1 minute read
The Federal Forest Experiment Stations
An appreciation of forest research in the United States has developed rapidly in the last few years, particularly as the larger timberland owners and operators have begun to realize that the disposal of their cut-over lands is not a simple undertaking and because they have come to realize that when the present old growth stands are gone there are no new sources of supply readily available. To this must be added the realization that forest crops may be grown on idle lands while the old growth forests are being harvested.
This awakening has caused a large demand for information on the rate of growth of forests and the manrter in which they must be managed if the forest industries are to be stabilized and placed on a permanent basis. To meet this demand for information as to how much forest lands are capable of producing, whether they should be planted or whether natural reproduction may be relied upon to fur-
nish the necessary second crop, what protective measures are necessary to safeguard this crop from destruction by such agencies as fire, insects, and diseases is the main purpose of the forest experiment stations. In answering these questions the forest experiment stations are keeping in mind not alone the problems of how to get and keep the lands productive but also how to get it fully productive in the shortest possible time anC at the lowest possible cost.
Le Roy Goodrich Talks On Oakland Waterfront Development
LeRoy Goodrich, Commissioner of Public Works, Oakland, was the speaker of the day at the regular luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, held at the Palace Hotel, Thursday, January 28. R. O. Wilson was chairman of the day. Several excellent musical numbers were rendered by the Misses Watson and Shannon.
To arrange for appropriate exercises for Arbor Da1-, Vicegerent Snark Fred Roth appointed the following committee: R. A. lf iscox, F. Trower, Frank Harris, J. H. McCallum, Rod Hendrickson and Milton Hendrickson.
In the absence of Harry Gaetjen, i:hairman of the dinner dance committee, J. E. Martin announced that the committee had selected February 25 as the date of the dance. The dinner dance will be held in the Terrace Ball Room, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisccl. The committee are arranging for an excellent entertainment and music for dancing will be furnished by a seven-piece orcheStra.
President John McCabe announced that the meeting on February 11 will be designated as th.e "Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. Day".J. Walter Kelly will act as chairman of the day at this meeting.