3 minute read
Program Twenty-Third Annual Institute Western Retail Lumbermen's Association
Portland, Oregon, Multnomah Hotel
February 18, 19, 20, 1926
Morning-Wednesday lTth
10:00 A, M. Meeting Advisory Committee, Western Lumbermen's Inter-Insurance Exchange, Mezzanine floor, Multnomah Hotel. Room A.
Afternoon-Wednesday lTth
2:00 P. M. Meeting Directors, \Mestern Retail Lumbermen's Association, Mezzanine floor, Multnomah Hotel, Room A.
Morning Session-Thursday lSth lO:00 A. M. Music-Portland Hoo-Hoo Quartet.
Invocation-Rev. E. L. Pence, D. D.-Pastor Westminster Presbyterian Church, Portland, Oregon.
Address of Welcome-Hon. George Baker, Mayor of Portland.
Response to Address of Welcome-Mr. B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, Calif.
President's Address-Mr. Herbert A. Templeton, Portland, Ore.
Secy-Treas. Report-Mr. A. L. Porter, Spokane, Wash.
Report of the Auditing Committee.
"Business Getting Methods"-Mr. C. D. Hudson, Exchange Lbr. & Mfg. Co., Spokane, Wash.; Mr. Harry L. Potter, Portland, Ore.
Appointment of Committees, Nominations, Resolutions, 1927 In; stitute.
2:00 P. M. Music-Portland Hoo-Hoo Quartet.
"Certified Materials"-Mr. F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno. Calif.
"\Mhy a Home Should be Built of Wood'-Prof. Earl Jay Glade, of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
"Cost Accounting"-14r. C. W. Gamble, Boise Fayette Lumber Co., Boise, Idaho; Mr. W. C. Deering, John Dower Lumber Co., Tacoma. Wash, Evening-Thursday 18th
8:fi) P. M.All Delegates and their ladies will be the guests of the Portland Entertainment Committee at the concert of the Apollo Club (Male Chorus) at the Portland Auditorium.
Morning Session-Friday l9th
10:00 A. M. Music-Portland Hoo-Hoo Quartet.
"Who Will Carry the Stock, Manufacturer or Retailer?"-Mr. C. H. Watzek, Crossett & Western Lumber Co., Wauna, Oregon.
"New American Standards"-llf1. Roy F. Morse, Mgr. Long Bell Lumber Co., Longview, Wash.
"Economic Lumber Utilization"-Mr. A.H. Landram, Sales Manager, St. Paul & Tacoma Lbr. Co., Tacoma.
QUESTION BOX-Mr. Geo. Gerlinger, for the Manufacturers, 4t. II. J. Anderson for the Wholesalers, and Mr. James S. Taylor for the Retailers.
Afternoon Session-Friday 19th
2:00 P. M. Music-Portland Hoo-Hoo Quartette.
"$_!ip_p!gg What is Ordered and Invoiced"-llt1. E. M. Sybert, A. W. Miles Lumber & Coal Co., Livingston, Mont.
"Grade & Trade Marking," Manufacturers' National Advertising- Mr. J. D. Tennant, Vice-Pres. Long Bell Lbr. Co., Longview, Wash.
"What Price Distribution"-Mr. Roy A. Dailey, Mgr. North Coast District, National American Wholesale Association.
Friday Evening-l9th
8:00 P. M. Hoo-Hoo Concatenation.
Theatre Party for the Ladies.
Morning Session-Saturday 20th
10:00 A. M. Music-Portland Hoo-Hoo Quartet.
_'Why Sidelines"-Mr. Robert Anderson, Gin. Mgr. Anderson & Sons, Logan, Utah.
__."Sorne Things We Are Apt to Forget"-Mr. R. M. Graham, Vice-Pres. Monarch Lumber Co., Great Fals, Mont.
"The Human Relationship in Business"-Mr. O.F. Gardner, Great Northern Lbr, Co., Lelvenworth, Wn.
Opgn Forum-General Discussion and Review of Various Ques- tions broqght up at the Institute and others which our members-may wish to discuss.
Reports of Committees, Adjournment.
Evening-Saturday 2fth
7:00 P. M. Dinner and Dance-Multnomah Hotcl-Secure tickets when you register.
Verticd Grail Flooring
Stepping " tt Finish " " Shop
Random "?tn Ceiling Flooring 'r', 'r', DroP siding Shop
Casing Base
Sitka Spruce

Bevel Sidins
Bungalow Siding
Factory Lumber
Box Lurnber l.adder Stock
Drain Boarde
Our Lumber is not Cheap, neither is our Quality or Service
Causes and Losses by Fire in California Planing Mills
The following interesting figures, showing the cause and amount of loss by fire, in planing mills in California, last year, are from Mr. Tad W. Jacobs, Los Angeles manager for the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association, writers of Workmen's Compensation Insurance. These figures are taken from figures submitted by all carriers.
The Mother of "King Water"
Because of its beneficent influence through irrigation and hydro-electric power in developing new homes and industries of great western regions, it has often been said that water is King of the West.
It follows, then, that the Queen Regent, mother of King Water, is the forest on the highest mountainside where our western streams are born.
Pour a glass of water on a sloping piece of tin. Notice how the water rushes down the side in a flood. Cover the tin with a large desk blotter and repeat the experiment. The water is held by the blotter and trickles ofi slowly.
The forested hillside, or Nature's blotter, is a natural reservoir. ft receives the rain and snow, and gives it out little by little in the form of steady streamflow. Water falling on a barren hillside rushes off in a flood, carrying with it soil, rocks, and debris. This erosion clogs reservoirs and irrigation ditches, damages electric power plants, pollutes home drinking water, and at times even hinders navigation.
So it is seen that watershed protection is a very important part of forestry; also, that young tree growth and underbrush which has no value for timber or recreation. mav still play a very important part in watershed protection, as is well illustrated in the mountains of California.
A striking object lesson of the results of forest destruction may be found in the barren hills, once forested, of China, Southeastern Europe, and Asia Minor, and their relation to the famine, floods, and destitution of those regions.
For 18 Yean ..CHICKASAW BRAND" OAK FLOORING har becn a rtandard of Grade--Quality-Manuf acture
Manufactrned By
Indestructible Redwood
We have prepared a folder on "Why you should use Redwood in Your Home" containing a reprint of the artiele "lndestructible Redwood" which appeared in the M"y | 9th issue of Literary Digest, together with sample pages and description of our booklet "Redwood Home Plans." A supply of theee folders for free distribution will be gladly sent you on request. Write for them.