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Pacific National Takes Over Brown & Derry
L. E. Kunkler, Owner atrd General Manager of the Pacific National Lumber Company, Los Angeles, states that his firm has just taken over the complete lumber yard of the Brown and Derry Lumber Companylvhich adjoins the Pacific National yard, at 2059 East 51st Street, thereby tripling the amount of space.at that location.
The merger includes the Sugar and White Pine accounts, all Softwoods and Panels, which will be handled in conjunction with the general Hardrvood business, in operation since the first of last year.
By Cartwright, formerly of E. J. Stanton & Son; P..H. 'Winsor, formerly of Brown and Derry Lumber Company; and W. R. Jones, formerly of the Hammond Lumber Company, who are all well known lumbermen in the Los Angeles territory, are connected lvith the sales department of the Pacific National Lumber Company and rvill represent the firmin this district.
Mr. Kunkler states that with their orvn trucks and equipment the Company is able to give the kind of service which is essential this day and time.
Arizona Lumbermen to
R. V. Baker, Secretary of the Lumbermen's club of/
San Francisco Hoo Hoo to Meet February 28
The San Francisco Industries Club Hoo Hoo No. 9 u'ill hold their next meeting at 6:30 P.M. on the evening of February 28, at the Elks Club, San Francisco. Paul Foster, Foster Bros. Inc., will be in charge of the meeting. A fine program has been arranged for, rvhich rvill also include an excellent entertainment, and a large gathering of the Bay District lumbermen are expected to attend.
The San Francisco Club, under the leadership of President Fred Roth, is a very active otganization and are holding some very intereSting and rvell attended meetings. Ttie Club meets once a morlth and all lumbermen, especially lumbermen visiting in the Bay District, are invited to attend these meetings.
Arizona, announces thatthe 12th Annual Convention of J Andrerv McNair of the McKinnon-McNair Lumber that organization rvill be helcl at Douglas, Arizona, ou7 Company, St. Ilelena, Cal., has recently been re-elected Mav 17.18 and 19. - President of the Chamber of Commerce of that city.