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How Lumber Looks

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Dowlar Fir Cargo. Many of the mills in the Northwert ;;ttfr down o*i-ns to weather conditionr. 'The curtail' nent of lunber production lince tte fue! of Febrrrary ir re' ;tt;J t" b" ablut 4O per cent. Tlre lo-g cur'tailment for ih" fir"t hdf of Februarv is estimated to be 75 Per centlogr are extremely lcarce. Many of -tbe lpsgqs camps wtll i"iU" able to ""1*" operationl before March 1 owing -to th;;;t* and it is generally drdentood that aome mills may have to clore due to a log shortag-e-.

ihe mills report conciderable special i.qo,ty. Comrnonr have advan""d $t.OO. Clears are etill etrong and lo-me iteme are difficult to get. The mille report that the Middle Wect businers is good. It ic hard to get protection on !pe' cialr dtre to curtailment.

The California market showed conriderable improvement during the rnonth of Januaryr -lnd has continued rtrong "it""Ihu fir* of February. Unrold stockr at San Pedro con' iit; l; be reduced--ot F"b"oary 13 it war reported that these stockr totaled 1o,728 M feet.

The Douslas fir raii market ir very strong and further advancec are looked for. --D;"st"" fir cargo arivals at San Pedro for the month of f""-*d i"taled Oi,SgC M feet. Redwood shipments at thir port for January amounted to 4r7-62-M feet. - Slir.gleu are -reported to be a little rtfongen The lath market rhowr no change. +a

Redwood. The volume t&E of ralea ir holding uP well and


A. J. "Gus" Russell, head of the Santa Fe Lumber Co', San Francisco is on a ten-day business trip to the Northwest, and expects to be back in San Francisco, February 18.

While in Portland he will confer with the Central Coal & Coke Co., manufacturers of 4C lumber products, for which the Santa Fe Lumber Co. are exclusive rail representatives in California and Arizona'

Tommytomlinson In Los Angeles

Tommy Tomlinson of the San Francisco office of MacDonald & Harrington recently spent a few days in Los Angeles.


E. A. Howard, San Francisco Hardwood lumberman was a recent Los Angeles visitor.

January war the bert month in two years with rnort of the -iUi. -St""f" io to-" "i"o .t ratisfactory, br$ gencrdlv soeakins mill rtocke are badly broken' There ir conuder"[f" .ti"it-.ii;" tU. industry, and a numbet of rnillr are U"i"s "h"t down for an indefini!9 p€ni94' --EiUf""r.l, mitu and Sugar Pine. The marhet ir atrong n "rf?ii"i. Thd;" gi"a volume of business and the ;;A;"ii;;-rg2g looks veiv good. Stockr at the millr ere badly broken.at&*'*

Detailed eoftwood and hardwood statietics for tte Grat nr" -*""f.i * tgZg b*.a on lhe reporting mills.of -the iecional arsociations, according to the- report-oftlre Natio-nal Lumber Manufacturers Association of rebruary " are a! followr:

We* Coast Lumbermen'r A$ociation' Produ*ron' i!.!1 fgf M feet; Shipments, 695,000 M feet; Orderr, 818'735 M feet.

Californb White & SWar Pine Asso-ciation' Production' zzlggd ii-f."i; Sh'p-.ttit,113,423 M feet; Orders' 113'38O M feet.

Califomia Redwood Association' Production, -3-21094 M fJillptt"it"'-32,586 M feet; Ordera, fAt!!Z-![ {e9t-' '--$;th;-Fine Arsociation. Production, ??9:?7O M feet; Shlp*;;;-333,1o8 M feet; Ord'ers, 338'586 U f:"!' - - - -."f;J-ilJ*bod -otement' *oductioq' ?1?'119- M f.J; Shiptr.ii, zn,zgl M feet; orders, 2s7,592 M feet'

PORTLAND LUMBERMAN VISITS BAY DISTRICT - W; H: (;Big Attdy") Ange-rson,.wholesale lumberman "f iotir""a, reJently 'spe"t a" few days- in San Fraqcisco i;"kfi ;;;i i"t"l". .ott,litiottt and conferring with Gritzmacher & Gunton. '-A;;; it oit"" referred to as the biggest lttmberman irr p.rtiiia,"""Jliti" is probablv true aJle is 6 ft' 5 in' in t."inftt.'*.[ttt 23$lbs.i and is splendidly proportioned' .He o*Et hi. fiie physique partly to- his Jondness for rowtng' tr""1"g been very pio-ittetti in Northwest rowing circles tt"?TtofSt:t;nt of the Portland Rowing. club, and although hi has given up racing is still an active oarsman'

Vic Dimmick Back From San Francisco

Vic Dimmick, Los Angeles representative for the AutoEvans Loading Companly, Inc., who have rec-e-ntly- PYi- .-h;;lIt" w.-1. Corirad'white cedar mill at Marshfreld' Oi.lo", has reiurned froma short business trip to San I;r:rnCisco.

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