1 minute read
These national publications are "selling" Ldminex doors to your customers
TUST as the Laminex process of building a tf door was a revolutionary advance in manufacturins. so is the Laminex policv of advertising andlmerchandising that door a mighty f.aEtor in aiding merchants to quicken their tufnover.
"Well bought is half sold "accordingto a conceded tenel of successful merchandising. In other words: The merchant who buys nationallv advertised. widelv known products like Laiainex, has his stoclihalf sold^when taking delivery.
It is not unusual for progressive lumbermen to turn their stocks of Laminex on afl averaee of every sixty days-an achievement #ftictt couli hardiv be possible without the powerful force and'prestige of. national advert1s1ng.
The number of Laminex advertisements being published this year is 2r,639,563, The wideipread coverage of this- ialional force coupled with the fact that the advertisements are in large space and unusually dramatic, is having a telling Lffect. Progressive door iobbers in aTl prtts oT the United-States distribute Laminexdoors in popular designs with vertical $ain stiles aid^rails, or 6ll {lat grain. Writefor name of your nearest Laminex iobber. Send for "helpyou-sell" plan. And let us mail you a sampld piece of Liminex to test. Sales .Ofices: New York, Chtcag,o, Memphis, Los Angeles, San Francisco,Spokane. Foreign: Wolo Door Co., London;-E. J. Van de Ven, Paris; Paul Solari & Co., Genoa.