alone amounted for the year to $152,646,436, compared to $150,147,516 during 1924. The Los Angeles county figures do not take into account the building that is done in the county outside of incorporated cities, which would add considerably to the annual expenditure.
Tacoma Mill Burns
Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 3.-Fire of unknown origin destroyed the lumber mill of Ernest Dolge, Inc., tonight. The loss is estimated at $130,000. Prompt action by firemen and a fireboat prevented the fire from spreading to other mills adjoining. Seventy men were employed.