1 minute read
(Dn the Brrilding
Lumber may be rightfully expected to play a rcal p^rt in the construction activities of. 1929. Upon the retail lumber dealer depends the degree to which lumber is utilized in thefuture building progress of his respective community.
Better construction isfast becoming a reality. Architect, contractor, builder and owner are today cognizant of the final economy in quality materials. They are demanding in the case of lumber, grades that are well manufactured, well dried and furnished as to specification. And again ontheretail lumber dealer rests the responsibility of maintaining lumber srocks that will contribute to the full needs of better consrrucrion.
Vhen you buy from Flammonds, you have made the first step towards quality in lumber, for quality goes hand-in-hand with Hammond products. And there is 60 million feet of lumber, in all grades and sizes always in stock ar Hammond distributing yards. That surely means quality and service