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(Continued from Page 6.)

money we balance the books down there within his first term of office.

You CAN create r,rrnu"lo*r*r, with advertising. Wise and courageous men are proving it every day. It's only the reactionary and the laggard who says it can't be done. I know a big Southern manufacturer of hardwoods. The promotion manager decided that the trade needed a new special grade he had in mind. So he began advertising "fifty per cent clear Gum." Put considerable money and effort into the campaign. At the end of nine months they had never got a single "bite" on their campaign. The president of the firm came to the trade promotion manager and protested. But he kept on. In the second year came a wave of demand for this new item. Today, three years later, they cannot supply their uniform demand for this item. They have to go out and buy plenty of it to supply their trade. And their competitors had to begin making it. Advertising created that business 100 per cent.

Speaking of advertisi"r:;r"."re things popping in national advertising (not lumber) that are attracting national attention. The big one is the campaign of cigarettes versus sweets that is being waged so merrily at many thousands per page in the big national consutner magazines. The fellows who "reach for a cigarette instead of a sweet" have roused the candy manufacturers to fight for existence. It will be worth seeing.

The other day I talked to the President of the American Bakers' Association. I asked him what bread proposes to do, with everyore attacking it in this day of reducing and dieting, and with the old staff of life blue penciled from every menu. I wondered if bread is going to publicly defend itself. He said it was-alittle later. They have some things to iron out first, but they are working on them, and they hope to give the public the bread's side of the diet argument in big type some of these days, and not remain forever the football of the diet faddists. THAT will be interesting to watch, too, and a large part of the sporting American public will be the old staff of life.

This bread president said that there are three negative enemies attacking bread. They are Food Hobbiests, Food Fakirs and the Reducing Complex. But these are not the big enemies of bread, he said. The three big enemies of the Staff of Life are positive ones, namely: First, people do so much less work than they used to that they don't use the stout and wholesome food they used to; there is a much greater variety of food offered these days than a Beneration ago t'nat bread has great comp€tition; and last, people have more money to buy food with and don't have to stick to the cheap and wholesome bread like they used to do' There's food for thought there, don't you think?

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