2 minute read
Hipolito's New Offices
The nerv offices just occupied by the Hipolito Company, Los Angeles, are a revelation in effrciency and general upto-dateness, both in arrangement and appearance. One of the noticeable features of the layout is the ease with which important department heads may be reached and the open ofifices of the two partners, lI. L. and L. M. Rosenberg. The offices are located directly across the street from their main factory and plant. The rapidly increasirrg volume of business of the company necessitated giving up the office space formerly contained rvithin the factory walls, the ne'w arrang'ement permitting expansion of the factory proper rvithout enlargement of the building and further permitting the expansion of their lumber storage yards
The offices themselves are finished in Upson Board for rvhich the Hipolito Company are distributors, the woodwork being Philippine Mahogany colored to a medium Walnut. The large general office shorvn in the picture gives some idea of the spaciousness of these quarters. Directly back of the Rosenberg Brothers' desks is a private conference room which occupies the corner of the building-a delightful, sunny, comfortable room.
Sufficient space has been secured in the new building to adequately house all on hand stocks and permit of the rapid filling of orders for city and suburban delivery. Arrangements are being completed to take further advantagc of the new ldyout of offices so that all carload orders may be loaded with even less handling than was heretofore necessary.
The forethought of the proprietors in the planning and arrangement of these offices is indicated by the installation of a thoroughly modern rest room for the women employed in the office, which includes attractive furniture, lounges,. etc.
Space in the old plant formerly occupied by the offices, as well as the old garage building, has all been turned into productive uses. Under the new arrangement it will be possible for the Hipolito Company to more than quadruple its lumber storage space and at the same time greatly increase the daily output of finished screen doors and rvindow screens.
San Diego's Snark
Here is a splendid likeness of Homer H. Miller, Vicegerent Snark of the San Diego Hoo-lloo.
Rather late to be publishing a picture of Homer as he has been in office since last September, but those that know the genial good-looking gentleman will appreciate thatit has taken this long to get him cornered for a sitting. It was through the combined efforts of three photographers, a special representative of this publication, and the entire San Diego police force, that Homer was induced to stand, in the sun, and have the 'shot' made. This was during the recent convention of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Association.
Note; Police Gazette and other journals haz'e full permission to rebrint.
West Oregon Mill Is Again In Full Operation
Attention is drawn to the full page advertisement of the West Oregon Lumber Company of Linnton, Oregon, on plge 2 of this issue. This mill is now in full operation again after almost seven months of a shut-down due to the disastrous fire last July, when the dry kilns, dry sorter and planing mill were completely destroyed.

The new planing mill is the last word in modern construction, and is 180x2@ feet, and 54 feet high. Twelve new fir.eproof_ d1f \r_l1s replace those burned down, and the big mill with its 250,000 feet capacity in eight hours is again turning out the West Oregon Super Finish for which Jt is so justly famous.
Recommend Triple-Sheath Building Paper to resist dampnessrecommend it-to build up your business. It will prove absolutely satisfactory to the owner.