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Domestic and Philippine Hardrrtood Panels-
E HAVE supplemented our activities in the production and manufacture of Philippine hardwoods with complete and well assorted stocks of domestic hardwood panels and our large plantat Los Angeles has been rearranged with the best thought in view for the production of domestic panels.
With this source of supply of domestic panels available, the problem of delayed shipments from distant points is eliminated. IDTe are securing our veneers from the best mills of the country, hardwood cores will come from the Philippine Islands andthe lJnited States, and only the best glues obtainable will be used. !7ith our planr equipped with machinery of the very latest designs, we are in a position to manufacture panels of thevery finest quality.
We will feature particularly 'S(/alnut Panels, which can be supplied in the various designs specifred, on short notice.
And we will continue to furnish everything in Philippine Hardwoods as heretofore, whether your fequirements call for Rough Lumber, Panels, Doors or Interior Trim. Our Philippine Hardwood trees are cut from ouf own timber concessions, sawn in our ownmills, handled onour own docks, and manufactured into the finishedproducts at our Los Angeles plant.
Suffrcient srocks of Domestic and Philippine Hardwood Panels will be carried to meet the normal requirements of the trade from which prompt shipments can be made.