1 minute read
And in Florida-
Perhaps you'ye heard the story about the Florida man who waa away from home, and talking enthusiastiolly about his State, its boom, ita prosperity, its values, prices. Everythit g waE marselous, and extraordinary.
"Would you believe it" he said "l sold a dog in Floridalast week for twenty thousand dollars.
"What? Cash?" he was asked.
"Nott, he said, ttbut I got two goodten thousand dollar cats for him".
"The timo has come when the lumber industry should go intelligently and aggressively about thework of holding the markets it now has, gaining new markets, to which it is entitled on its merits, and developing them to the limit, and finding new specific uses for each species. There is a right wood for every use; there is a right use for every wood."