3 minute read
The California Coast Redwood Belt
Thousands of travelers have pronounced the California Redwood Highway to be one of the remarkable scenic routes of the world.
The Sequoia sempervirens (Redwood) is found in its native state nowhere except along this narrow fringe on the California coast. Its companion species, the Sequoia gigantea (big tree), found only in the Sierra, has been extensively preserved in national parks and national forests. But except for the California State Redwood Park in the Big Basin and Muir Woods, none of the best of the virgin Redwood forests had been preserved before the organization of the Save-the-Redwoods League in 1918.
In Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, where the woods reach their very finest form, the League has successful in preserving park areas extending over 15 along the Redwood Highrvay and comprising almost acres.
Facts About the Redwoods
Redbeen miles 3000
Length of belt .450 miles
Average rvidth ..20 miles
Original stand of redwood .1,406,393 acres
Area cut over to January I, 1926 525,000 acres
Remaining stand of virgin Redwoods .881,393 acres
Present rate of cutting, per year .10,000 acres
Estimated life of remaining stand . ... .80-100 yeais
If not preserved, many of the finest groves along the Redwood Highway will be gone in the next ten years.
Redwoods Preserved
State parks:
California State Redr,vood Park (1901-1918) . . . .9,000 acres
Humboldt and Del Norte State Redwood Parks (rgre-1926)
Paul Dimmick Grove, Mendocino County .13 acres
Gift of Little River Redwood Co. .. .112 acres
National Monument:
I\{uir Woods (gift of William Kent) (1908) ...437 acres
County Parks:
Sonoma County (Armstrong Woods) ..495 acres
San Mateo County (McCormick Tract) (1923) .310 acres
City Parks:
40 acres
40 acres
Oakland (1923) 180 acres
Total Preserved by p"iii.' :..........:.......13,597 acres
Private Parks :
Bohemian Grove( Sonoma County) .840 acres
Shriners' Grove (San Mateo County) .1,640 acres
N. S. G. W. Grove (San Mateo County) (1925). ..75 acres
It will thus be seen that outof a total remaining stand of 881,393 acres of virgin Redwood forest there has thus far been preserved by the public 13,597 acres, or abo::,l' l/z per cent. There are yet many miles of Redrvood Highway, the scenic attractions of which should be preserved.-Save the Redrvoods League.
1925 Totals Released
The water borne movement of lumber into Southern California ports in 1925 amounted to 1,600,000,000 feet, as compared with 1,576,705,000 feet in 1924. More than 80 per cent of the amount was discharged at Los Angeles Harbor.
Improvements Tola Mesa Yard
Mr. Frank Park of the Park Lumber Company, La has just completed extensive improvements to his in ttre way of new office buildings, finish sheds, etc.
Mesa, plant
Pulpwood Product Statistics
Print paper is made from pulp wood.
According to the best figures available, the print paper consumption of the United States is 52 pounds annually for each man, woman, and child, living in this country.
The total consumption of pulp wood products of all kinds is 170 pounds for every human in the country.
The production of news print, made from-wood pulp, has increased from 913,000 tons in 1904 to 3,000,000 tons in 1925, and will probably exceed 3,600,000 tons in 1926.
The American forests furnish the trees to make all this huge amount of paper.
In the United States 33,000,000 papers are printed every dayon news print. These papers average 1,000,000,000 pages daily, and 2,000,000,000 pages on Sunday.
So here is another tremendous work that the American forests must carry on. Notonly must they furnish the lumber and shirlgles to build the homes of the nation, but they must furnish the wood for pulp for this great cornerstone of civilization, the daily newspaper.

Truly these are two wonderful functions that our forests perform.
Good Roads
We see in glaring headlines
As we scan the morning pr\s, Another good roads banquet, Was a huge and grand succes
Seven hundred boosters
In their swallow-tails were there]
The corks were popping loudly,
And the eats were free as air.
But a pair of sunburned huskies
And a double pair of mules, With a scraper and road drag
And the necessary tools, Can build more miles of. hig\*ay
In a day, and do it good, Than half a thousand fat men
At a banquet ever could.
Hayward Suffers Fire Loss
The Los Angeles yard ofthe Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, on San Fernando road, was damaged by fire to the extent of $200,000 on January 28th.
Excerpt from Address by H. G. Uhl at \llest Virginia Dealers Association Mee ing
"But the wheels are turning toward a better era. The lumber industry is finding itself and realizes that it does not have to continue to struggle up-hill, but can work on the same level with its competitors through the close cooperation of its various branches and application of sound merchandising principles. Competition is opposition. Some one has said 'opposition is the physical culture of determination.' It would seem that this expression can be well applied to the present feeling within the lumber industry. The opposition so far has had comparatively easy going in assailing our markets, but the future, we believe, will tell another story; lumbermen are "on their toes." An energetic trade extension campaign is to have its day."
607 Pacific-Southwert Bank Btdg.